News subject to hate crimes

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 6 Aug 2007.

  1. blade_10w40

    blade_10w40 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2004
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    **** me, I think he's got it.
  2. Da Dego

    Da Dego Brett Thomas

    17 Aug 2004
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    Exactly. Maybe if we spent a little more time appreciating and learning about (and from) those differences, rather than running and cowering in fear or hatred, we'd have a bit better world. God knows that would probably work some wonders in some of the world's war-torn hotbeds.

    But hey, that might be something Christ would do...

    And as for anyone who thinks "Well, they set themselves up for..." : different does not equal separate. It just means distinct. Simply because there was a gay gamer site didn't mean straight people weren't welcome or that they would be somehow mistreated. Anyone who's ever joined a club, volunteer group, fraternity or church knows that being part of a public "group" doesn't remove your responsibilities towards society at large.
  3. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    i will respect peoples way of seeing the world as long as people respect my way of seeing it..... i don't care about if you are gay, strait, handicapped, colored, female, male, not male or female, human, not human, inorganic........ etc...... as long as you do no harm to me or my family and friends and i don't mind talking and having fun with them, they tend to be very interesting peo....... creatures and sometimes superior and a fountain of knowledge......
  4. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    I have no problem with what's been done here.

    What do I look like? What colour is my hair? What gender am I? Do I like sausage rolls or apple pie? Who do I ****?

    Anyone spot the contiueing theme there? These questions are all utterly irrelevent when playing an online video game. Frankly, if you're the sort of person who regularly makes it well known that you're gay while playing an FPS you deserve to get abuse, not for being gay, but just for not shutting the hell up about your sexuality. It's a game, no-one cares whether you like to poke guys or gals IRL.

    The internet is only as familiar with who you are as you choose to make it. Those who choose to really put themselves out there totaly are going to find others who hate the choices they've made in life. This is part of what makes the net so great, we can choose what to reveal about ourselves. People shouldn't feel the need to broadcast an aspect of themselves that they know is controversial simply for the sake of being controversial.

    Edit: As for the argument that gay people are equal but distinct from straight people, I do not agree that that needs to be the case. I see absolutely no reason why the gender of the mate you choose needs to impact upon your life in any way other than the gender of the mate you choose. I understand why a culture has emerged, but personally I hope that it dissolves over time. A seperate culture will hamper full and total acceptance and integration of non-straight people into a largely straight society.
  5. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    Completely agree, it's not good that they were attacked for being gay, but there isn't really a need for a separate gay gaming community, and by making one they were obviously going to get themselves **** upon. I think there's a large possibility that the people responsible for the attacks weren't homophobic gay haters, but people who attacked the site since they were almost asking for an attack.
  6. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    I don't want anyone else to live by my rules, they are my rules, my believes, my views
    I respect other peoples views, but in return i expect them to respect my views

    All too many Christians (or any religious person) believe that they know the one and only truth, and everyone else should follow them

    Personally, i believe the bible is a guide on how to be a good person, how to live your life and accept others
    However, all too often its forged into a sword and used to strike down people who don't believe in it

    One of the best examples IMO, is Hinduism (?) where you are not allowed to eat pork, this is from a time when they were travelling in the scorching hot desert, and meat would not last very long, and if you were to eat it you would be likely to get food poisoning (and in those days most likely die)

    IMO, everyone should be entitled to their opinion, and maybe you wont agree with it, but why does that give you the right to attack them, to abuse your power (as all too often happens on forums and game servers)
  7. Amon

    Amon inch-perfect

    1 Jun 2007
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    I'm a very strong :)naughty:) supporter of girl gamer networks. Likewise, I'd reciprocate that advocation for specialty networks for gay gamers as well without hesitation. In agreement with earlier replies, specialty gamers should not be assimilated into the same image of a common gamer. In the meantime, their intentional separation from the common gamer image shouldn't be seen as an ill attempt at beneficiary segregation (i.e.: "special education schools for black communities"? Bullsh*t.), rather a move to score themselves their own niche in the labyrinthine world of gaming. The issue that underscores this controversy is that there is a remarkably strong antagony towards the different; "fear of the strange", n'est pas?
  8. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Actually, you could (and I'm the person to do it... :) ). A religious practice exists in India, whereby if a man is believed to be cursed he marries a plant. The curse then transfers to the plant and he's in the clear to marry his intended bride instead (the original marriage not having been consumated). In both Asia and certain Roman Catholic countries like France, people used to be able to marry a person posthumously if they had a significant relationship while they were alive; people could also marry ghosts. Nuns are supposedly married to Jesus (are monks in a gay wedding, then?). Note: these are religious practices. So if people can marry dead people, ghosts, deities and even plants, why not a cow? :D

    As Zucherial says: atheism follows a scientific principle of falsifiability. We can't be sure there is no God, but we can't be sure there is, either (that's why it's called a faith, or belief in God). But pretty much most things around us can be explained by ordinary physical principles without invoking deities, so that's what we do. Pure logic does lead to atheism, sorry. Faith is a matter of the heart, not the head.
    :hehe: Let me wind back to what you were saying before:
    The most cruel and inhuman atrocities have been committed "for your own good". This is how the Spanish Inquisition managed to rationalise the torture it inflicted upon innocents. It is how colonists justified their oppression of the natives. It blatantly shows the patronising beliefs of superiority that they know better than you do --even where it concerns your life. The most recent examples are Afghanistan and Iraq...
    I approve of homosexuality because there is no ethical or scientific basis whatsoever on which it can be argued to be a bad thing. It happens in nature. It is functional. It makes many people happy. It harms nobody. Religious people try to argue it is bad --based solely on "because the scriptures (hence God) told us it is bad". That is not a remotely rational argument; that is circular reasoning. I did not fail to consider the possibility that religious people may be right: they just couldn't stand up to the challenge and make even a halfway decent argument that they are.
    Yeah, why can't they just accept their place in society, eh? By that philosophy, black people should not have campaigned for equal rights. They knew it was not going to go down well to want to sit in the front of the bus, drink from the same fountain, sit in the same classroom, want to be able to hold the same positions in society as white people. They knew rednecks would object and give them a hard time. And what about women? Why do they want to join the police, the army? They know what a male-dominated culture there is in those places...

    Perhaps if society allowed those who are perceived to be different to integrate, they wouldn't have to marginalise, and then compete with the rest. And perhaps the rest wouldn't have to feel so very, very afraid...
  9. blade_10w40

    blade_10w40 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2004
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    Firstly I don't think I've ever gone on a game server and said "I'm gay, Abuse ME!" What I have done tho is join a game of CS with the clan tag [FRGT] or [FRaGgoT]. My right as I am a member of the Fraggot Clan. And the abuse I've got is astounding. No mater your view on homosexuality, open or forced into the shadows (as you seem to suggest we should be), you've got to admit that me getting abuse for that is wrong.
  10. Hells_Bliss

    Hells_Bliss What's a Dremel?

    6 Apr 2007
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    I agree with you Nexxo, however I believe that there was a reason back in the day. Homosexuals cannot naturally reproduce, in a time when every child was needed for the struggle for survival, i'm sure people considered homosexuals very selfish as they were not contributing to the greater good, or the future of their culture. Now days, with over 6 billion people in the world, it's hardly the issue it used to be. While the Bible is full of relevent information on how you should live your life, quite a bit of it is out of date (by about 2000 years)
  11. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    But why be in a gay-clan? What is the need? While I agree that recieving abuse for being gay is wrong regardless of circumstances, I do think that people who make an issue of it online fail to realise that mostly they get abuse for making an issue of their sexuality, not for their orientation itself.
  12. Amon

    Amon inch-perfect

    1 Jun 2007
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    Agreed. Christianity's doctrine doesn't prohibit homosexuality in a discrete definition. Homosexuality probably became taboo from a society whose priorities were more emphatic about sustainability rather than accommodation. That being said, the taboo hasn't quite worn off very well to this day and continues to driving more people to blinded homophobia than the learned can tolerate.
    Last edited: 7 Aug 2007
  13. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Nowadays we are having a population crisis and can no longer feed every mouth. Still, I don't see heterosexuality being discouraged.
  14. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Says who?

    Name me a time in history in which people didn't go hungry? (Or perhaps just look up Thomas Malthus)
  15. Hells_Bliss

    Hells_Bliss What's a Dremel?

    6 Apr 2007
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    China enforces a one child per couple policy. It's not discouraging sexual preference, just reproduction.
  16. bloodcar

    bloodcar Minimodder

    1 Sep 2002
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    Why not? I've seen black clans, white clans, southern clans, area clans, hobbyist clans, christian clans, etc. What's wrong with being in a clan with others who are like you?

    My personal standing on homosexuality is... It doesn't effect me in the slightest way, shape, or form, so why should it bother me? I dunno, maybe I'm not biased against homosexual people because my mom had gay friends when I was growing up but
  17. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    That was indeed the view. You have to place it in context of a culture in which the marriage between two people was a business contract serving the merger of families/tribes and their resources, and the generation of heirs to carry on their interests. Whether the bride and groom loved each other had nothing to do with it. Marriage for romantic reasons was seen as folly. Women were sexually subjugated and controlled like breeding stock (still happens now, even in the West: consider Princess Diana, a young filly much better suited to give issue to the throne than that old horse Camilla...). A woman who could not bear children, or who was not a chaste virgin (hence whose offspring could not be guaranteed to be that of the spouse), was considered useless. Blood lines mattered --so much that in Jewish culture, it goes through the mother, as in olden days one could never be quite sure of who the father was...

    Who, exactly, is making it an issue? was happily doing its own thing in a corner of the internet somewhere. Until this thread I did not even know they existed. It is not they that are making a big thing about their sexual orientation --it is the homophobes.

    So what's the need for gay movements? For black civil movements? For women's groups? Sometimes you have to make a positive issue of your identity, just because others are working very hard at making it a negative one.
  18. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    But Nexxo, when someone goes into an FPS game and in that place manages to broadcast the fact that they are gay, they probably are inviting conflict. I don't loudly broadcast the fact that I prefer chickitas whenever I go into an FPS, why would a gay person feel the need to do the same?
  19. completemadness

    completemadness What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2007
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    i do agree with you

    when you go onto a game, there is no need to bring your RL baggage with you, its not relevant, saying "Hey look at me, I'm a gay" is probably going to antagonise people, and make people hurl abuse at you, its a useless piece of information that people will probably see as trying to stir up trouble (and ofc due to human nature, they will start abusing you)
  20. greensabbath

    greensabbath Got Wood?

    19 Apr 2005
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    This should answer your post:

    Just because someone openly advertises something (if you think that a clan name is open advertisement), they still don't deserve slack for it. Its not like they're the "I eat babies" clan or the "I rape children" clan which the content of which would be a personal (and morbidly horrific) choice, they're the fraggot clan, bringing together fragging and slightly making light (i'd assume) of being gay (something which they have no choice over) which by now i'm sure they've come to accept and are open about.
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