Xbox 360 Gears of War in "Might Justify The Hype" shock!!!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Chuff_72, 31 Oct 2006.

  1. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
    Hurst Green, Halesowen, UK
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    I coudn't resist. I got Game to price match the game to Virgin next door so I could use the points I had saved up, cost me £37.49 brand new. Noice!

    I played up to the bit where you meet a berserker. Amazing so far. The seeder that flails about once killed was pretty cool. I thought it was coming up for another go! Had the buttocks clenching, for sure :)
  2. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    I was cacking me knickers trying to avoid the berserker. It suddenly ramps it up in the adrenaline stakes just after this part...
  3. Guest-18698

    Guest-18698 Guest

    going to get this today at PC WORLD for £34.99 then use my staff discount :D
  4. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
    Oxford, UK
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    Completed it yesterday on casual, working through on hardcore now ... the game is just brilliant. The only thing I don't like is the exploding things in act3 and 4, they are just so hard to take down before they get to you and explode.

    I love the way you can play co-op online, not a big fan of the versus mode online but I guess that is just because I am **** at it any everyone else is really good (Americans have had 10 or so days practice).
  5. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
    Gale Crater
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    Got it on Friday - what an awesome game! Haven't got as far as some of you people... But I'm sure I'll catch up - once I get used to the control system. It seems a little odd at the mo to an old keyboard and mouse player. :D
  6. RedDethX

    RedDethX What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2006
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    Just got a 360, and Gears of War, I'm at the part where you have to drive that truck thing, not gonna say anything else incase some people don't want it spoiled. It's very good though x.x best game of the millennium! :worried:
  7. Chuff_72

    Chuff_72 What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2006
    A box, just a box!
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    Ok, so system link works! Awesome, the best part is using the headset to talk to your buddy, when he's sitting in the same room as you! First impressions are that it is fantastic fun, a real sense of danger and on the right side of challenging (Hardcore), looking forward to starting again and upping the difficulty to Insane.

    Also in my flat we have a 8mb broadband connection, and we had two 360's online with Gears and downloading Series 3 of Lost! Can't believe how good the connection is. Very exciting online, I felt pretty good on the first two levels as the Dr and I had got a bit of practice in, but got absolutely rinsed by some Canadian called Jeef the Beef (seriously) on some of the less familiar levels.

    Anyways great game, recommend to everyone, and we'll both be online tonight, Chuff_72 and DrWo69 if you fancy shooting us in the face (come on Bloodcar , you know you want to!)...
  8. will.

    will. A motorbike of jealousy!

    2 Mar 2005
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    As soon as I get meself a big tellyvision device I'll be getting an xbox just to play this game. I've played on it at a friends and its great.
  9. Mortus

    Mortus What's a Dremel?

    30 Sep 2004
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    Played GOW last night on my plasma its only a SD one but even in 480p GOW looks awsome :)
  10. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    Sadly I'm sans a net connection close enough to play on LIVE. I need to invest in a wireless adaptor for the Xbox I suppose.

    Still loving the single player. I dunno, but I just don't understand how it's been criticised for a shallow storyline and script. The script is kind of amusing, and the game is just pure action - I betcha the same people wouldn't complain that Alien Breed or Doom lacked believable characters would they? When the gameplay is this good, who needs an intelligent script and plot?
  11. Dr_Wo_69

    Dr_Wo_69 What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2006
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    Damn straight!!

    Me and Chuff have sort of left the campaign behind because its toooooo much fun online!!! Really this game it just gets even better on-line, matches are intense and a great mix of stealth and sneakiness and then full on chainsaw in your face action!

    I think it will tire us over till Lost Planet comes out!
  12. EK-MDi

    EK-MDi What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2006
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    OMG. So I'm not actually the only one who's hyping up this game. Kool. I think this really will be the next best shooter after Gears of War :).
  13. Chuff_72

    Chuff_72 What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2006
    A box, just a box!
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    Lost Planet is THE next big game for me, I don't know if you are familiar with Monster Hunter, but Lost Planet has almost exactly the same feel to it (but with better controls!) and set in the future of course. The mechs handle amazingly well, hopefully Armored Core 4 will take note, I'm fed up with the shocking control system in that game.

    The LP, E3 playable demo is on Live if you've got a connection, it rocks, though the graphics don't look quite so impressive now we've all got GoW, ah well...

    Infact if anyone has a connection then myself and the Dr are usually on GoW from about 6pm so hook up and send us a friends invite and we can get shooting each other! :rock:
    Last edited: 4 Jan 2007
  14. ou7blaze

    ou7blaze sensational.

    5 May 2003
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    The graphics are incredible but after playing it at my friend who was mental about it I have to say I wasn't really too interested in it for some reason...
  15. bloodcar

    bloodcar Minimodder

    1 Sep 2002
    Mentor, OH
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    Old thread, I know, but... huh?
  16. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Hrm. I seem to be the only one underwhlemed then.

    Sure, looks great and has a great strife mode but I'm just constantly getting frustrated with it: 1) Press A for everything. Am I missing a jump button? "Take cover, take cover.. FFS TAKE COVER, no cover over there not there.." It's trying to combine too much into prediction into what I want to do and it annoys me. 2) Throwing grenades is just beyond slow and aiming is well, frustrating. 3) It looks nice and detailed but everything seems washed out. 4) No reload button? Have I missed that too? 5) Melee. Argh, great, scripted. 6) I must be, again, missing something because there seems no point in shooting unless you're aiming, and aiming slows you down.

    This is a total online game. I can see that, but split screen sucks and you have to pay for XBL Gold which I would only use once in a blue moon. Halo was a far more intuitive FPS. Gears needs to be on PC.

    I've put in a half hour so far and checkpoints save THEN you have the video?? FFS, save it AFTER so as I can get back into the action asap please. And no inter-save? Annoying but I can live with it. It'll just make me put it down faster and come back in a few weeks rather than keep me playing non stop.
  17. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
    Sheffield, UK
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    Split screen is ok as im playing it with my bro at the minute. Not played full screen single player yet.

    Also bindi there is a reload. You use the top right side button. You get a bar come up under the gun and you press the reload button a second time when the line goes over the bright white part to get a fast reload or other wise you get a sow reload as the gun jams or something. Very cool feature I think, and makes a big difference in multiplay if you crap at reloading :)

    Its a great game and loving it.
  18. Chuff_72

    Chuff_72 What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2006
    A box, just a box!
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    1. Yes this can be annoying. Scrath that, it can really be a pain in the arse online, as you try to run away from a boomer carrying psycho only to stick to a wall and then panic bounce across to the next wall and finally explode. Though I must say I didn't really experience any probs in single player, too easy (even insane) to panic! Also a real hate of mine is a jump button in FPS, mainly because the game ends up looking retarded with peeps bouncing all over the place!

    2. With practice throwing grenades isn't too bad, plus they're really for sticking people with (v. funny with a smoke).

    3. I guess it's a style they went for, I dig it, it's kinda like a Saving Private Ryan homage... with big ass aliens.

    4. RB is the reload, essential to get this nailed down as active reloads are super important online.

    5. Only the chainsaw is scripted, though you can reposition yourself for a quick getaway with practice, you can melee with any weapon, the sniper rifle is my fave, though pistol whipping has it's charms.

    6. Sounds to me that you may be at odds with the way this game has been designed to play, you DO slow down when you aim, moving an shooting is useless, becauses, well, moving and shooting means you can't aim... That's the point, try working with it for a while, also one weapon that can be used FPS style is the shotgun, if you tap aim while running around you can pop off a shot while still in motion that generally aims towards the head. This game is all about cover, though this changes online depending on who you're playing as rushing tactics can take over, but in a good way :)

    I gotta say that I would not reccommend this game if you aren't going online with, as that's probably about 70% of the experience :) Bindi try out the 48hr trial you get with it, it might change your opinion... or not :)
  19. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    But I just want him to jump over stuff when Im running away, not look just as retarded backing to a box to then slide over it.

    I havent found a way to throw grenades without having to stand up for ages, but again, practice :/ The aiming is hard to get a hang of.

    Thing is we're playing in the future. I don't expect to have an orgasm of colour over the screen but I'm sure we're not playing in the 1940s either. It kinda works but it just becomes a bit bland: everywhere looks extremely dusty.

    I've nailed the reload and got the achievements already. :thumb:

    I prefer quick pistolwhipping and manual control. After the first scripted thing it gets a bit old but I prefer the gun over the grunts.

    But you KNOW where the gun is pointing, even if the bullets stray everywhere. There's no crosshair at all which I find a bit frustrating; having to waste ammo to see where they are going to go.

    I get it's all about cover, because if you aren't in it you get shot to ****, but having the same button for everything keeps things simple, sure, but also complicates things. It's a hard concept and I still think noone has got it right yet.

    I've got to get together with some people and go online, but I have a **** net connection at home and prefer being in the same room as people simply because it's more fun.
  20. Chuff_72

    Chuff_72 What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2006
    A box, just a box!
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    It would be nice if they had put a kind of vault action in there, it could still be on the A button maybe a double tap while running, just to over load it a bit more :D

    Don't know if you ever played Kill.Switch (sic) but Gears has a very similar control system but K.S combined a bit more of a "standard" 3rd persom action game with it, so there was always an aiming reticule - but would this make Gears online a bit crap, everyone hiding behind walls, pinned down by acurate blind fire...

    You REALLY have to get this game online, the more you play the more depth the game reveals, with new tactics springing up all the time, and you can usually find a good game in a couple of tries. If you see a host name of Chuff 72, Dr Wo 69 or Roodypoo 69 then drop in, we've got a good friends network, not too competitive and always a laugh :D

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