Any been to a gamers exhibition/expo before

Discussion in 'Serious' started by JoeK, 28 Jan 2014.

  1. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
    Staffs, Just Outside Mordor.
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    you may have difficulties with print also. Typical turn arount times bring you pretty close to the deadlines. If you need any help with suppliers for print, please let m know.
  2. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Some tips:

    1. Don't go with 'tat'. If you have a large screen on a clunky rusting stand rent something better
    2. Don't allow anything to be stolen. Small handheld electronics should be on leashes attached to your people.
    3. Give out freebies, but they have to have your web address on it.
    4. Give out testimonials and case studies aimed at the customers you want to attract.
    5. Use Ikea to source cheap, clean simple furniture. You need at least a small standing desk so people can lean and write on it.
    6. As well as flashy demos, make sure people know what it is you do!

    Some links (Both good and bad)

    Use google, google and google... and youtube!

    But a week? Talk about a tall order. Personally I would have LOVED such a challenge, but I would have had a week of zero sleep by the end of it.

    If it was me I would:

    • Buy yards of bright red (or your brand colour) material to cover the entire walls. Use dress maker pins or tape to hold it in tight place. You'll be the bright colourful stand in a mile and half of dross.
    • Buy a 50" TV (or two) from PCWorld, either keep it for the company or sell it afterwards if this is your one and only show. Either get smart TVs or cheap dongles / boxes that can play video from USB.
    • Choose my demo content correctly.
    • If my content demanded it: Use secure iPad stands right at the front. If you can't rent one quickly then order a secure desk stand and bolt it to something from Ikea.
    • Get a small sqare standing desk (I'd hack one from Ikea bits) and a (maybe) a couple of bar stools if you're sure you have room.
    • Mount the TV(s) on a hacked Ikea construction. I don't know what I'd just go the store and work it out. Use behind this (or within it) to store your freebie, bits and bobs. I'd go with dark red walls and gloss white furniture... but then I like red and white ;)
    • Make sure the stand was manned all the time by friendly, positive, knowledgeable people.
    • Think about taking the expensive stuff home every night.

    Most importantly I'd be prepared to spend a bit extra to make a good impression. You have to make AN impression or people won't remember you and it has to be GOOD or people won't use you.

    Good luck. We want pictures!
    Last edited: 30 Jan 2014
  3. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    No. Just no. If a company doesn't have the right sort of people they shouldn't be at the show. And 'attractiveness' doesn't come into it. Ever.

    Presentable. Approachable. Knowledgeable.
  4. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
    Bellingham, WA
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    See, my experience at shows is that the people in the booth are sales and marketing types who know very little about the technical side of things. Typically when i start asking questions they either try to look it up in the brochures they're handing out or else direct me to their website. Finding someone with in-depth knowledge of their products at a trade show is an exception rahter than the rule.

    Obviously your mileage may vary though.
  5. JoeK

    JoeK Minimodder

    24 Dec 2010
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    hence why a good mix is important. An chatty extrovert with a warm smile alongside a tech person who knows the product inside out.

    We got a good balance I think. Boss is going to be active for the entire showing. I really don't like being in crowds and talking to people all day long. I won't be there by another tech will.
  6. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
    Bellingham, WA
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    So, how did it turn out?

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