News Nvidia questions Apple's A5X chip claims

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 9 Mar 2012.

  1. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    samsung still sell to apple despite been sued by them for the last 3 years

    actually a good 50% of apple componenets come from samsung ( would like to see cash samsung made from apple bet its alot )

    Nvidia stop offering gpus to apple that would be funny its not apple that loses out as they dont use nvidia gpus anyway in there laptops its all AMD has been for last 3 generations. you can no longer select nvidia as an option on Macs, Apple doesnt use there products due to power concerns since 4xx series

    Same question about Intel

    iphone and ipad ipod touch is 90% of there revenue.

    Big companies talk trash about each other every other day there job is to make money. All the companies you listed besides nvidia

    Make a tonne of cash of apple
  2. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag What's a Dremel?

    30 Jul 2010
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    suing samsung for money is not a "minor squabble". threatening to drop support for a product is not a "minor squabble". treating like the people who support you as lower-beings is not good PR.
  3. tonyd223

    tonyd223 king of nothing

    12 Nov 2009
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    Apple how you tempt me with your wares and your lies. I love you I hate you I...

    No, wait - Android forever!
  4. alf-

    alf- Minimodder

    6 Oct 2010
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    to coin a phrase “it's just business nothing personal"

    Samsung, nvidia and any other supplier will continue to do business with apple as long as its mutually beneficial, and so far its been incredibly beneficial to Samsung, apple is their second biggest customer in regards to electronics, do you really think Samsung will throw that relationship out of the window because apple is suing them?

    as i said Samsung and other public companies need to make money, their shareholders don't want Samsung to sacrifice that because Samsung wants to huff about being sued.
  5. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag What's a Dremel?

    30 Jul 2010
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    true, but samsung could easily survive without apple. yes, they'd make noticeably less money but if apple were gone, people will look for an alternative, and that alternative is very likely to have something samsung-made in it. same with all the other companies i mentioend (maybe not so much adobe).

    just because a company profits from apple, it doesn't mean they have to put up with apple's demands. apple is in no position to boss others around since they are so heavily dependant upon others. yes, apple has very successful indivicdual products, but that's because they generally only release 1 product at a time per version - theres no manufacturer competition for ios. if that 1 manufacturer screws up or decides to leave apple, then apple has a huge problem to deal with, but that manufacturer is free to do w/e they want and survive.

    i personally don't see companies like samsung leaving apple any time soon, but my point is they could do it and they could easily survive without apple, so apple better watch their backs if they want to push everyone around.
  6. Nanu

    Nanu What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2011
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  7. Lenderz

    Lenderz Minimodder

    4 Nov 2010
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    Well as I understand it ARM doesn't make the graphics part of the Apple chips, rather its an another quiet British giants part, Imagination Technologies core/cores bundled alongside the ARM chip that Apple brand (A4, A5, A5X).

    And Imagination Technologies has been in the Graphics, and mobile graphics biz for 20 years+. I think its either a PowerVR G6200 or G6400 GPU in the A5X. Which is apparently has 20x the power of the GPU in the iPhone4S by Imagination's own benchmarks (take with bucket of salt).

    Lots of people missing this in this thread, I'm surprised Bit-Techers. If theres anything to be irritated about its Apples "OUR GREAT NEW GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY" but no mention of who they licence it from. But to be fair they do the same with the CPU's from ARM claiming the A4/A5 were something special made out of Apples magic pixie dust.

    But then their keynotes ARE marketing events, to LAUNCH a product, I'm often surprised how few journalists question what they're being told and how many media outlets bleat the same press releases. (Not a dig at Bit-Tech who are not by far the most guilty of doing this).


    Interesting information about Apples usage of Imaginations GPUs, Apple’s A5 chip uses Imagination’s PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU unit which delivers a "ninefold performance increase" (Imaginations numbers not mine) compared to the A4 chip. The previous A4 chip inside iPhone 4 and iPad 1 is based around the single-core PowerVR SGX 535 GPU, the very same GPU thats in the iPhone 3GS. I would be very surprised if the A5X isn't just an A5 with a Imagination 6 series GPU.
    Last edited: 9 Mar 2012
  8. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Yes of course I'm serious. When it comes to tablets it's obvious that nvidia is playing catch up to Apple. When it comes to tablets everyone is playing catch up to Apple!

    As I said, the spec is great and the android eco system gets better all the time but how many Tegra's have they really sold? How many triple A titles are developed? How much revenue do they generate?

    Yes it's a lot and tegra may be winning the "Non iPad" race, but they have google, nvidia, Asus, Samsung, HTC... everyone... have some catching up to do to even get level.

    But that's okay I'm sure they run benchmarks like a sunofabiatch.
  9. Lenderz

    Lenderz Minimodder

    4 Nov 2010
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  10. Nanu

    Nanu What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2011
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  11. Nanu

    Nanu What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2011
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    *half asleep, over-priced products, not comments. I'm not sure comments have [rices, but if they did, apple's would be over priced. :p
  12. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Cat fight!

    Nvidia are masters of throwing about claims and graphs without supplying all of the details of how they reached their conclusions. I'm sure their PR team will figure out how to smooth things over.
  13. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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    Apple are soon going to be cut down with antitrust law suits as soon as people realize what's going on...

    Limit Pricing- Competitors simply can't compete because Apples purchasing power have afforded them such a stranglehold over the supply chain. Apple hog all the stock, while driving their own costs down through bulk-buying, while driving their competitors costs up and limiting their resources.

    Tying - Apple's business model encourages tying. Not so much directly anymore as in the class action suit regarding the original iPhone and AT&T, but indirectly (and a lot more difficult to pin down). If you want the best value from your Apple products then you have to buy other Apple products, or use their services.

    Price Maintenance - I'd also argue for RPM. With Apple not only driving their costs down through sheer purchasing power, but also owning their primary distribution network (web/retail) it forces re-sellers to match Apples price floor at awful margins. No, there isn't collusion - because there doesn't need to be! Apple have too much control over the entire supply and distribution chains.
  14. alf-

    alf- Minimodder

    6 Oct 2010
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    gah, people like you are worse then actual apple fanboys.

    XXAOSICXX Minimodder

    20 Apr 2011
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    Apple schmapple. It's all marketing always.

    I still haven't seen the magical and revolutionary effects of the first iPad.....I see the idiots who wasted their money on one walking around the office on them using nothing more than a notepad-style editor and friggin' itunes. Every time I'm in a meeting and someone brings their iPad along - and I do mean EVERY time - you ask them for some key bit of information, they dick around with their iPad for a minute, mumble something about not syncing properly, and then run back to their desk, grab their laptop, and work from that.

    All aboard the fail-train! Woop woop!
  16. LordPyrinc

    LordPyrinc Legomaniac

    7 Mar 2008
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    I call bulls**t on Apple.

    4 times faster? Really? That's a tall tale to prove. I can also make a powerpoint slide showing how my third leg is 4 times as long as Ron Jeremy's.
  17. TheDarkSide

    TheDarkSide What's a Dremel?

    22 Feb 2011
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    someone posted the link to the anandtech article for an early comparison of the apple A5X and Tegra 3, and i recommend it to anyone interested in the gpu comparison.

    There is no question that the A5X gpu IS more powerful than the one in Tegra 3, the question is how much exactly. It'll probably be something like 30 to 60 percent in real world tests as opposed to 2X or more you'd get in synthetic benchmarks.
  18. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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  19. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    I'm 4x smarter than anyone on here.

    You want proof? That means you must hate me because I'm smarter than you so none of you get proof.
  20. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Like everyone else you're making assumptions. The Anandtech article is all "Assuming this..." and "Assuming that..." as nobody has any details on exactly what GPU is in the damn thing, or what clock speed it or the CPU is running at.

    The ONLY people who do know have come up with a x4 figure, which of course is going to be an optimistic figure based on a specific set of conditions.

    Maybe it's x4 the performance at retina resolution when running along-side a dual core A9? Maybe at lower, say 720p res it's just purely "Faster" rather than "A lot faster". I'm sure at some tasks Tegra will kick butt, especially in CPU bound tasks where quad core will have an advantage... if the tests are optimised that way.

    Who really cares? Of course Apple will put out good figures to go with their new tablet. Like duh!

    Fact: If you want a fast smooth reliable tablet running a nice OS then buy an iPad... or a decent ICS equivalent. You have real choice people.


    You're not going to spot the difference playing Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja that's for sure and even in a AAA 3D title it should look damn fine on both. We ain't ever had it this good!

    Now shut the hell up and quit ya bitchin'

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