Xbox 360 360 Elite Owners: Any reason to buy one aside from the HDD?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by mookboy, 5 Nov 2008.

  1. ouija

    ouija Trust me, I am doctor!

    10 Nov 2002
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    I've had mine for a couple of years now, it's exactly the same. The first one died within 2 weeks and had to be replaced, but now it's started spitting out discs halfway through play and informing me they're dirty. My discs are pristine! Makes some racket just before it throws a wobbler though.
  2. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    They are still noisey as hell when the disc drive is in use, mine is absoloutely brutally loud (although I think it's dying). That's the biggest downside of the console imo.
  3. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    yes but the new update will play off HDD so noise wont be a huge issue if you have the extra space on your HDD.

    they are bloody loud though lol

    its definately the DVD drive, opened one of mine up and ran it to find out what made the noise and its def the dvd drive
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2008
  4. ouija

    ouija Trust me, I am doctor!

    10 Nov 2002
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    Yes, the DVD drives seem to be pretty shoddy.
  5. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Got the 60GB myself, bloody damn thing. My family is convinced it's the second coming of Christ, I wish I had spent the money on a pair of 3870x2s.
  6. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    AFAIK there is absolutely no difference now between the elite and the other current 360 versions other than the 120gb hard drive and the colour.

    Oh, it comes with an HDMI cable and audi breakout boxy thing too, don't think my gfs one has a HDMI cable and audio thingy.

    IMO, every 360 should have a hard drive, 20Gb for the casual gamer, 60Gb is fine for most people, and with the new update, 120gb is good if you want to put lots of games on the hard drive.
  7. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    Tried all the usual suspects tonight for one - Currys, GAME, Comet. Either **** deals on **** games (Quantum of Solace?!) or simply had no 60GB left.

    Just tried a local 24hr ASDA and got one for £164 with FIFA09! It was listed as £177 with the game and £167 for just the console, so not sure what happened there... picked up Gears 2 for £29 aswell from Morrisons! God I miss 360 game prices after owning a PS3!
  8. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    Has this actually been said about the DRE's or is it just speculation based on the theory that it should.

    I haven't had my 360 long so I have only recently played GOW1 and I can't get pasted the 4th act because of a recurring DRE.

    How are they going to implement this, you put the disk in the drive to verify you own the game, then it just runs from the HDD? Otherwise you could just rip a bunch of your friends games.
  9. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I've got two - There is no noise difference. There isn't on any model - I've seen - And heard - them all.

    The elite is better for the sake of the standard 120gb hdd, and the HDMI option should it become something you're concerned about in the future, or right now, you've not really told us what your needs are.

    Grab the Elite - As has already been said - And you will have more space to install games with the next dashboard update, which will significantly reduce drive noise (Although, unless you're a pinicity *******, you won't notice that anyway) in that there won't be any.

    If you can't justify the Elite, get the Premium. HDMI, but smaller drive. You can always buy a bigger drive in the future (At a massive cost).
  10. benjamyn

    benjamyn What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2002
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    I don't notice it myself as my xbox is in a closed cupboard (which I do open now and again to let air flow)
    but the xbox 360 definately makes a loud distracting noise it's not about being "pinicity" (I couldn't find out what that word meant and I searched google and your post was one of the first few results!) but I assumed it meant fussy/making a big deal out of something small... but anyway it's not about being "pinicity" the Xbox 360 makes a serious amount of noise at times and while yes turning up the TV will drown out the sound of it not everyone has this option and it also means having the sound louder than your comfortable level, dunno about others but I find games less enjoyable if they're too loud.

    The number of people who complain about the noise levels show it's not just a few "pinicity ********"
  11. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    I've left mine running in the room a few times by accident before. It's louder than my PC and my 40W guitar amp (the static) put together (yeah, I have accidenly left all three on at once).
  12. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    get surround sound and youll never hear the 360, worked for me:)
    its really not that annoying tbh
  13. Rich_13

    Rich_13 What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2003
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    I have an elite, to be honest it hasn't really been worth the money so far but when the dashboard update comes and we can load are game disc's onto the hard drive, I think it will be worth the money. Just for the quietness (and possibly faster loading times) ! :-D

    <edit> sorry this has already been said! </edit>
  14. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    It seems a bit quieter than the old 20GB model I used to have, but not massively so. The drive itself is much smoother and quieter but once the disc gets up to speed - for example in Gears 2 - it's just as I remember it.
  15. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    I think he meant pernickety.

    I'm slightly annoyed I only have the diddy HDD now with this update coming. Ah well, at least I waited til the smaller ones came with HDMI. My 360 is no noisier than my water chiller when it's just on, but that DVD drive... it's like a hovercraft in my room. Though I tend to get used to it after a while and it's not until I turn it off that I'm all "ahhhhhh silence" :)
  16. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    Yeah when I'm playing I tend not to notice it until I turn it off, even thought it's right near my head when I play.

    The newer 360s are definitely quieter, although it doesn't last too long, after a bit of use it gets a bit louder just like most other fans.
  17. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    its not the fans that are loud its the dvd drive. I opened mine out of curiosity and its definately the dvd drive.
  18. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    i dunno my elite sits aside my ps3 and when both are dusty the matt black n chrome elite still looks sexy haha.errr anyway i think the elite had a far better and faster n quieter dvd drive?least at the time of buying mind when there were 120gb premiums it did.
    fook knows but that wannabe tacky apple white rip off is pants n looks cheap to me...
    i have everything in either black and chrome or black and silver... tv/speakers/ps3/glass stand with chrome legs/satin silver ps2/black original modded xbox/black dodgy vhs player haha.. then slap bang in the middle is a bloody horrible white sky box.... the swine's box had a black one on it when it came i was well excited then tacky matt white.horrid. if the 36 had atleast been shiny then yeah the apple white fetish theme everyone was ripping off might have worked... but no.
    i'm aware the elite isn't shiny but the chrome on matt looks wicked.yeah it'd look so expensive and sexual if it was shiny black but still looks far superior i think.
    also weren't the newer elites falcons (i've no idea what premiums have) but i remember elites having falcons on the newer models... helping to avoid RRoD's...
    either way as tacky as it sounds i'd pay more for the colour alone. i love my elite and my ps3 and appearance makes it so much more of a enjoyable experience.especially when you have people round and everything looks slick and colour coorindinated... like when you custom choose a nice stereo system and hand pick each piece and have your amp and cd player etc all match so it looks like it was a set... i dunno i just think appearance is a worthy factor when buying anything.
    like you wouldn't drive a gay looking car just cause it drove wanna enjoy walking upto it and thinking "thats mine"... haha maybe it's just me but yeah i think black or silver or a combo of the both is always Cheesecake with electronics... white unless its proper decent mac hardware will always otherwise look cheap and tacky... you can't really go wrong with black or silver or brushed ally.
  19. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    It's dependant on the drive you have in there, there are several different makes of drives, some quieter, some noisier, the elite doesn't have a better drive than the other consoles, it just depends when the console is made. If you buy one of all 3 console types from a factory now, AFAIK they are exactly the same inside.
  20. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    You might have a drive made by a different manufacturer, but they are all as noisey as each other. As for faster? Epic fail...

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