poss faulty hdd?

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by Enforcer, 8 Feb 2007.

  1. Enforcer

    Enforcer What's a Dremel?

    12 Nov 2004
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    I'm pretty sure its going. but you can advs me if its not.

    I have a WD 200gb hdd use as a slave (store all me stuff on there, except windows).

    For some reason when it's powered my main drive (c) doesnt want to load.
    When it does load (after several reboots & and a quick beatdown with my boot) it will shut windows down with an error. I believe it was a Redudency cylce prob. I forgot to get a snap.

    Could it be that the slave is going? Would really really suck cause i have SOOOO much stuff i need on there.
  2. Buzzons

    Buzzons Minimodder

    21 Jul 2005
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    take disk out, freeze disk, put disk back in, try?
  3. Enforcer

    Enforcer What's a Dremel?

    12 Nov 2004
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    So just take the hdd and put it in a ziplock bag and toss it (by toss i mean gently place it in the freezer) and leave it there for 2 - 3 hrs and then stick it back in the pc?

    That cant be healthy!

    K now once its done whats the fastest way to move 180gbs of data to another hdd in the least amount of time?
    Last edited: 11 Feb 2007
  4. krimson

    krimson What's a Dremel?

    16 Nov 2006
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    also i have heard some success stories of people dropping their drives squarely on a flat surface from like a foot or two (seriously)

    it apparently frees up the needles or something... but, i guess this is only for a hardware malfuntion

    maybe your C drive is to blame. try using a spare hd as a master, or try using only the 200gb and a live linux cd.
    try a different IDE/SATA cable. try an alternate power plug/PSU.
    unplug ANY unimportant devices (like cdrom, fans, floppy, CCFLs, etc)

    sometimes its not the specific device failing, but other things attributing to it
  5. Enforcer

    Enforcer What's a Dremel?

    12 Nov 2004
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    surpisingly freezing the hdd worked! i also before freezing it dropped it on a flat surfce apprx 1in off my desk 2 times. boots up, just need to get my new pc to move all my files over.

    thx guys

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