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Workplace violence/threatening behaviour

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Lorquis, 7 Sep 2008.

  1. ToMMo

    ToMMo What's a Dremel?

    5 Dec 2007
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    I hate it when people talk like that. I agree with everyone else, he will believe his threatening behaviour can stop people coming forward if this is not reported. You or anyone shouldn't have to work with a violently unstable fool.

    btw.. I'm right in presuming you have ample witnesses to back your case yea?
  2. Major

    Major Guest

    Err, sorry, but if it was me, I would of had a fight, right there, right now, DGAS about the situation, but people like that need sorting out.

    Anyway, file a charge.
  3. Lorquis

    Lorquis lorquisSpamCount++;

    8 Sep 2002
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    well it would appear that some of the witnesses have developed a sudden case of amnesia and the others didn't see everything so I think the best action is going to be to keep it internal. I'm hoping at the very least this puts him on a dismissal warning so basically last strike. Best case is he's sacked either way I just hope he learns a lesson.

    On a happier geeky note this is the first post of mine from my 3g iPhone w00t!!!11one
  4. ArtificialHero

    ArtificialHero We were just punking him sir!

    25 May 2004
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  5. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    Fighting with him is one of the worst things you can do.
    What's better, giving him a few bruises or making him lose his job and hurt his future job prospects?
  6. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    Whenever we have a problem bear at the plant I work at we usually end up shooting it. but then something needs to happen to the body as we cant leave a body lying around. So we pick it up with a helicopter and take it over the endless swamp and drop it in. problem solved.
    just saying...

    Actually I would just press charges and have the guy arrested. Try and sue him too, take him to court and say that you cant do your job anymore because you have anxiety attacks. Free trip to Brazil for you. Cheesecake.
  7. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    Go to the police anyway, even if your so called work colleagues develop amnesia. That way you get a crime number. Take the crime number to the manager and inform him that as they know this **** is unstable that if he physically or verbal attacks you in anyway what so ever that you will be seeking legal action against the company and against him personally as a representative of the company as they have ensured that the work place is an unsafe environment.

    Also find out if your employer has a policy on bullying and harassment. then Follow the company’s official grievances procedures. Also check if you have a health and safety representative (legally they should have) inform him of the situation and ensure that there is a paper trail so that if he does it again and (he will) you will be able to prove that's its been an on going problem.

    I assume a final warning has some sort of time limit on it and there's nothing stopping him waiting the time limit out and starting again hence the paper trail.

    Other than that if you decide to pound the ****, wait until its after work hours and your off the company's premises so as not to jeopardize your job then just beat him to a pulp.
    Last edited: 8 Sep 2008
  8. Lorquis

    Lorquis lorquisSpamCount++;

    8 Sep 2002
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    Well, what's happening now is the company is already aware of the situation up to a regional level (afaik), he has done it albeit to a lesser extent in the past but no formal report has been filed. I also have the agency to which we belong at this placement involved and they will follow their procedures and conduct interviews. I will also be reporting it (at the very least) to the company security (not the stupid CBA'd guard, we have our own internal police like department) who will issue a crime ref. My mind's now unmade again about the whole police thing as I was pretty set on going at this with both barrels but I don't know. I'm going to ring my union and also a adviceline for my agency (who offer free legal aid, kinda like a CAB but less poxy)

    The final warnings iirc last a year minimum, but I'm not sure what the crack is with something like this cause it falls under both gross misconduct and also their bullying policy so I could push for it to be taken through both channels, conduct is reported through and recommended mainly through the contracting company, bullying through agency directly usually...

    Now my new issue is, there's two union reps onsite for this place, one was on holiday and has suffered a personal grievance recently (someone at work passed away), and the other used to be this guy's manager. So the first ones out of the question entirely as I wouldn't dream of making him do anything work related for a while, and similarly with the second as while they're meant to be impartial in union matters, it still doesn't really stop what someone really thinks and they could just do the bare minimum expected of them and not pull tricks out the hat to really sort the issue. I may be able to get an external rep but I'm not sure..

    Either way it's still a completely fecal situation.
  9. EmJay

    EmJay What's a Dremel?

    28 Jun 2007
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    I was afraid that was going to be the case. Please tell us you at least don't have to sit next to the guy tomorrow?
  10. Otto69

    Otto69 What's a Dremel?

    6 Oct 2007
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    "Sort him out" AND file charges for assault and battery, which you had to defend yoursel against, naturally. Grabbing of one's neck could even be construed to be a life threatening attack since constriction of the blood vessels can cause you to pass out, and grabbing you by the throat can cause damage to the larynx you breath through.

    Just stick two fingers up his nose, make a fist, and extract the fingers while maintaining the fist :) Go from there.
  11. C-Sniper

    C-Sniper Stop Trolling this space Ądmins!

    17 Jun 2007
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    I think that if you were to file charges, it would also force the company to come about and stop sweeping it under the rug. This way, you force the company to face what is going on and make them also stand up for it and to say that the guy has been sacked. Most companies do not want to deal with any outside agency so by doing this, it brings it to their attention that they can no longer sweep this under the rug.
  12. finboz

    finboz What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2004
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    Sounds like your managers are quite happy to use you in order to deal with a problem they were already aware of and perhaps should have dealt with in the past. Just make sure that whatever action you decide to take you are 100% sure of and be careful your not being overly influenced by managers with their own agenda.
  13. mctigger

    mctigger What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2007
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    get him sacked or disiplined, there is no need for that. he sounds like a total ****** anyway, he won't be at the company much longer..
  14. Oclocker

    Oclocker What's a Dremel?

    21 Jun 2001
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    Sounds to me the managers are scared s*****ss of this nutjob - they want police action against him but would rather you did it. They would then be protected from the wrath of nutjob. I'd say police but it does carry risks of retribution from nutjob. Police do take assault charges more serious these days in my experience .
  15. PhenomRed

    PhenomRed What's a Dremel?

    3 Dec 2007
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    The guy's a turd, simple as that. Its not like the ball smacked him in the face or anything

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