Extreme breast feeding erm wut?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by GregTheRotter, 12 May 2012.

  1. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    I have breast fed mine, i think up to about 3 years is ok depending on the child, most give it up with out much persuasion by then, as other food and drink is more available and it is by then just for comfort, i do believe the world health organisation says breastfeeding is beneficial up to 2 years.

    I fed my little boy that is now 2 up to 18 months and he had no issue giving up, now my 5 year old little girl never wanted to give up boobie, i fed her till 2 1/2 but i would of defiantly stopped before 3 years, my babies are tiny though.

    As for co sleeping i did this and i did it safely, you need to follow rules, king size bed helps, no fat drunk people on drugs in bed with you :D :thumb: :eyebrow: no quilts, pillows near baby, i always sleep on my side, baby cradled between me and my arm, babies need to feed often during the night, breast fed babies need to feed often anyway it is natural.


    just thought i breast fed at 29,000 ft :cooldude:
    noizdaemon666 likes this.
  2. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    how does a gay couple do that.. with man boobs :D

    uh oh here comes long weight.. and @ nexxo- what point in a presentation does a british guy whipping his erect penis out his pants not go over the top? especially with the wives there!

    was just at a recital and really a lot of kids aren't really old enough to even be on stage performing.. maybe 3 years old might be ok for breast feeding but don't they bite your boobs tribble? like I could see supermonkey having things in his mouth
  3. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    No thehippoz, a breastfeed child won't bite if it's been breastfeed all its life. It would now not to. Now for instance, if my other half decided to return to breastfeeding our 2.5 year old, he more than likely would bite as he hasn't been breastfed since 18 months (he stopped himself).

    @tribble +rep for breastfeeding so long and for co-sleeping :rock:
  4. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Well, it was a lecture on erectile dysfunction at a medical conference. I like to think the attendees were mature adults capable of discussing the subject without bursting into giggles or getting embarrassed. I like to think the wives who chose to attend were aware of the subject of the lecture also, and have seen an erect penis or two in their lives.

    But I can see how a guy who thinks that schoolboy humour about gay sex is appropriate material to include in all of his posts is not quite familiar with adult attitudes towards sex and sexuality.
  5. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    I 'baby-wear' and have done it since my daughter was a month old or less. I don't do it to protect her though, I do it to expose her to the environment, get her understanding the world better and because its just easier when walking the dog to wear a sling than it is to push a buggy. People keep remarking how alert & aware she is for her age so I see it as a positive. My aim is to encourage adventurousness & curiosity, not fear.
  6. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    We are exactly the same - our boy is almost 7 months now and we still don't have a pram; he gets carried everywhere. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest looking out a Mei Tai; much more versatile and comfortable than conventional slings. :thumb:

    And on the subject of breastfeeding, my wife has had the same reception when she breastfeeds Nathan in public. It's sometimes preceived as "indecent" which is just ridiculous.

    At what age should a child be weaned? Good question.
  7. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    On the point of weaning, we went the baby led weaning route from 6 months(that's currently the recommended age). For anyone who doesn't know thay's where the child eats what you eat, nothing gets blended. Means most meals have to have veg. We found this to be much less stressful at meal time. Since babies don't actually need food until about a year baby led weaning meansthey get to play with lots of different foods and start eating at their own speed.
    Last edited: 13 May 2012
  8. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    oh comeon.. I would find it funnier than most but that's really stretching it

    I doubt many people share your view that that's appropriate.. and if they do..

    damnit I have to visit london someday :D I bet you guys have midgets walking the streets- our midgets stay hidden.. like I've only seen one midget in 15 years- I wanted to follow him back to the midget city but I was busy remember.. had somewhere had to go- won't make that mistake next time..
  9. Scirocco

    Scirocco Boobs, I have them, you lose.

    3 Jul 2007
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    Kudos to mothers who can stick with breast-feeding longer than I. When my daughter was born, I managed about a month. Despite preparing as is suggested for new mothers, it hurt like hell and my nipples were raw and splitting. My daughter was a world-class sucker! heheh My opinion is up to three years old is fine. As for sleeping with children and other techniques of attachment parenting, recommendations and practices vary widely between cultures. My preference was for our child to have a separate room.

    At any rate, even children in the same family can be very different. A technique that is perfect for one may not be what's needed optimally for the other, or for the parents for that matter.
  10. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    My sister has tried to breastfeed all three of her kids and it never worked out with any of them. She was actually more upset by the attitudes of the midwives who tried to bully her into keep trying and made her feel like a bad mother for giving up.

    I saw a documentary a few years ago about women who breast fed their children to extreme ages, I think one of the children was eight iirc and to the casual observer it seemed to have created very strange relationships within the family. Children loose the tongue curl reflex at a certain age anyway so the kids where not getting anything anyway. The weirdest one was the couple who adopted a Chinese orphan who looked about 3 or 4 and tried to breastfeed her.
  11. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    I do, it's only a bit of flesh after all.
  12. SuicideNeil

    SuicideNeil What's a Dremel?

    17 Aug 2009
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    I do find society's attitude towards breatfeeding, especially in public, somewhat confussed; girl gets her boobs out in public = awesome ( assuming they're nice boobs, or passable- t'internet has spoilt me.. ); mother feeds her baby in public = gross. Why is this? I'd hazard a guess at it being to do with people not wanting to be reminded of bodily functions ( such as urinating in public vs streaking for example ) as they see it as distasteful.

    Ofcourse, there is the argument that some mothers make a show of breastfeeding in inappropriate situations deliberately as they have the need to be exhibitionists, or want the attraction ( 'hey look at me, I have a kid & I'm breastfeeding on this bus / busy street so that everyone can see me' ).

    Regards breastfeeding a 4 year old or 6 year old, that is somewhat inappropriate though I feel- there comes a certain point when it simply isn't necessary & the child is old enough that they are likely to develop serious attachment issues ( we've all heard the expression 'mummys boy' ). Also, imagine being old enough to remember being breast fed when you're getting interested in girls- that could lead to some serious mind-****ery. From a girls point of view, it seems a mother is less likely to continue breast feeding so long for some reason, often because the baby self-weens.
  13. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    unless your a chinese baby.. then it's ok =p
  14. benji2412

    benji2412 <insert message here>

    25 Apr 2009
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    It is a bit double standard, a friend of mine breast fed in a restaurant and pretty discretely I might add. Only to be told by the waiting staff that she was making some patrons feel uncomfortable, upon asking where she should feed her son, they replied 'the disabled bathroom'.

    She. Was. Not. Happy.

    Seriously though, where do these anti-public breastfeeding folk come from?
  15. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    I would have replied by asking the management if they would feel comfortable (and sanitary) eating in their restaurant's toilet. If not, then why would it be ok for a baby to eat there?

    In my opinion people oppose public breastfeeding because it reminds them that breasts are not playthings meant only for their enjoyment. I believe people oppose public urination because it is unsanitary; there is a reason we invented sewage systems and running water.

    As for streaking, well, I'm all for that. :)
  16. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    I apparently was too lazy a baby to breastfeed, but both my sister and brother did.
    I've got nothing against people doing it while the child is still young, I mean, if the child is 10 years old and still breastfeeding I'd probably raise an eyebrow, but in the end it's up to the mother.
    Doing it publicy again I have no problem with, although if it were making someone uncomfortable, I would see if something could be worked out to please all parties.
  17. benji2412

    benji2412 <insert message here>

    25 Apr 2009
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    That's pretty much what she said. I myself would then probably complain that the way they were using their knife and fork offended me and the way I was raised. Maybe we'd come to an agreement to please all parties.

    For example, they could just not look and shut up.
  18. eddie_dane

    eddie_dane Used to mod pc's now I mod houses

    31 Jan 2002
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    when I read "extreme breast feeding" I expected a mom bungee jumping with a kid latched on... I was disappointed.
  19. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    No, you're looking for the XXX-Games. :D
  20. benji2412

    benji2412 <insert message here>

    25 Apr 2009
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