
Discussion in 'Serious' started by cyberspice, 3 Jul 2012.

  1. 3lusive

    3lusive Minimodder

    5 Feb 2011
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    Yeah, of course, but if people were better informed, and could get access to 'clean' drugs they could make choices as to whether they want to take the risks - just like they do with alcohol and tobacco.

    Ecstasy makes you depressed because it effects your dopamine and serotonin (happy chemicals), so the next day you feel pretty down and have bad thoughts. That's it's immediate short term effects. What are it's long term I couldn't tell you and I don't think science absolutely knows.
  2. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    This is being done. It's called the Methadone programme. It does not really work that well because basically people are still addicts, with a lack of self-regulation and with egocentric immature ehaviour.

    The basic problem is about why people use drugs. Many people like a drink but they don't become alcoholics. Other people however develop psychological dependencies on anything from cigarettes to coffee to food to sex. It's all about how bad people feel in themselves, how well they can regulate and manage their mood states and whether they need to resort to external means to do so.

    Many people grow up in an environment where they are not taught to identify their mood and how to regulate it. They are not taught ways to feel good in yourself. Parents are often a bad role model. Children whose parents smoke are more likely to smoke. Those whose parents drink are more likely to drink. Those whose parents cannot control their temper and are violent, are less likely to be able to control their own temper and more prone to violence. Children whose parents are depressed and anxious are more likely to become depressed and anxious. About 30% of the population has some difficulties in these areas to more or lesser extent, with about 10% having marked difficulties.

    Availability is a factor in the choice of drug, but if people want to use a drug, they'll find something. Making drugs illegal just creates more difficulties in terms of quality control and health and safety, and in terms of the criminal activity it attracts. All drugs can endanger health; even junk food. All you can do is raise people to be less dependent on external resources to manage their mood; to not need to develop dependencies an addictions, to become self-disciplined and self-possessed individuals.
  3. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    We originally used alcohol as a way of sterilizing water to make it safe to drink. In the the far east they drank tea which had the same effect with out the alcohol, which is why they are more sensitive to it's effects than we are. So we have drank alcohol for so long it has become deeply ingrained into our culture so banning it would be extremely difficult. Prohibition era America showed how banning alcohol drove the market underground into the criminal world while having little effects on consumption.

    I thought methadone was worse than heroin in terms of effects and addiction?
  4. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    If you have some mental problems it can make them worse...anxiety, paranoia, depression...if your a loner and maybe a little strange anyway it could trigger Schizophrenia.

    The feeling of slipping away from reality can cause a panic attack, it can be frightening for everything to look, feel, taste and even smell different, it's not recommended if your a little unbalanced anyway.

    I've done acid in the past, the best trips were when we would start laughing and couldn't stop, the worse were when the mood was un-comfortable for what ever reason 'coming up'.
  5. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    This is a problem. Mental health. Hallucinogens don't exactly assist in alleviating issues such as this. Still I find it difficult to envision any government legalizing it (despite portugal already doing so) purely because of public pressure.
  6. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
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    Best trips I've had have been when I'm in the country or snorkeling, Pretty amazing under the water on acid.
    The worse in clubs to claustrophobic, mind never had a bad trip it's all whats in your head :p
  7. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest


    Pretty simple. The same with alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. If you ever heard my gastroenterologist rattle on about what caffeine does to your organs and nervous system, you'd switch to decaf.
  8. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
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    Lol not really but I like my picture better ;)
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2012
    N17 dizzi likes this.
  9. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    doesn't it cut like 60% of the blood to your brain? think that's why people like it- turns off most of your brain so it brings people with a very high iq down to the level of their colleagues..

    my theory anyways.. you never see a luffagus who loves coffee
  10. 3lusive

    3lusive Minimodder

    5 Feb 2011
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    Well even the long term effects of coffee are not well understood (e.g. some studies have found it has a positive effect on the heart, others found no link, and others found it increased heart disease).

    And considering, as quoted in Wikipedia...

    the Harvard School of Public Health state that "the overall balance of risks and benefits [of coffee consumption] are on the side of benefits." For example, men who drank six or more cups of coffee per day were found to have a 20% reduction in developing prostate cancer.

    ...I seriously doubt it has the effects just described by you above.
  11. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    yeah it does cut off up to 60% of the blood to the brain.. constricts your blood vessels is why.. heard about the blood loss quite a while back- still drink the stuff though

    6 cups that's pretty hardcore- that guy probably lives so long because he doesn't do anything but sit on the toilet xD
  12. 3lusive

    3lusive Minimodder

    5 Feb 2011
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    If you lost 60% of blood flow to the brain you'd likely lose consciousness.

    Plus, what you're referring to will be either extremely high doses of caffeine, or possibly cocaine - both are stimulants which restrict the arteries around your heart and I assume increase blood pressure which could result in heart attack or a stroke.

    In normal circumstances, however, you'd never get that effect with the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee - ie you'd never lose 60% blood flow to the brain from drinking 5-7 cups of coffee!

    But nothing can restrict bloodflow like snake venom:

    Last edited: 13 Jul 2012
  13. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    The same can be said for anything. It's a meaningless category to place things in, as all things would be in this category.
  14. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    I was told that it causes havoc on various muscles in your chest, such as the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, and affects breathing and how your stomach works dramatically.

    I'm pretty much banned from it due to the fact my stomach is now sowed to my diaphragm, so any affect on the muscule affects an awful lot of my system, and seeing as my surgeon is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, I'm inclined to believe him.
  15. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Sorry, but what is "it"? Drugs as it's meant by most people now is a really stupidly simplistic term essentially created to describe the sum of all illegal drugs and none of the legal ones, truly it's an awful term.

    I presume you're talking about cannabis?
  16. 3lusive

    3lusive Minimodder

    5 Feb 2011
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    You must have an unusual aversion to caffeine (lack of enzymes in the stomach which can break it down? - a known issue with old people), but that is not the case for most people who wouldn't remotely suffer from what you've just described.
  17. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Ah, sorry, was referring back to caffeine but forgot to quote the text I was replying too.. :rolleyes:
  18. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Screw the surgeon. Next time you see him, punch him in the ear and find yourself Dr. Nick Riviera style doctor who'll A-OK the coffee. Seriously, telling someone they can't drink coffee, what kind of sick islamofascist-terrorist-paedophile-skinhead-nazi-communist is he?
  19. dolphie

    dolphie What's a Dremel?

    6 Jul 2012
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    Is even drinking green tea bad?
  20. 3lusive

    3lusive Minimodder

    5 Feb 2011
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    It's nothing to do with coffee - it's the caffeine which some stomachs cannot tolerate. It's a known medical issue. He will have to avoid energy drinks and anything else that contains moderate amounts of it. I think he could drink decaf if he wanted to.

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