LOL The Weekend Thread Wahoo! :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Guest-44432, 6 Apr 2013.

  1. TaRkA DaHl

    TaRkA DaHl Modder

    15 Mar 2011
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    I wish I was making good money to justify it, but I'm simply not. I had to take a massive pay cut after a work injury as I couldn't work any more in that field (injury also wiped out my 7 years of education as I can hardly type now), this is a ok at best job with awful hours and very little opportunity to progress due to the level of ass kissing required. Pay is just enough to get by, not enough to save up and move out so kinda stuck for now until the job market picks up around here. Least I have a job (unlike most) and didn't bother just going on disability or anything like that.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
    Northern Ireland
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    This. I've probably had more than one weekend off in two years, but haven't had one off since I can remember.

    I even have to work today :rolleyes: Once I've had dinner (in about an hour) I'm off to school to reinstall computers and projectors which were out for servicing and to tidy everything up. 400 children and ~60 staff descend on the place tomorrow morning and everything has to be ready for them.
  3. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
    Windhoek, Namibia
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    My weekend (last) was actually quite relaxing in a weird way.

    Friday (I finish work at lunch on Fridays): Go home feeling a bit under the weather. GF wants to go to the gym, so she goes, while I hang out with some tattooist mates of mine. We test-fit the stencil they made for the GF's back piece. Go home, friends pick up their Morphsuits (Kick-Ass and some random one... these people are going to the same costume party as me). watch movies, sleep early.

    Saturday: Wake up early... too damn early, feeling way better. Feed cats, play a round of LoL before the lady wakes up. Go to the gym to teach a mate how to play squash. GF gets her back tattooed.
    Go home, nap. Watch Red Dragon (hadn't seen it yet), visit friends with a bottle of wine, friend shows me Rocksmith... cool concept - implementation a bit what-the-effish.

    Sunday: DST means I am up at 4:30 rather than 5:30. Play a game of LoL, dick around on facebook, read emails. Make breakfast, go to town, have the lady spend my money, go home, nap, watch movies. Fin.
  4. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
    Standing Here Beside Myself
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    I spent my weekend gaming. And a bloody good weekend it was!
  5. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
    Licolnshire, UK
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    I got hooked by the D&D weekend discount on GOG so spent the majority of the weekend with a few beers and Icewind Dale which I haven't played for years.

    This weekend is a strip and rebuild of my AEG gearbox on Saturday (I stripped the teeth on the piston last game day) followed by another day of airsoft on Sunday. Hoping we get more than 60 of us out again as it gets messy :D
  6. Noob?

    Noob? What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2009
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    Why does that sound familiar?

    Oh, had to work both the weekend mornings, attend to more than 15 guests on Sunday once I'd got back from work and all that with a shi**y viral infection. But still enjoyable!

    Thanks TG for reminding me of days gone! :(

    However, hope you enjoyed yours and it was as planned! Had a chuckle at the nap in front of the fire with the father-in-law. Male bonding there through and through! :rock:
  7. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Sounds like an interesting Job, you have there. :)

    Sounds very routine! :D My Missus now earns more money than me, and yet I'm the one who has to pick up the bill...Too generous I guess. :D

    Awesome! Nothing better than going work Monday with blood shot eyes, from a EPIC Weekend of gaming! :D

    I see, so your into your BB Guns. Just had a quick look on youtube of the AEG gearbox, and I can see how easy it is to strip the teeth off it. :(

    Anyway, sounds like a fun weekend! Sort of stuff I used to get up to when I was 16. Now I'm stuck in doors on a PC! Lol :D

    Sounds like you had your hands full for the weekend with 15 Guests! :D

    Yep - Me and my Father-in-Law get on like a house on fire! - We're off on Holiday with them soon! So it should be EPIC, once the kids are in bed, and we are all crashed out in front of our pool, with some drinks... :D
  8. patrickk84

    patrickk84 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2005
    DC Metro, US
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    Last weekend we(the GF and I) rocked some fireworks in DC. And spent some time walking around the National Monuments at night. I highly suggest that if anyone's ever visiting the area.

    This weekend if my u-bolts ever come in I'm looking to work on my Suzuki Samurai... Someday soon I'm hoping to take her on her maiden off-roading venture.

    I wish I had the time to play some video games lately. I still haven't finished Skyrim, and haven't even started ME3. :'(

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