Planning 360 controller to an arcade stick

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Elspuddy, 14 Sep 2010.

  1. Elspuddy

    Elspuddy Minimodder

    2 Oct 2001
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    o.k first time doing this but i want to mod my 360 controller to become an arcade stick.
    now i got the basic's down, build a box, drill some holes for the new stick and buttions, desolder 360 controller, wire points from 360 controller to buttions and new joystick, simple right ? well i have some questions, what wire type of wire do i need to go from the 360 controller to the buttions.stick and what buttions should i use ? these or these or maby this one ???
  2. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I actually did some research and started a scratch build for my own box but I never finished up. For wiring you just need to resolder the connection points for the buttons to the new buttons you picked. If you google you can find a few sites dedicated to modding controllers for arcade sticks.

    As for the buttons, I'd suggest the sanwa's. They are the authentic buttons used in the real arcade machines, while the happs are stronger / more durable they aren't the same according to many hardcore enthusiasts. Apparently they are the best feeling / quickest for response times from what I had read aprox. a year ago when I tried making my own stick.

    Quick googled turned up these guides.

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