Scratch Build – In Progress Parvum Systems Project Magnus - 19th April - i51 LAN

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by imersa, 19 Sep 2013.


Which coolant for Magnus?

  1. Clear : Clear

    7 vote(s)
  2. Pastel White : Oil Black

    34 vote(s)
  3. Translucent Red : Clear

    10 vote(s)
  1. Si_the-dude

    Si_the-dude Techaholics Anonymous. 0 days clean

    17 Dec 2012
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    This is looking absolutely incredible mate. The design, choice of hardware and execution all fit together perfectly. I absolutely love what you've got going on with the acrylic. So much so in fact, that I've bought some rigid tubing to play around with (although I'm too scared to use it at present!!). I can't wait to see more updates!

    Those white rads are the bees knees!! :D
  2. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Hardware fun and 8 SSDs


    Back with more:

    Little progress shot. Just installed the test plate in the bottom:


    About 90% perfect, a few little changes needed. 1-2mm here and there:


    More changes for the top section. Getting everything lined up for cables and more fittings:


    Very advanced measuring systems:


    Next up a little bit of a hardware show off. First is the LSI 9271-8i. Got to thank Tiny Tom Logan for this little beauty. We've had a great relationship so far and have been working on a few bits here and there. More on that coming so keep your eye out!


    More importantly on top of this the cables... I had concerns about what fun it may be braiding sas to sata leads like these and Tom has saved the day again. He did a LOT of searching to find these perfect cables and they cost a pretty penny too. When he said I could have some I actually thought he was joking until they turned up. Awesome solution and no braiding for me. Happy days:


    Next I suppose we would need something to go with this raid card, SSD heavy. I'm going to sleep on these tonight. Thank you Kingston!!! (please understand you don't just get given things like this for a simple project log, we are doing some work for them in exchange).


    Got a couple of fan controllers in for the build. Great packaging and solid overall product. Used a bunch of Lamptron stuff and always very happy:


    We decided to use a couple of the XSPC Photon tube reservoirs. Technically we could have made it work without them but it's a hell of a lot less stressful using them and they are great. Actually made from glass which is not something I've used before. Makes for a great feel and finish:


    Amazing little mounting system. Very high quality. However not something we will use so removed:


    Looking a little more angular now, perfect for the Parvum aesthetic:


    Cut the new top section with the new changes:


    Installing the reservoirs:


    To be honest I didn't expect this to line up first time. I mean we are amazing and everything but this was a 'guess and hope' effort:


    Finally installed the raid cards and cables:


    Thanks for reading. Please leave feedback :D

    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
    Likes Received:
    Really starting to take shape now, looks ace! looking forward to seeing those SSD's in place and this build complete. Shame the RAID controller has a green PCB, maybe you guys could cut a custom shroud based around it's heatsink mounting holes to bring it more inline with the rest of the look.

    Naming your first born 'Kingston' should just about to it.

    Look forward to seeing it at i51.

  4. alienwaregtx

    alienwaregtx What's a Dremel?

    16 Oct 2013
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    is the person building this the lad who had the parvum system at i50 then? ar involved at least? I was the one with the alienware setup, Kier inspired :) we spoke briefly :p
  5. r104_for

    r104_for What's a Dremel?

    8 Dec 2013
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  6. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Thanks dude. Really looking forward to 51. I hope the rooms on site won't be too expensive. That'd be a real nice touch only having to nip upstairs.

    Kingston.. hmm I actually don't mind that as a name haha

    Ahh yeah dude I remember the rig and indeed it was me you met. At least I am one half of the two making this monster :D, I was the one with I suppose 'more' tattoos haha. Nice to meet you mate.
  7. alienwaregtx

    alienwaregtx What's a Dremel?

    16 Oct 2013
    Likes Received:
    Ahh awesome! Its looking brilliant mate keep it up :D :clap:
  8. MegadetHCl

    MegadetHCl What's a Dremel?

    8 May 2004
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    I hope you plan on having some air flow over the LSI RAID card, as those passive aluminum heatsinks run very hot and can lead to issues with your RAID setup. Even better, use the two mounting holes on the RAID card to attach a customized waterblock with side ports.
  9. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Yeah I've used a few raid cards in my time. Had a 9260-8i so pretty close to this, had a direct 120mm blowing onto that on a test bench so no issues.

    Ideally I will try and fit a universal waterblock with the mounting holes provided. Should be doable and of course keep reading and you'll see the progress! :D
  10. Noob?

    Noob? What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2009
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    J, missed the 11th Dec update and I got to say you guys/girls have done an unbelieveable job and the hardware.....:jawdrop:

    Next time I'm over your way or near, I'll make an effort to pop in! :D Got to see to Magnus and his pals up close. :hehe:

    Plus, it'd be nice to finally meet. :)

    Again, GREAT WORK! :thumb:
  11. law99

    law99 Custom User Title

    24 Sep 2009
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    Everytm I do something with a pc, my cat is there, rubbing up against it, trying to get inside the pc.... playng with the wires.


    EDIT: Looks epic by the way.
  12. longyny

    longyny What's a Dremel?

    8 Aug 2012
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    Totally overkill... but... for me, it's unnecessarily confusing all those tubes there in the middle.

    What will you do when you need to change something? In my opinion, with an extremely sophisticated loop like that, it's a must have to put in there some valves or even high flow quick release fittings to cut the loop easy and fast to test or change something without unmounting the whole computer, and of course, without spilling a drop of water.

    Even more, there is no real reason to cool the water of every single gpu, cpu individually, you will not have significant improvement over a traditional loop cooling the water only once.

    And finally, if you are using more than one pump, I would use them in pairs with dual serial top, you get double the pressure and you get redundancy, if one pump fails, the water will continue cooling the system.
  13. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Ah well missing an update is just unacceptable! Haha. Hard to keep everyone's attention with so many little touches updates but they have to be done!

    Yes mate by all means, do you have my phone number? PM me if not, we would be super stoked to have you see the build in the flesh and see the case cutting operation!

    Thanks for the edit kind words! Honestly tho that cat is unreal, he has a new habit.. if he spots something small on the coffee table he will make sure hes so low that he cant actually see the item then try to knock it off the table with his paw. It's so funny... why not just at least look at what your trying to knock off :D

    Totally overkill indeed. Understand this is a show rig not a end user watercooled rig. To clear a few things up about the build then. The confusion in the middle has nothing to do with loop efficiency, flow or necessarily looking neat or sophisticated. The whole approach this time was to do something completely different. I have an extremely artistic background and this is pretty evident in all of my work with Parvum and shown here in the build. The process of actually completing the loop this way isn't so confusing.

    You make a very good point about when something needs to be changed. In doing a build this way it does make for a more difficult process when changing something but I don't really intend on changing anything. This is strictly a show build, it has a list of over 12 confirmed events it will be shown at throughout the UK and Europe. If it was a home rig almost everything you mentioned would probably be present. Before the Parvum show rigs for my home system I used a test bench with a couple of 360mm radiators, all with quick disconnects paired with my gorgeous SR-2. This was because I was forever changing things but at the same time didn't care about the aesthetics AS much.

    As for the cooling; that's not individually cooling each item, the GPUs are on one loop, they just travel to the bottom of the case before being connected. Same situation for the CPU, mos and RAM etc; they all travel via separate tubes but ultimately connect to the same loop.

    On the note of pumps for pressure & redundancy... we will see. My SR2 I did just this, because it was running 24/7 and at times unattended. This would be useful in this instance as losing a pump at a show would in effect.. lose the rig for that show. I have two more d5's here but it's down to space and layout in the rig.

    Worst case I'd rather make something completely new, a new project than upgrade the old. If something fails it's a great incentive to start a new build. New projects also means more prototyping for future products.

    Ultimately I suppose remember for me it's about making something different, something new and for this build something a little sporadic and crazy.
  14. Si_the-dude

    Si_the-dude Techaholics Anonymous. 0 days clean

    17 Dec 2012
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    Amazing progress Justin. The use of space is awesome!

    Is this something you guys might release in the near future? :D :D :D
  15. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Noting the XSPC reservoirs, what are the diameters of the caps (of the two steps)?
    Last edited: 14 Dec 2013
  16. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Thanks man. A big thing for me is to try and always fill any space. If I couldn't fill it I'd have been better making it smaller.

    We plan to for sure, it'll probably be a little smaller and a little more friendly. Probably a pair of 360mm radiators or 1 x 360 2 x 240 or something. 5 x 240mm radiators is a little much for the average user I'm sure!

    Had a little look into it further. It wasn't really something I thought about as pastel fluid would hide it regardless for me. However upon inspection I would say no, you could probably do a pretty simple mod to allow it but if you just took it out it'd leak through the small hole (see smallest O ring)... photos may help you out bud:

  17. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Thanks! That's really helpful. :thumb:
  18. alienwaregtx

    alienwaregtx What's a Dremel?

    16 Oct 2013
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    ^^ really? just really? lol
  19. imersa

    imersa Parvum Princess

    9 Apr 2009
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    Ah it's okay! Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I encourage people to have their say. Won't stop me making this build even less practical however :D
  20. hero1

    hero1 Minimodder

    18 Oct 2013
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    Nice stuff. Keep it up.

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