Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Ramon Suey, 28 Oct 2012.

  1. Ramon Suey

    Ramon Suey What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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    Help. I'm on my second build (my first was 3 years ago without problems) and I now have a problem. I have a BeQuiet PS, a Gigabyte G1 Sniper M/B and 3570K processor. When I switch on the Zigmatek cooler and system fans spin for a second then the system shuts down, then restarts, and continues on off until I kill power. The M/B doesn't beep or show any signs of life. What do I need to look at?
  2. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    i have recently had this problem. a good idea the wont hurt is to check the back of the psu, thers a recessed red slider switch, make sure it is switched toyour countrie's current. other'n that...
  3. mikeyman198

    mikeyman198 Lets pretend this is hilarious.

    12 May 2011
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    I had this when an OC went tits up. Try resetting the CMOS/taking the battery out for half an hour.
  4. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Your most likely shorting the motherboard on the case easily done.
  5. lancer778544

    lancer778544 Multimodder

    5 Jan 2011
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    This or if this is a brand new build, your motherboard needs a BIOS update to support the Ivy Bridge processor.

    I've only seen voltage switches on the back of really cheap PSUs and I know from first hand experience that they'll just blow as soon as power is applied if the voltage is on the wrong setting so I doubt that it's that.
  6. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    thing is, that happened to me, and yet it didnt blow.
  7. lancer778544

    lancer778544 Multimodder

    5 Jan 2011
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    Ah, just realised your in the U.S so if your power supply was switched to the wrong setting you wouldn't be feeding it with enough power whereas the opposite is true in the UK.
  8. Ramon Suey

    Ramon Suey What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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    Thanks for the replies so far. I have checked the PS (630W Be Quiet! Power Supply) - no switch lancer778544 and in UK. Would the BIOS boot if the processor was the fault?
  9. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    EDIT: Do you have to switch on your cooler separate from your system?

    It is possible that the CPU cooler fan is not being picked up on the RPM sensor in your build Plug the stock HSF in and see if that helps. If it does the sensor is not working in your fan, you may need a BIOS update, or you are shorting out the board as the last 2 have been said above "I have assumed" you have looked in to these.
  10. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    G1 Sniper 2 or G1 Sniper 3? The former is a Z68 board and might need a BIOS upgrade to detect the Ivy Bridge processor as already said. The BIOS is executed on the CPU so it won't even get that far. You will likely need a Sandy Bridge CPU to do the actual upgrade.
  11. Ramon Suey

    Ramon Suey What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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    G1 Sniper M3 (Z77 board). Have checked for shorts and can't see any problem. I was careful in fitting the stand-offs to match the board - one in the case wasn't used. I have fitted Samsung Green 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C11 - but they shouldn't be problem? I am reluctant to switch coolers at the moment - as a novice I find fitting the cooler the only really scary part.
  12. lancer778544

    lancer778544 Multimodder

    5 Jan 2011
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    You should be able to just simply plug the original heatsink in but leave your Xigmatek heatsink attached.
  13. Gould

    Gould What's a Dremel?

    4 Apr 2011
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    Just to rule out the obvious, the 12V ATX cable is plugged in right?
  14. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Use the other pair of RAM slots. You probably choose the wrong set.
  15. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    are you using a sound card by any chance, if so take it out and try again. I only say this as I was using a sound card in a z77 asus board and if the SC was in a certain PCI-E slot I had the exact same symptoms you are describing.
  16. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    ^ is what I meant. You can also remove anything but the CPU and ram as it should have on board video if I am correct and start from there. Also as mentioned above check the ram slots. If none of the above work try 1 stick of ram in each slot and let us know what happens.

    EDIT: If you live in the states PM me if you cant figure it out we can chat on G Mail with a webcam or you can call me.
  17. Ramon Suey

    Ramon Suey What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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    Thanks everyone, I have tried out many suggestions and still fails to function longer than a second (the fans all spin, then switch off). Clarification please Mechh69 - do I take your suggestion has removing all front panel headers, fans other than CPU, keyboard, etc. I will end up with just ATX and ATX CPU power attached and one stick of DDR3 - is that it?

    PS. I did lancer778544's suggestion of attach to Intel cooler to the CPU fan header and it did spin with the other fans for a fraction of a second so power is surging through the motherboard. Could the CPU or M/B be DOA? 6:57am UK time so I will need to await a bit for your reply. Thanks for your interest.
  18. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    Yes, disconnect everything you can.

    If it still does the same, you'll have to try to pinpoint it down even further. Remove all RAM sticks -- the motherboard should start up and (if you have a beeper attached) signal a memory error.

    If that fails, you should try the power supply on its own. Disconnect all cables. Then short the green wire on the 24 pin connector to a black wire (e.g. with a paper clip). Then connect the PSU to mains. It should start up.

    If that fails, the PSU is dead. If it works, you need to try the motherboard on its own, without the CPU. It should start up and signal CPU error. After that you will have found the root of the problem.
  19. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    You can take MM VR's advice but I would suggest a less drastic measure and just pull your video card, sound card (if you have one) and any other add on cards. Then pull all but 1 stick of ram and try it in each slot. Leave your keyboard and mouse attached if they are known good, if not put a set of known good ones on them. Double and triple check you Front panel headers you can remove all but your power and reset switch unless you have one onboard then you can dc those also. If that fails un-screw your MB and set it on something non conductive i.e wood and put your anti static bag underneath. then try the power on, and see what you get. I like to take the remove one thing at a time approach. I do have one simple question and I know it sounds a bit stupid but did you put TIM under the HSF? Is the CPU fan plunged in to the correct connector. Check the simple stuff first, then go further until you eliminate the problem. Or you can take the other approach and remove everything and add 1 thing at a time. I am home all day and will check back in from time to time so let me know if you need to IM/Video chat. it is 0749 here and almost noon in London.
  20. Ramon Suey

    Ramon Suey What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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    Thanks Mechh69. I know I should have followed advice in system building article in Custom PC and tested before I put everything into the case. Because of absence of problems in my first build, I suppose I was over-confident. I am loathe to strip it back down again - it's such a fiddle when everythings in the case - so much easier putting everything in the right order. I have retested with most things removed and only a single stick of DDR3. I did put Arctic Cooling MX4 before the Cooler - could too much cause a problem? I put on the line as recommended by Arctic Cooling and did watch a few Youtube clips on TIM application. How long does it take a processor to overheat - baring in mind it shuts down in a second. The M/B has it's own upmarket Soundcard (a Creative chip) - one of the reasons I choose it. Is it possible to squash the CPU from overtightening? I am clutching at straws now despite the advice from helpful people like yourself. I plan to take the PC to a local PC repairer (he's on holiday till Fri) so I have now exhausted myself and am giving up for now - I have a VAT Return to do before 11/07/2012. I am starting to suspect the M/B or CPU could be faulty or I have done some damage without realizing. There again it might be a PS fault or a short. I considered cannibalising my Mark 1 PC (RAM-0911 - Assembled in Nov 2009 but also a tribute to the tragedy in NY) but I want at least one working PC. Anyway I am signing off for now but will let you and the other contributors know the outcome - possibly next week though.

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