Windows Realistically, can police retrieve data from RAM?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DragunovHUN, 28 Sep 2010.

  1. G0UDG

    G0UDG helping others costs nothing

    27 Mar 2010
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    just my opinion no offence to anyone meant,if you have to watch porn then clearly you have something missing in your life which is very sad but at the end of the day each to his own I guess
  2. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    As we say in Hungary, if there's no horse the mule will have to do...
  3. MaverickWill

    MaverickWill Dirty CPC Mackem

    26 Apr 2009
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    And as we say in the UK, "I need a ****".
    Booga likes this.
  4. xXSebaSXx

    xXSebaSXx Minimodder

    21 Aug 2010
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    And who said you can only watch pr0n by yourself?...
    I've enjoyed a few feature films with the GF...
  5. AstralWanderer

    AstralWanderer What's a Dremel?

    17 Apr 2009
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    Not that plausible if all the file creation dates for your "fake" container are more than a couple of weeks in the past.
  6. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    You'll never take me alive, coppa!
  7. Booga

    Booga Cuppa tea anyone?

    28 Sep 2009
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    LMFAO :D

    and as they say in Wales if there is no mule, go get thy wellies.
    sp4nky likes this.
  8. Fractal

    Fractal I Think Therefore I Mod

    9 Apr 2010
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    As the link above shows, with freely available strong encryption software it is possible to secure data against brute-force attacks. The police certainly don't have the resources to carry out a cold boot attack, which is theoretically possible but very hard to execute. This is really the only method that would allow them to access the encryption key short of you giving it to them.
  9. Ph4ZeD

    Ph4ZeD What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2009
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    Stop with the hate brother.
  10. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    Wow this threads turned into operating spamcake >.<

    See new build coming up soon, I'm gonna encrypt all my media and financial client stuff based on my home pc. Scary encryption... like encrypting the encryption of an encryption encryptor >.< Sorry I really can't help but spam.

    Surely if data is encrypted to a specific level, you could potentially have a failsafe, if someone tried a brute-force attack that could beat the encryption you could have your drive just auto-wipe (Small EM device on(in) the actual case of the drive? or like something that just deleted the HDD's side of the Encryption key so it's impossible to open?
  11. DeathAwaitsU

    DeathAwaitsU I'm Back :D

    27 Feb 2004
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    Ive always wondered what kind of impact total encryption on a system would have, maybe bit-tech should do an article on it? :D As i'd have full encryption tomorrow if it wouldn't f**k up performance in games :)
  12. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    I still think the Thermite is the way to go. Load the Thermite into CD Drive and when you press eject to get the Cd Drive out it ignites. Leaving nothing but a hole in the floor.

    Remote desktop a computer which is off site or "hidden" and when the rozzers come activate a shutdown so no em signal is given off to find it's location.

    Or, just don't download stuff your not supposed to have. It's cheaper, simpler, worry free. And, you wont get a bumming in the showers after you've dropped your soap.
  13. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    See I'd use a total media/infomation drive encryption but I've no idea what it'd do to performance! Bit-Tech should definatly do an article on this would make intresting reading for idiot amazing people like me.

    Warren, I wouldn't relate it specifically to that. I'd use encryption for the financial data I have to keep on my computer system at home buddy, as for knocking out data... Themite would be the way to go. Just fry and melt EVERYTHING :D
  14. Fractal

    Fractal I Think Therefore I Mod

    9 Apr 2010
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    This is a good idea, a performance analysis would be ideal. From my own experience I don't suffer a performance decrease BUT that is because the encrypted volume I'm loading games off is 6 HDDs in RAID 5 so the read/write bandwidth is very large and the decryption is handled by my i7-920. TrueCrypt scales to 8 threads really well so my encryption doesn't slow the system down, just adds a bit of processor load.

    I think that generally encryption wouldn't create a noticeable performance decrease if there was both a sufficiently fast disk (like a SSD or RAID) and fast multicore CPU.
  15. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    So you've encrypted your entire system, games included? Might encrypt EVERYTHING bar my games drive to be honest. +beard stroke+
  16. Faye Kane

    Faye Kane Homeless Crazy Idiot Savant

    1 Oct 2010
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    doing several at once

    replying to several posts in the thread:

    > Not that plausible if all the file creation dates for your "fake" container are more than a couple of weeks in the past.

    Why not? Put gay porn in and act embarrassed.

    > 2 years for refusing to give up the encryption key, 5 if it's a national security investigation


    You need a special ramdisk for it to be your paging file.

    Another advantage of paging to RAM is speed for non-porn activities (like, well, like pirated movies). I found out that a RAM swap file is SO fast and &%$# windows swaps SO much even if you have 4G mem, that I added another 4G just for temp and swap. Now uncompressing an 8-part rar, 200M/part rapidshare movie happens almost instantly, maybe 20 times faster (if the output of the uncompress is also on the temp drive). I only copy it to disk if I want to keep it (it might be in the wrong language, or a fake planted by the RIAA, etc).

    > if you have to watch porn then clearly you have something missing in your life which is very sad

    As an anthro major (brefore computers) we learned that all higher mammals masturbate, and you're one too. It's too easy, too pleasurable, and too without-consequences not to. What's very sad is that you feel you have to pretend you're above it, with "it" being what you really are--an intelligent ape.

    You oughtta read Nietzsche.

    And finally, the person who asked about the cops finding stuff in your RAM sticks: like, forget it. DRAM is implemented as capacitors, which leak charge unless the data is refreshed several times a second. That's what the "D" in DRAM stands for. It takes about two seconds for the current to leak out 100% absolutely for sure irrecoverably if there's no dynamic refresh.

    Incidentally, that's why when you cycle power, you're supposed to wait a few secs before powering on again, to let the DRAM clear.


    How do I make a default post signature here? it isn't in user CP.
    Last edited by a moderator: 1 Oct 2010
  17. xXSebaSXx

    xXSebaSXx Minimodder

    21 Aug 2010
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    @ Faye Kane...
    The signature thing IS under the User CP... There is a link to Edit Signature on the left sidebar.
    Or maybe that feature depends on post count and you don't have enough to see it.
    Anyway.. this is the link to the Edit Signature page:

    Try and see if you can access it.

    PS: Intelligent apes unite!!!! :D
  18. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Seriously, none of us need to know about what porn people like. We will remove stuff, because please keep in mind this is a family forum.
  19. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Just to play devil's advocate here, two things.

    Unless you have an electromagnet roughly the size of one used to pick up cars, you're not gonna EMP a hard drive. They're MAGNETIC drives. Thermite is best for destroying.

    Second, some people have 100% legitimate reasons to encrypt their drives or part of them. I'm programming Fatal Optimization, remember? I have a few patented or near-patent inventions I keep schematics, formulae, and such for. I'm a writer. All of these are legitimate reasons to encrypt a drive against unauthorized entry.

    This is not an invitation to act like an ass to authority. This is preventing dissemination of false information, which ought to be a crime in its own right.
    Zurechial likes this.
  20. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    When it come to the Feds forget about that encryption crap cause one phone call to the CIA and presto, they will have all your data recovered, even data you compiled before you were born.

    Best way to get rid of data before the Feds come kicken down your door is to destroy the whole rig piece by piece, then burn it, then douse it with Acid.

    Then pray that the FEDS weren't already monitoring you, cause if so, your already SCREWED.

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