[YDL5.0.1/PS3] Video Issues

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by Aa-chan, 9 Jul 2007.

  1. Aa-chan

    Aa-chan AA-CHAN

    8 Jul 2004
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    Having some problems with my Yellow Dog Linux install on my PS3 and thought someone might be able to offer some help.

    YDL 5.0.1
    Samsung LE23R7 HDTV [connected via HDMI]
    The monitor is capable of 720p and is PAL

    I installed this morning and everything went fine. The resolution was a bit off so I checked the How To bits over at the TDL site and it showed me how to edit the kboot.conf file and xorg.conf files to change the video resolution.

    I did so and when I rebooted for the first time, everything was fine. Setting the video mode to 8 [50Hz 720p] seemed to stop the flickering that there had been but the actual resolution didn't look any different. I logged out after this to log back in as user and the screen sort of split into two. Both had identical things on them and I could see 2 mouse points. I could only see the top part of the YDL login logo and this was the same even after I logged in.

    I thought it was something the matter with my custom kboot.conf config that I had made and set to default, so I went into text mode, logged in as root and rebooted. I waited for the kboot prompt and chose the ydl option whch is the default after a clean install. Unfortunately, on boot nothing hs changed and I still get the split screen thing.

    I'm new to Linux and I'm sure this is a problem that I have created by changing the conf files but I'm sure I followed the direction given by the above link to the letter.

    Let me know if you need a picture of the split screen thing and I'll get one up. Also, if there's any more information needed, then let me know :)


    Here's what it looks like.
  2. C-Sniper

    C-Sniper Stop Trolling this space Ądmins!

    17 Jun 2007
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    if you haven't done it already try (in the command prompt) typing 'xorgsetup'. this will automatically detect the settings and pick the best combination for the graphics. if you are already in a X11 or other console then you have to type 'telinit 3' to close it down and get to the main console w/o the x running.
    so recap.
     telinit 3
    This must all be done as root.
  3. Aa-chan

    Aa-chan AA-CHAN

    8 Jul 2004
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    If I type 'xorgsetup' I get:

    -bash: xorgsetup: command not found

    and if I type 'telinit 3' then it just goes black and nothing happens >>
  4. C-Sniper

    C-Sniper Stop Trolling this space Ądmins!

    17 Jun 2007
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    then im not sure. sorry im used to slackware.
  5. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Does the screen have an OSD that tells you what the current input resolution and rate is?

    The problem you seem to get is either related to the drivers used in the xorg.conf file or the monitor not being detected correctly (again xorg.conf)

    I don't currently have a PS3 (yet) so can't offer too much help, best thing to do is find a PS3/YDL support forum and ask there (or find their IRC channel)

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