Food & Drink Diet for building muscle mass?

Discussion in 'General' started by DeadP1xels, 23 Mar 2011.

  1. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
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    I'll post up my current diet in a few. And it's just a maintenance diet too. You are not eating nearly enough DP...

    0500 - 2 Scoop BCAA's
    0530 - 30-45 minutes of Fasted Morning Cardio
    0630 - 1 Scoop Protein
    0720 - 6 large whole eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese, heap of celery and cream cheese.
    0900 - 3 Scoops of Protein
    1100 - 2 Large servings of meat(I aim for calorie dense meat here, but will settle for chicken if that's all they have at the chow hall), Heap of Bell peppers and Blue Cheese Dressing, 1 Cup Cottage Cheese, and lots of green olives
    1300 - 1 Cup Oatmeal, 3 Scoops protein, 1 cup pineapple juice(mix together for an amazing shake)
    1500 - Hit up the gym hard!
    1600 - 4 Scoops protein mixed with lots of sweet tea
    1800 - 2 Large servings of meat(I aim for calorie dense meat here, but will settle for chicken if that's all they have at the chow hall), Heap of Bell peppers and Blue Cheese Dressing, 1 Cup Cottage Cheese, and lots of green olives

    Asleep by 2100.

    This doesn't change but by a little bit each day. And that's just a maintenance diet to keep me nice and lean at a pretty decent bodyweight for my height.
    Last edited: 20 Apr 2011
  2. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
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    As you can see I rely on shakes a lot because I'm restricted by the hours of the Chow Hall. Whole foods are way better than shakes. If I had my way I'd have more meals of whole foods and less shakes. But, I gotta do what I gotta do to get those calories in.
  3. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    What do you to have that kinda daily routine?
    There's no way I could do that, even if I wanted to.
    I'm just looking to reduce weight a bit as I'm heavier than I normall am.
    Just aiming to do 30mins a day of cardio above what I normally do during the week (bit of squash, bit of badminton etc)
    Also cutting down on sweet food, biscuits etc.
    Will it have any effect, or would I need to do more work?
  4. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    Thats a sound strategy. Increase the cardio a little, bring meal portions down a little and avoid sugary / fatty foods. Also replace snacks with fruit. Avoid too much bread!

    30mins of cardio a day will have a really good effect - Good luck matey

    EDIT: Also consider when you do your extra cardio. You will see more benefit if you do that 30mins early in the morning, but i realise that is normally a PITA. If you cant then the afternoon / evening is also fine
  5. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Yeah, I'm looking into alternate lunches, since being at uni (when I've started to notice the increase in weight) my lunch tend to be a bacon and bean toast sandwich thing :p
    Which I know isn't great for me, but i'm not sure what else to go for, since it's cheap, and very quick.
    Am looking to replace the rice in my food with red lentils, since they seem to be a little lower in carbs, and I still like them.

    And I've read various things about when to do it, mornings is fairly difficult with 9am lectures most days :/ may try it though.
    Is it better to do it just before/after eating for instance?
    What kinda cardio would you recommend? I just chose a fairly random video online after looking through various ones on youtube :p
    Ideally needs no equipment and to be done in my room.
    Am also considering going for a daily cycle above cycling to/from lectures aswell.
  6. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    Carbs are actually really important. Just the right amount and at the right times. You need carbs to fuel your workouts. Its a bit like fuelling your car, do it before your journey rather than once you have put it in the garage for the night lol

    Personally i would suggest eating a small meal about 90mins - 120mins before your cardio, a small portion of pasta (SMALL being around the size of your fist), or perhaps some wholemal rice, or wholemal cous cous with tuna.

    After working out it is important to replenish. This can be more or less anything 'healthy' but as a general rule, try having some sort of meat/fish with veg (dont over do the carbs once you workouts for the day are over)

    Try and drink plenty of water throughout the day (rather than binge water drinking), and stay away from carbonated sugary drinks.

    Running is awesome, but il be honest, i find it boring as!!! - Go for a bike ride, play more squash, tennis in this weather even, if your having fun then it wont be a chore.

    EDIT: Oh and by the way the biggest game changer for me (loosing weight from 15stone to 12) was making my own lunches. Its cheaper, encourages you to get into a routine, is healthier and stops you from the temptation of that 'easy' bacon sarnie. That really really helped me loose weight. just watch the portions and make sure your not letting them grow too big :)
    Last edited: 20 Apr 2011
  7. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    I could never do running, dislike it greatly :p
    Videos I was looking into had a fair bit of shadow boxing in, which certainly got my heart rate up.
    Yeah squash is great, only issue is finding the time to play it when the courts are free, and it can get expensive if we have to book everytime :/
    Yeah drinks wise I'm slowly converting to water, with cranberry juice just cos I think it's good for me :p
  8. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    Juices are good - Quite a bit of sugar, but they have loads of other goodies too :)

    If you have anywhere rural near you get on the bike and go off road! Bike is really good for you, not just cardio but good all-round workout muscle wise (espcially off road)

    Everyone is different at the end of the day, and what motivates me will be different to what motivates you. Trick is to find something you like doing, at a time that suits you, and then making it your routine :)

    Once you have done that, you can start to benchmark your performance and set targets to improve it.
  9. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    What? No bacon? :(
  10. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
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    I eat pork all the time...

    I'll second what bdigital is saying. Cut out the sweets. Also, people don't realize how much junk they drink every day too. is an amazing tool if you're serious about losing weight. I can't recommend it enough. Keep a food log and it'll make it heaps easier to figure out where you need to cut calories.

    30 minutes of cardio a day is a really good start as well. And, like bdigital said I'm a firm believe in morning fasted cardio. It has helped me the most. Some people really believe in HIIT as well. High Intensity Interval Training. IE Sprinting for 20 seconds, and then walking/jogging for 60 seconds, and then repeat. It's pretty brutal when you're first starting, so 10 minutes is a good target to aim for in the beginning. Eventually you want to do a good 20 minutes of it.

    The belief behind HIIT is that it keeps your body burning fat after you're done.

    I have the most forgiving job in the world. That's how I'm able to keep the kind of schedule I do.
  11. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Water is seriously underrated, and I seriously slap anyone who comes out with that "I don't like water" nonsense. Everyone likes water. All drinks are water. That sugary crap you drink by the litre? It's flavoured sugar water. What you're saying is, "I don't like water that isn't flavoured". Man up.

    I drink water constantly, and there's a very tight (and slightly scary) causal correlation between how much of it I'm drinking and how happy I feel. I wonder how many borderline depression cases might be solved by a 4-pack of Evian and advice to lay off sugar.
  12. DeadP1xels

    DeadP1xels Social distancing since 92

    30 Nov 2009
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    I drink water aswell constantly

    (Im not sure if you were targeting me)

    I can't drink sugary drinks constantly it leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth i just can't stand it
  13. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    DP, you seem to drink loads of pepsi etc! :p

    When I get back to uni, I plan to explore local area a bit for decent bike routes.
  14. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I think we should agree never to abbreviate DeadP1xels' name, ever again :lol:
  15. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
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    LOL @ DeadP1xels abbreviation. I thought the same thing boiled_elephant.

    I have to agree with the water comment as well. When trying to lose/gain weight water is your best friend! Lay off the diet carbonated drinks. They are garbage for you. Drinking plenty of water will help with the hunger as well.
  16. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Haha yeah, that's a reasonable point :p
    By the why, whats the 'science' behind drinking a lot of water?
  17. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
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    I don't think you NEED to drink lots of water. You can easily get your water intake from Food and Drinks. More than anything I think consuming water instead of carbonated soda's and fake sugars is more healthy. Especially if you're trying to lose weight. You can get rid of a lot of calories if you drink water instead of juices/soda.

    That's why I'm a huge advocate of water. Plus, I prefer the taste.
  18. gar

    gar Minimodder

    15 Sep 2004
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    I think now you've got to the point were you have a little to much info about getting into shape. you just have to give yourself a motivational boot.

    as for the water, yes you need allot of water. The only reason people have cellulite is because they don't drink enough, so the body stores it instead. well water is the best.
    evian is the best bottled we have. You cannot hold water if it's not got the correct mineral balance.
  19. DeadP1xels

    DeadP1xels Social distancing since 92

    30 Nov 2009
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    I have alot of spare time on my hands with college considered joining the local gym and begin cycling to college if not cycling then atleast having a bike in the back of the car so on the 2 hour breaks etc i can go for a hard cycle around rough terrain to really get me into shape

    Im not so sure about the gym however they probebly have a **** ton of equipment i never feel that comfortable working out next to the incredible hulk lifting to coke machines in each arm....

    Somebody at my work once talked about me joining a rowing team she was on i think i might take up on that next time its on offer
    Editor22 likes this.
  20. Editor22

    Editor22 E22 | Hex-Gear

    3 Jan 2009
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    Awesome thread! I am a true ectomorph so I can really feel the pain of anyone trying to bulk up!. Over the past month pretty much everyone I know has gotten back into training, some for running others just to tone up so I figured why not give it a go. So far I've managed to pile on just over a stone in the last month with 3 days training and a semi strict 8 meal a day diet.
    Some great information coming up in here to read through which should help keep the motivation up!

    +rep DeadP1xels :p

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