Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by tribaloverkill, 3 Jun 2007.

  1. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    OH SHIAT! Damn,.... uhhhh, I would like to retire from using machines improperly but at this time I have to,... kind of. I dont have to but my urges to make better and cooler stuff pushes me to do it. Yea. :eyebrow:
  2. Qhs

    Qhs µ modder

    24 Sep 2007
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    Wow those resealable reses look GREAT!

    I'll order one when I start me next build in like '09. By that time it'll probably be made by AC Ryan.

    Looking good :)
  3. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    I'm going to be using these for customs too,... they truly are nice. Rock solid.
  4. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    You should tell ACRyan to sell those with a little bit of acrylic tubing, so the buyer can make his own SpinFX easier. I've worked long enough as an underpaid plumber to give your design a thumbs up.:thumb:
  5. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    First,... working on a logo. What you think of this? There's something else I want to do before I decide.

    Now,... here's somehing I started but didnt finish yet. An o-ring disc. This one is metal, obviously. I want to make some acrylic ones and then maybe try the metal one again. I'm not happy with it.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    OI! Whats this?!?!

    HOLY S@#$! I'm mean,... seriously. DAMN! When I ordered it online it just didnt dawn on me how big this thing is!!! I knew it was an 8" vise but,... well, its the 83lbs that I wasn't expecting! YES,... this thing weighs 83lbs! Thats more then half my own weight! I cant use this with my drill press. I think its weighs about as much as my drill press does. Hmmm,...

    So lets get a new drill press!

    Holy HELL!!! LOL.

    Building a support platform so it doesnt fall over and crushes little me,...

    LOL,... it's a street lamp post,... damn.

    Almost done!

    New chuck next to the old one,... lol. Wow.

    Ok,... done. The vise you see in teh pic is a new one. It's a 6" vise thats weighs in at 66lbs. The next one down is 3" that weighs 17lbs. I bought these from Let me tell you,... they are friggin awesome! I actaully went to their facility to pick this thing up becuse I needed it like,... now. You have no IDEA how big that place is!! I stepped inside and was literally like,... "Holy SHIAT!". The guy there laughed and was like yea,.. it's endless. This place was so huge. Would take several minutes to walk from one end to the other! There were conveyer mounted up way off the ground moving stuff around,... their ceiling fans had blades that look as if they came off a helicopter!!! HUGE! Everything was huge! And clean as hell too! They have their S@#$ together in there!! Thats why their so fast! I called them up about replacing the vise with a smaller one. She said which one you want? I said the 6". She said it will be about an hour. just bring it back. I was there in 40 minutes and there it was! They took it back and that was that! I love em!!!

    Friggin laser beams,...

    I love this vise.

    Spent about an hour aligning the laser so its dead on. The one thing I dont like about the laser is that its not a true cross. It's hard to line it up on the Y axis I think. The axis to and from the drill. Oh well.

    Lets try it! I got a 11.8mm drill bits for my G1/4 threading. I modded it so I can bore with it. No bit stepping. Works great!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Old belts.

    New belts. LOL. They are twice the size!!

    Ok,... these are for the custom reservoirs I am working on. I decided to use the new style for them to help promote the new style of liquidEvo reservoirs. It's spinning so smoothly thats if you stepp back from it,... it doesnt look like its turning at all. This is 1480RPM.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You see,... thats spinning.

    Thats just yummy looking.

    Ok. Almost done. Time to cut the lip and then cut the o-ring groove.

    Groove time. This is a Lathe bit blank I bought off of mcmaster-carr that I ground down to work as my groove cutter. Its doesnt work as good as I wanted. I have to play around with it. It's shape has a purpose.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    These are pretty much done. I want to try and sand and polish them. See how it turns out. As you are reading this,... I am already on my way back to the studio. I called out and I have off tomorrow night. I want everything except shields done by then.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. Qhs

    Qhs µ modder

    24 Sep 2007
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    Holy smokes! Those new toys are HUGE!
  7. B[x]

    B[x] What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2006
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    Nice work, as always.

    I've always had good dealings with McMaster's shipping. One day I'll take a trip up to their NJ warehouse. It's only about an hour away but their shipping is so fast and I'm not in a huge rush so I haven't bothered.
  8. theAlien

    theAlien I know what a Dremel is....

    20 Aug 2007
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    you got some nice new tools there ........... :thumb:

  9. headala

    headala What's a Dremel?

    9 Oct 2005
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    A friggin laser. It must have cost.......[/touches lip with pinkie] MILLION dollars.

    What did all of that run you?
  10. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Aaahh. You're cutting contours with the lathe bit. I was looking around for a chunk of metal I could do that with. I was even thinking of putting a machete in the vise.:nono:
    Hell of a vise you picked up. When can we expect the Tribal waterblock?
  11. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    LOL,.... a machete? The file in the vise was,..... ok. Would of been better to just hold it in your hand and eyeball it but a machete??? Your nuts. I have an idea,... how about you buy a $5 lathe bit from Thats a good idea. Umm,.... i want to pound out these reservoirs for DarthBeavis, Qhs, and ACRyan first. Then maybe do some work on blackout,... myabe then I will attempt making my own block:) I just wish I had CNC to do it:( Oh well.

    Update in two sec's,... OH the new toys cost about $600,...
  12. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Small early update. I'm going tback right after I post this,...

    Sanded. 400grit. I like the way they look here,...

    Nice dusted finish,...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But because I know you guyz want polished,.... here you go.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Some eye candy,... DangerDen and Koolance fittings. Those are all 1/2" fittings. They are nicely spaced. I am happy. These things came out nice.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Going to cut the new bodies for the custom res's when I get back. After that I am going to attempt to make my own acyrlic plugs. After im done making one plug, I am going to assemble the FX's. OH WAIT! I have to make new prop's first. Damn! I have to make the props before I cut the bodies! Hmmm. Oh well. I got some 1/16" acrylic for the new props. Its awesome. Very thin and flexible but hot damn its strong! Going to play around with it and see what I can do. More pics later,...
  13. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I wasn't actually going to do it. I was just looking around for some decent steel to make a custom bit with...
  14. razzta010

    razzta010 mod addict

    9 Aug 2007
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    I love that new tools. Pls, don´t post more pics of them or I feel like buying all of it too ... I guess I can´t control myself ... :D

    Really impressed about your skills ... as usual. I never get bored about that!
  15. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Damn,... what a night. I didnt really get anything done but at the same time I got a lot done:) Last night I was just playing around designing my own LED plugs. Check it out,...


    Ok,... this is where I started but did not end. At this point I'm just trying out different things. Trying to figure stuff out. Goign to drill a,... I believe its a 3/16" hole down the center.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now I'm goign to tap the hole with a 10-32 tap. Going to turn it by hand. I just want to start the tap, not go all the way. The press shaft is spring loaded so it will be hard to do this. But atleast it will be fairly straight.

    Took a the belt off so it spins freely.

    Done. I tap this by hand. You see the threads towards the top? Thats how well the drill press thing worked. HA. It works better with larger taps.

    10-32 rod I cut down.

    install rod.

    Install piece into press. NOW,... I'm going to cut the top of this acrylic cylinder down so that it will fit into the chuck itself.

    Like this.

    Trimmed and straight as hell. God I love this.

    Faced the bottom.

    This is a decent cut.

    Modified my cut off bit. Notice all the angles. Very important. Still not perfect but it work very good.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    S@#$! What happened!!! Damn,... I cut it down to 4.8" and thats to small for threading. Oh well. Lets do it again.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ok,... here we are again. This time it's at .5"

    Much better.

    Trimed down.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now,... I need this to cut the other side of the plug.

    So cool.

    Screw the plug into it and then,...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I cut that new piece into its shape. I can now flip it around and cut the other side the plug.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    NOW! Screw all that you just read/ saw. I have a better way. I have been working with a 1" acrylic rod which is to big. I got it that big becaue I wasnt sure what I was going to make. An easier way,... this here is a 1/2" rod. It's diameter is actually ok for plugs if you use the right size o-rings. It's a tad bit to small but still works fine. I ordered a .62" acrylic rod which is going to be perfect! That diameter will fit right into my chuck too! So this is what I'm going to do for my plug designs,...

    Thats seals just fine! Just because there isnt acrylic hovering completely over the o-ring doesnt mean it wont seal.

    There is still a groove to keep the o-ring in place and to pull the o-ring down onto the surface to make the seal. Again,... the new rod I ordered will hover over the o-ring a bit more.

    See! Once the o-ring is in place,... its a pain to get out!

    Here's the plug cut down with the o-ring on and is screwed into the piece I made. I just gave it a nice beveled edge.

    I'm drilling between two flush pieces of wood to create a perfect holder for a 4.9mm drill bit. Im drilling with a 3/16bit because its a tad smaller then the 4.9. The holes will hug the 4.9 once in place.


    Oh yea.

    Done! OH not quite! I forgot! The most important part!!

    Flat siding! So you dont scratch up your plugs installing them:) Thats a router bit. I ordered an end mill to replace this router bit.

    Now its done.

    Installed. Its works! Very small and tight looking! Keep in mind this is only a prototype! When I get the new stuff I will make more of these, better ones. Im going to make some for the customs and acryan.

    I'm in CPU magazine! Thanks DarthBeavis and GOOD JOB on the win!!!

    So,.... what do you guyz think!?!?!
  16. HeXeN

    HeXeN Straight from Hell

    14 May 2006
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    You are GOD of everything made of acrylic! SIC GOOD !! I can't wait next update !!
  17. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    Bad ass! Good work, Tribal! Of course, ya already knew that, but figured I'd say it anyways. :hehe:

    THRASHER2 Pimpin' Deals 24/7

    15 May 2007
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    Work :dremel::rock::thumb:
    Last edited: 23 Oct 2007
  19. mr_carl

    mr_carl What's a Dremel?

    2 Jul 2007
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    OMG OMFG thats craayyyzzzzy coooool :rock:
  20. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    LOL. Excited? HA HA. Thanks. I'm going to mcmaster-carr in the morning to pick up the stuff I ordered. I'm goign to try and get a pic of the inside of this place:)

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