Other I need some roommate/friend advice...

Discussion in 'General' started by chrisb2e9, 5 Apr 2009.

  1. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    To make a long story short, if I can...
    In December I moved into a house. Renting a bedroom from a girl who rents the house from the owner. None of that is really important.
    I knew from the start that this girl, who we will call Jennifer, was trouble. A user, and a manipulator.
    Despite me knowing this I had a week or two in February where I developed a huge crush on her. During this week, she decided to, end her lease, and move out of the house. Because my lease was with her, I agreed to leave as well. Pretty much had to.

    We were going to rent a house together. I had a moment of clarity and said no to that and was going to move into a different house without Jennifer. I knew that she was bad for me and I should get away.
    This new house is owned by another girl who we will call Clair.
    I set up a time to go see the house with Clair and the day before I went, Jennifer told me that the place she had lined up, told her that she cant move in. So now she needs a place to live, and Clair just happens to have a few rooms available. So I bring Jennifer along with me to see the place and meet Clair.
    Clair was fine with me moving in. But didn't like Jennifer right away. She didn't come out and say that, but I could tell. So I vouched for Jennifer(because my moment of clarity had ended and I still had a crush on Jennifer) and Clair agreed that Jennifer could move in.

    So now I am moving into a place with Jennifer even though I tried to get away from her.
    Moving on...
    Move in day, I took care of everything, getting a truck, moving almost everything into and out of said truck. Jennifer didn't help much. So was I used here? Maybe. I did take control of the moving day though. So it could of just been my own fault.

    The night we finished moving in there was a party, the three of us plus some of Clair’s friends and family.
    At one point Clair pulls me aside and tells me that I am letting Jennifer control me. And that I need to stand up for myself more.
    Good advice? Yes. Something I already learned that week? Yes. Her setting me up to become her pet? Well, maybe. But I didn't think so at the time.

    For those who don’t know, I work out of town. So I am home for a week, and then away for a week.
    The few weeks that I am home, Clair and I usually spend a lot of time together. She's an attractive girl, has a powerful personality that’s hard to ignore. So I do like her. But I don’t think she likes me back in the same way. So I am fine with just being friends with her. We go out drinking, shopping, lunch, supper. Borderline couple stuff but just falling short every time. Basically just really good friends. I do still like her though.

    Fast forward to two days ago. Jennifer is given her eviction notice because Clair doesn't like her.
    And today, Jennifer and I start talking on facebook. She starts telling me that she was talking to someone who has known Clair for a long time. And this person told her that Clair uses people. And that the only reason I am not kicked out as well, is because I pay for things, and because I drive her around when she needs a ride, he said that Clair is playing up the fact that I am falling for her.

    Yes I have bought her some things. Like a coffee here or there. Or a drink or two at the bar.
    But half the time when I am getting a coffee and I offer to get her something she says no. And she buys me more to drink at the bar than I do for her.
    I have driven her to work a few times. But sometimes I offer and she says no. Or I offer to pick her up and she says no.
    So I don’t think she is doing a very good job of using me. If she even is.

    As for falling for her, I don’t “think” she knows that I am interested. Jennifer however does know that I am interested in Clair.
    The other day, Jennifer went on my computer to check her mail. (So she says) she had a message on facebook. She clicked on the link and then clicked on her inbox. Not knowing (so she says) that facebook was set to autolog me in (it is my computer).
    I happened to have a message, from a girl who is buying a condo. Jennifer knows about this and just happens to own a condo in the area that this girl is looking to buy. She assumed I had forwarded the messages between me and this girl, to her.

    She read them. Found the part where it says (quoting myself) "Clair can’t stand Jennifer"
    Which is where she found out that Clair doesn't like her. She kept reading though and saw the part that I had written about me liking Clair. But (thank god) it also says that Jennifer and I still get along really well.

    That was a mess.


    Today, Jennifer was telling me all of this about Clair. That she uses me and etc.
    Maybe, its all true, and Clair has been using me for her own gain all this time. Which isn't cool with me.
    Jennifer made it all up in an effort to break up my friendship with Clair. And get me to move out with her again.

    I don’t know what to do. :wallbash:

    Jennifer also said that Clair brings home guys and sleeps with them when I am away. Why would she tell me that if not to try and hurt me and turn me against Clair?
    I don’t know whom to trust at this point.
    Jennifer has never manipulated me like this in the past. So I have no reason to think she would do so now.
    And as for Clair using me, I have no reason to really suspect that. For reasons that I have already gotten into. But maybe she is and its only going to get worse. And if I start saying no to her, maybe I will be kicked out too.

    Not sure how to proceed. I am at work right now. Not home until Thursday. Not much I can do from here. Advice?
    Run away? Ignore them both and do nothing? Confront one or the other or both?
    Something else.

    Sorry if this was a little fragmented, or confusing. And long.
    Any questions, ask away.
  2. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
    Likes Received:
    Either take your own advice or change your sig.
  3. notatoad

    notatoad pretty fing wonderful

    25 Jun 2004
    alberta, canada Special:very
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    that one. okay, i doubt she made it all up, but i'm going to guess that she's exaggerating whatever is really happening. my advice: start looking for some guys to live with.
  4. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    Good point.


    she does exaggerate. She likes drama. I had forgotten that.
  5. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
    Hurst Green, Halesowen, UK
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    Hi Jennifer!
  6. Volund

    Volund Am I supposed to care?

    16 Sep 2008
    New York
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    TL, DR

    jk.... I would say to follow your initial instincts, "Jennifer" sounds like a user.

    use your common sense about the other one.
  7. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    Lol, what?

    TL, DR?

    Yeah, she is. I think that I need to just get away from her. As for the other, I may just keep doing what I do.

    I'm starting to see this for what it is. I just needed to write it all out and have people point out the obvious to me.
  8. Major

    Major Guest

    Only you know what to do, we do not know what Jennifer or Clair look like, how they act, who they are, but you do, therefore no one, not even Nexxo, can comment on this tbh, but, I will say this from a common sense point of view.

    It's sounds like Jennifer hates Clair = Clair hates Jennifer = Jennider making stuff up to get you to hate her, it's normal. Like I said, you can't take advice from any of us, it's what you want to do, and like you've said, Clair hasn't been using you, therefore, how is she a user?

    You are answering your own questions :)
  9. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    thats why I asked in here really. I wanted opinions from people who know only what I wrote. And I tried my best to write only what I know to be true without any bias so that your opinions would be based on the same.

    After what Jennifer said to me on facebook today it really threw me for a loop. My thoughts were a mess. but after writing in here and some of the answers from you guys i'm getting everything straight in my head again.
  10. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Delhi, India
    Likes Received:
    1. Clair is the good guys. Jennifer is the bad guys (at least from how you've explained it).

    2. Live with men. Bring girls home. Much easier.
  11. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    My theory of living with girls was that girls know other girls. Girls who I could date. Hasn't worked out that way yet.
  12. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    Unless you can find a lesbian, or a really blokey girl, one way or another, IT WILL **** UP.

    Experience tells mate....just take a raincheck and throw both these girls out of your life...not worth the hassle!
  13. Volund

    Volund Am I supposed to care?

    16 Sep 2008
    New York
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    or 2 lesbians :thumb:

    to long, didn't read
  14. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    jennifer is bi. does that count?
  15. Volund

    Volund Am I supposed to care?

    16 Sep 2008
    New York
    Likes Received:
    absolutely, just get another and your in business :rock:

    oh wait... that is the user isn't it.... eh well
  16. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Just as your sig lightly touches upon: violence is the answer.

    But, yeah, just run. Smack them, then run. At this point in my life I'm beginning to wonder if women are even capable of commonsensical thought. Same with men for that matter, but at least guys don't hold a vengeance, or get jealous when you make a new friend. Plus when they "fall down the stairs" (read: face+door), you don't need to worry about the cops showing up 'round your place, taking you to jail.
  17. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
    Alberta, Canada
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    haha, thats true. hey, your in edmonton. need a roommate?
  18. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Uniquely enough: yes. Unfortunately am kinda between jobs at the moment (shouldn't say that, I've got two job offers, just waiting for one to come back to me so I know the details, but I'll either be working as a manager at a pet store, or a seasoned tech at a bike shop).
  19. woof82

    woof82 What's a Dremel?

    18 Jul 2005
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    Dude, obviously Jennifer is a douche. You just don't want to see it because you think she's hot.

    Get away from her. If she tries to follow you then tell her you need some personal space. Don't let her stop you getting away.
  20. D3s3rt_F0x

    D3s3rt_F0x What's a Dremel?

    28 Oct 2004
    Near Middlesbrough
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    Stay with which ever one offers to give you, your brown wings, you cant go wrong.

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