Case Mod - In Progress CM Cosmos II - The Eagle Has Landed (I like that saying).

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by dmcgrath, 3 Jan 2012.

  1. dmcgrath

    dmcgrath Master of Pancakes

    14 Aug 2011
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    Well, As I mentioned on the previous post I've been having trouble with the Fiber optics a bit and it's still not resolving itself. Or rather, I haven't been able to resolve it. So I have to move forward with a secondary idea. I really wanted to create a mod where you do not have to detach wires leading into the doors.
    Unfortunately it's becoming impractical to run 30-40 feet of optic cable, in the limited door space I have, and still not get the same light output that a few LEDs on only 18 inches of wire can achieve.
    The place I ordered the LED strips from is out of stock on the 12" light strips, so I'll try and make something happen with two 6" strips per door.

    It will look something a bit like this.


    I will put it only behind the wing, sort of rear facing, so it's not flashing out forwards and blinding the user. Also it's only on the trailing edge of the wing instead of on each tier. Any other possibility seems unfeasible, both financially and in the interests of time. It will still look great! And I hope to prove it soon.

    It's not exactly what I wanted as far as materials used, but it is much closer to what I wanted to achieve as far as light output.

    Perhaps I can use fiber optics elsewhere, in another mod, I do have a few extra feet of it in various diameters.

    Now, back to the eagle head...
    I added some foam, and then did some trimming and moderate shaping.




    After adding the bondo resin, I took a look at it and decided it was too short, and not shaped the way I wanted it.



    I really didn't like what I had so i chopped it off and started over on the beak.




    I also changed the design on the front door cover. It looks a little more inline with the Art Deco theme, as well as the eagle head.


    After finishing the door area, I once again didn't like the eagle head (that was the third rework of that area if you're keeping track) So this time I chopped the entire head off.


    And broke out the monster clay and got to work on shaping something a bit more pleasing to my eye.



    I think I'm heading on the right track here. The silhouette of the eagle head is much more recognizable and pleasing.


    Now to rework it in foam, coat it one last time with resin and then aluminum.

    Thanks for looking.
    Atasimey likes this.
  2. Pranja

    Pranja Blackwolf

    18 Dec 2011
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    Nice!! It is looking good.
    dmcgrath likes this.
  3. Gentleman_Dingo

    Gentleman_Dingo What's a Dremel?

    30 Aug 2007
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    subscribed and rep'd! Mod on my friend.
    dmcgrath likes this.
  4. Sarakon

    Sarakon The German

    11 Feb 2011
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    Those LEDs under the wing loock sick!! and the the third head design is the best :)
    dmcgrath likes this.
  5. alain-s

    alain-s Minimodder

    12 Jan 2011
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    Nice its really beginning to get shape now. But i like the nose of the second model more then the 3th :p but that just my opinion :D
    dmcgrath likes this.
  6. matiss

    matiss Minimodder

    24 Jun 2010
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    Great idea for a theme and stunning work on putting it together. I like what you did with the aluminium pieces. The fake rivets look very good. Now with all that lightning going on im impatiently waiting whats next popping up in your mind ;)
    dmcgrath likes this.
  7. Atasimey

    Atasimey What's a Dremel?

    19 Oct 2011
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    How did I manage to miss this one (too)!? Awesome work. Love the way you're not stuck with one thing (carving funky porous stone) but can pull off all sorts of weird and wonderful designs. :rock:

    To me you're from now on going to be the guy who took the first step towards fiber optic use in pc modding <3
    dmcgrath likes this.
  8. amagriva

    amagriva Minimodder

    13 Jun 2009
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    the last head seems more a vulture than a eagle to me...
    dmcgrath likes this.
  9. peteski

    peteski long live the pc

    8 Jun 2011
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    your work amazes me mate and is a pleasure to read and look at. keep up the good work mate :rock: :rock: :rock:
    dmcgrath likes this.
  10. dream1

    dream1 What's a Dremel?

    26 Feb 2011
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    Looks great but a bird should be a little bit longer, and more powerful and littelbit mor mad or like have some characteristic.Right now it looks like just a bird. Any way this is just my opinion.
    Keep it going so far good but the bird is a word :D
  11. dream1

    dream1 What's a Dremel?

    26 Feb 2011
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    From Family Guy Bird is a word :D
    dmcgrath likes this.
  12. dmcgrath

    dmcgrath Master of Pancakes

    14 Aug 2011
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    R+'d Thanks!

    R+'d and thanks man. I'm watching yours too!

    R+'d Thanks, it's getting there. As I hope you'll see soon.

    R+'d - The pics I had of the 3rd, It looks like they weren't quite where I finished the clay modeling. The silhouette is what I have at the end, but the other pics, I actually added a bit more material after those were taken. the beak is much more eagle like.

    R+'d Thanks!!

    R+'d, haha I hope to use fiber optics somewhere in some mod again soon. I had to bin the idea for this one just because I'm running out of time and I cannot make my original idea as well as I wanted too.

    R+'d, , Agreed, I hope to not make it look like a vulture, it's hard when you can't make feathers on it though, they do have very similar head shapes, eagles are more often scavenger birds than they are raptors.

    R+'d Thanks for the comment!

    R+'d, thanks! All points you have made are valid and I really want to not just make it a bird. I think I got a great "hook" to the beak, as you can see in the final profile shot, and that will help prevent it from looking like a generic bird head.
    I'm hoping the next phase of the aluminum sheet will bring more of a regal appearance to it.

    Thanks again everyone for the comments and criticisms. It's great to get the feedback!

    Till next update!
    theoeyeo likes this.
  13. kinghong1970

    kinghong1970 Just a Clumsy Ape

    19 Apr 2009
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    dmcgrath likes this.
  14. dmcgrath

    dmcgrath Master of Pancakes

    14 Aug 2011
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    On to getting the door into a workable state.


    This worked out pretty well for me, it's super easy just to stitch these LED strips together. A little solder, and a little heat shrink tubing and it's done.


    And as you can see, the effect is still pretty great. Maybe even more so over the fiber optics. (I promise one of these mods I WILL get a decent working model out of those fiber optics, it's too fun an idea not to play with more).


    Even in the daytime this lighting effect works really well. The LED strips have a sticky backing on them, and that's nice to hold it in place, while I used a little extra hot glue just to be safe.


    I dropped some black spray paint in the air shafts, just so they don't attract too much attention.


    And then I began the long and laborious process of installing the aluminum chips.


    Clamping around the edge was time consuming and I was using the Gorilla Glue still at this point. It took me hours before I could see if they would hold. Some did, some didn't


    So I got plain old fast cure epoxy. I have to test fit every piece anyway, and shape them, sometimes more than once, sometimes more than twice. The epoxy has helped immensely.


    This still takes days to do.It's pretty labor intensive.


    But I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.




    The effect, in my opinion, is quite spectacular.


    The lighting is still a bit of a troublesome area. It's great. and I still need something to cover the area so I opted for a single piece of metal wrapping the entire area. It took a couple of attempts, but it's secure and still works!





    This may take me days to do, but it's arguably the hardest part. The surface area is complex and enormous.
    The good news is, there's only one more door to go! And the eagle head... haha.!

  15. thechoozen

    thechoozen Minimodder

    9 May 2006
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    Awesome Work!!
    i really like the look you achieve with those aluminum chips!! Keep up the good work!!!:D
    dmcgrath likes this.
  16. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    Looks really good :thumb:

    keep it up
    dmcgrath likes this.
  17. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    This is incredible! Loving it!!
    dmcgrath likes this.

    ASPHIAX Minimodder

    1 Feb 2011
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    But it looks so much better with some proper love and attention dude !
    dmcgrath likes this.
  19. Vetalar

    Vetalar *learning english*

    21 Jun 2011
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    coolest Cosmos 2 build ever IMHO!
    i think You should hire some lilliputians for metalwork and riveting :D
    *search yellow pages for lilliputians or smth*
    and yes, first "eagle" were more like a crow for me
    dmcgrath likes this.
  20. Pranja

    Pranja Blackwolf

    18 Dec 2011
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    OMG,awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eeek:
    dmcgrath likes this.

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