Education Using bicycle helmet cameras?

Discussion in 'General' started by bigsharn, 29 Oct 2011.

  1. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Motorcyclists have mirrors where as cyclists generally do not.
  2. MarkW7

    MarkW7 Total Noob

    30 Nov 2008
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    You still need to be able to see and check over your shoulder, a good example of this is the "life saver" which is a glance over your shoulder before you commit.
    mvagusta likes this.
  3. M7ck

    M7ck Ⓜod Ⓜaster

    28 Mar 2009
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    Mine doesn't. I can see over my shoulder just fine.
    mvagusta likes this.
  4. sp4nky

    sp4nky BF3: Aardfrith WoT: McGubbins

    15 Jul 2009
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    mvagusta likes this.
  5. MarkW7

    MarkW7 Total Noob

    30 Nov 2008
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    sharn, whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN your door otherwise you'll be put in prison for the way you ride. :worried::(
  6. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Remember, it's always your unnamed friend who is riding and you just happened to never record the license plate number at any time.

    Thought this was funny. Seems everything's a social networking site nowadays. :hehe:
  7. MarkW7

    MarkW7 Total Noob

    30 Nov 2008
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    Let's take a look at todays videos.

    Considering you're in the cycle lane.. where biCYCLEs go. How is this close?

    Ljs likes this.
  8. bigsharn

    bigsharn Officially demotivated

    9 May 2008
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    Considering I'm a foot out from the cycle lane to avoid the hazards such as these...

    Full video:
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2011
  9. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Common sense.

    As a car, if there was a hazard on your side of the road and used the other side of the road to go around it, you wouldn't remain there (in a different lane) once the hazard had gone would you?

    I have tried to express my opinions nicely, but I can not believe you continue to put videos of things you think are wrong on youtube entitled with peoples number plates!

    *Lost for words*

    So, gaz454 rides 12k miles in 2 years and has a handful of videos yet you have a handful every week? You must be unlucky!

    Seriously, you need a new hobby... There should be a law against this.
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2011
  10. bigsharn

    bigsharn Officially demotivated

    9 May 2008
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    Going by your analagy, yes I would.

    If, as a car, I was on a dual carriageway, and the lane that contained a hazard were to then suddenly narrow to the point it was narrower than my car then I'd stay in the outside lane, which is what happened here.
  11. MarkW7

    MarkW7 Total Noob

    30 Nov 2008
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    I've seen the full video, believe it or not that's where I got the printscreen from. It looks to me like you're riding along the left side of the road (where a cycle lane would be) and as soon as you see actual lines on a road that say "here's a cycle lane, use me" you move over into the middle of the road actually avoiding it! It's like buses never using bus stops, (I'm not pulling in to stop there.. some excuse here). Ridiculous.

    Roads can't just shrink as far as I know. And you should be riding near the kerb whether there's a cycle lane or not there's no excuse for riding in the middle of the road acting like a car. You're not driving a car. You're not as big as a car. You're not as fast as a car. This is why people overtake you.

    Ljs is talking about something in the road such as glass, a branch etc, you move to avoid it then move back in. Sure, there MIGHT be stuff in the cycle lanes sometimes but to say "i'm not using them because one time there was something there ..."
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2011
    mvagusta likes this.
  12. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    You don't understand.

    The hazard is not present for a while before the car over takes you yet you are saying you are not in the lane because of the state of the lanes...

    I notice how you didn't respond to my other point either.

    I think I have to leave this thread now, you are too frustrating and it would be rude to express how I really feel.
    mvagusta likes this.
  13. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    I'm sorry bigsharn, but after seeing that particular incident you've nothing to complain about.

    You were completely out of a cycle lane provided, despite the fact that it was in obviously good condition (the road surface is perfectly decent throughout, in fact the vehicle lane is worse due to a smattering of manholes etc). You are passed fairly closely, but not too close judging from the video, by a van doing a few mph faster than you. This is clearly a low-speed zone, you aren't being blasted past on a derestricted road.

    The driver of the van obviously has balanced being too close to a cyclist (which is inconsiderate) and crossing a double white line (which is technically illegal) on a clear stretch of road. Now if you want a whole lane to yourself, ride in the middle. If I was passed by that van I'd be thinking how lucky I was that he obviously balanced the risk and decided to air on the side of caution, even though I was riding out of a completely usable cycle lane.

    Also, I'm going to go through a few of your videos and see if I feel the same way: - plenty of room for both of you, clearly you think that right of way means you shouldn't move over at all to aid other road users, inexcusably selfish imo. Another example of you not being prepared to run in a perfectly good cycle lane. - You had a huge amount of time and space to pass this guy safely, which you never bothered doing despite it being safe to do so miles before the traffic island. I can't say what the other cars did, but there was plenty of time to pull out and make it clear what your intentions were. From 0:22-0:30 you were in a perfect position to nip past without worry, but you chose not to. Once you pulled to the kerb after the double parked cars the Corsa passed you. - Perfectly justified complaint there, she was cutting it very fine into oncoming traffic. The first one I've agreed with. - I don't even understand this - you're finally in a cycle lane (or nearly), she comes past, you decide to make a scene? - Can someone point out where the event is in this? I've watched it five times and can't spot it! :p - Another genuine concern, but a little critical. I notice you don't chastise the pedestrian for running between traffic.

    Tbh I can't go on.
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2011
  14. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    You are an unbelievably arrogant, inexcusably selfish, complete moron.

    You refuse to wear protective head gear, and then come up with frankly ******** reasons not to, you expect other people to shoulder the responsibility that you are unwilling, and apparently incapable, of shouldering yourself.

    You will be killed by someone else, and it will be your fault, and you will force someone to bear the burden of taking another life through your own stupidity.

    I'm done with this thread, because your self evident stupidity is just.. Brazen.

    Good luck, don't get killed, because I don't want someone else suffering because of your own failures.
  15. Pookeyhead

    Pookeyhead It's big, and it's clever.

    30 Jan 2004
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    Sharn.. seriously... why aren't you in the cycle lane? And why are you positioned so far out to the right? Despite this, there is STILL plenty of room for you both.

    You're just trolling now, you have to be. No one is this retarded. The only person in that video doing anything stupid, was you.

    Oh, and one more thing. Re: the messing with that Mini's door mirror. If that was me in that car, I'd have got out and decked you, you sanctimonious dick. The car didn't even do anything wrong! What right do you have messing with other people's property?

    Checking over your shoulder is part of a motorcycle test. People pass motorcycle tests every day in full face helmets. Stop being silly.
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2011
  16. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    That isn't what I was saying. Drivers and motorcyclists have the luxury of seeing behind them, and just check back in the blind spot or to check before a maneuver. Cyclists don't have this luxury and so, if they want to see what others around them are doing, have too look more frequently (and a longer look to if they want a wider view).

    I wasn't defending him - I was pointing out the difference.

    Don't get the arse and take it out on me.

    Some people shouldn't drink and post.
  17. dancingbear84

    dancingbear84 error 404

    16 Oct 2010
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    Here is how I see it at the risk of sounding like a troll, and I'll be honest I can not be bothered to read the whole thread but I think I get the gist, as a cyclist you feel entitled to think you own the road and that you have more rights than anyone else on the road,
    Here are some things I have experienced whilst on the road as a cyclist, motorcyclist and car driver.

    1. As a cyclist I once had the misfortune to ride into the back of a lorry, fortunately I was mature enough, even at 15/16, to know that a helmet was an essential piece of cycling equipment, I mean if it is good enough for a moped doing a 30mph max it is good enough for a cyclist hitting 25mph. The helmet shattered into a lot of pieces, and shattered is no exception, the only bit that remained intact was the chin straps.

    2. I was nearly involved in a crash because a cyclist came off his bike in the rain, he had no helmet on and almost caused a 4 car pile up. I stopped literally an inch from the car in front. Fortunately on this occasion the cyclist was ok.

    3. I live in the sticks and drive on country roads. Cyclists stick out into the road as there are no cycle lanes, and the edge of the roads are generally crap. Branches, mud, wet leaves etc as such I have no issue with them riding away from the edge, I will not pass them until it is safe to do so. Tonight I was caught up in 1st gear behind a cyclist going up a hill as it was not safe enough for either of us to pass.

    Given the above facts please don't take this the wrong way but I really hate cyclists on the road, for the most part they are unsafe, either not wearing safety gear, or not visible to other motorists especially in this weather. They pay NOTHING to upkeep the roads they use. As a motorist it costs me near enough £600 a year for Road Tax, MOT and insurance. Now sure Insurance and MOT doesn't maintain the roads but if I'm involved in an accident it will cover the damages (in theory at least) to both parties, and the MOT ensures that the car is at least vaguely safe. Now to cyclists; poor or no lights, no insurance, no MOT for bikes, no road tax. A lot of them (not all, but a lot) have not got basic road skills, moped riders have to sit a CBT test, do cyclists? A lot of them think they can do what they want, mount the pavement, run red lights etc all of which pose an accident to other members of the public. In cities there are good transport links so why do people need to cycle. I'm not saying use cars or motorbikes, but use public transport that is what is there for.
    Try living in the middle of nowhere we have a bus service every 90 minutes that takes me nowhere near where I need to get to I would use public transport if it were a viable option.
    mvagusta likes this.
  18. Pookeyhead

    Pookeyhead It's big, and it's clever.

    30 Jan 2004
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    You were saying you can't see over your shoulder in a full face helmet in a previous post. You clearly can, as others who where them are saying you can. I wear them... in a car on track days, and I can still manage to look over my shoulder if need be. People pass a bike test wearing them where it's a requirement to look over your shoulder.

    Saying don't be silly is hardly a reason to accuse someone of being drunk :) I wish I was.
  19. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    Well bigsharn, you can't say Bit-tech doesn't care!

    Just have a look at how hard we're working to try and prevent you from having an accident.
    We've tried just about everything to convince you to take care and share the roads with other users, instead of expecting everyone to give way to you no matter what.

    And then have a look at how much we've all tried to convince you to wear a helmet - we're not even your parents, we're the internet ffs, but we're still trying our best to keep you safe!

    I'm not sure why you are putting yourself in harm's way... for the way you ride, if any driver doesn't see you, say if they are txting, drunk, stoned, whatever the reason $hit happens, all it would take is one little mistake from a driver, and you're a goner.

    Whatever anger/rebellion/frustration/confusion issue you have, well instead of letting it out on a bike without a helmet amongst traffic, you might want to take it out on a punching bag, or go for a run along a path (far away from the roads)
  20. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    You really have lost this one. You have poor bike skills, complete lack of respect for other road users and what makes this fail even worse is that you yourself have posted the footage that shows just how bad your riding is.
    mvagusta likes this.

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