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Bits First Look: Windows 7 Beta Performance

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 16 Jan 2009.

  1. Nicb

    Nicb Let's discuss among ourselves

    12 Nov 2008
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    WoWo....Wow! I think there is a misconception of who Xp users are. I have Vista on my laptop, but I just use it for work traveling reasons. I choose to have Xp on all my desktops at home.

    My main system is a Q6600/680i/3gig ram/8800gtx. Thats a great updated system to sensible standards. I have stripped XP down to the bare bones and use my own programs of choice. I use to have to reinstall XP ever so often to get the speed up again, now, everyday it is like the first day of installation,...no bloat. I use it for PS3, Maya2008, ZBrush, en/decoding, Gaming, burning, etc. (92Gigs of programs on main Drive)Security wise I have every hole blocked and every ping and talk is acknowledged or blocked. My system is 80 plus % freeware. My systems performance ratings are off the charts in every way when compared to similair systems (same hardware)with Vista. I see myself as completely up to date minus the OS....but I choose to be. And so do my savvy computer friends that do the same.

    I guess what I'm saying is XP users are not ancient relic computer owners or people that hate change. We just use what can be best If you know how to make it that way. I feel like I own my system, and have gotten the best performance out of its hardware based on what I can do with XP vs Vista.

    I cant wait to see what Win7 can do, I'm ready to upgrade to some bling and friendly performance. But I won't unless I know its better. I've owned the first edition of windows and have skipped the ownership of ME and 2000 when they came out. I see Vista the same way, defiantly skip it and wait. For now using XP for me is not outdated or a handicap it's the smart choice. :) just my thoughts.
  2. dogdude16

    dogdude16 What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2007
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    "The start bar now has the option of large icons and icons are now used without words; this means that if there are two Firefox windows open for example there will be only one Firefox icon - you'll have to mouse over it in order to get a thumbnail image popup and then click on the one you want. "

    Is there a way to turn this off, and keep the title with the icons in the startbar?
  3. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Ah! Win. Too many options to find everything :blush:

    Atoms and the latest VIA CPUs are 64-bit compatible.
    djDEATH likes this.
  4. B3CK

    B3CK Minimodder

    14 Jun 2004
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    I spoke with several of the MS reps at CES about this very issue. Multiple pics for backgrounds for multi monitor support, or even a better taskbar support for multi monitor. They said they are not considering it now. (my opinion, shoulda had it in xp). However they will only start work on it if they get enough feedback to use it.

    For the love of god, if they would quite making it for mass market everyday joe, and instead make the power user, advanced user happy, then limit some of the options for your everyday joe; they wouldn't be loosing out on people switching to mac or *nix.
  5. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    Most companies still have yee old 32bit processors. Thats the main reason for the 32bit OS.

    I want to see that XP->Win7 comparison. Thats the step I'm thinking of taking as well. How about a 3-way comparison with all the updates to date?
  6. Horizon

    Horizon Dremel Worthy

    30 May 2008
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    I'm probably one of the few, but they need a feature to enable the previous taskbar, I live without icons other than the my computer, recycle bin, briefcase, and docs that will grace the latter two. I'm going to miss quick launch.

    sorry bud i'm going to have to fault user/hardware error on that one. My friends and I all have the game, vista and no problems whatsoever, speaking for myself I play the game like it's the second coming tommorrow, my steam rating has been a 10.0 every week since release, for me that's not normal.
    Last edited: 16 Jan 2009
  7. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Quick launch is still there!

    You drag & drop an icon to the task bar and then it creates a quick launch like icon, but it groups any instances by default, middle-clicking the icon gives you another instance of it.
  8. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    Does anyone read my posts? :eyebrow: :(
  9. Nicb

    Nicb Let's discuss among ourselves

    12 Nov 2008
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    aon`aTv.gsus666 I strictly only read your post and no others,... their word in my mind. Questions are always answered dude.
  10. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    are you serious ? I use this shortcut all the time. damnit ... i hope it will be either changed before release or at least tweakable
  11. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Is that really such a major issue? You just need to click on the access bar on the left of the window which it brings up to get to where you want
  12. mauvecloud

    mauvecloud What's a Dremel?

    4 Nov 2008
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    More generally, what about old peripherals that are not supported in Vista 64-bit? If the 64-bit version of Windows 7 could do something with older 32-bit XP drivers for them, that would be an attractive feature to me.
  13. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    It's an extremely unlikely propspect since Win 7 is an evolution of Vista.
  14. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    well from my current point of view, yes, it is an issue. However it might change when I will actually get to try 7, which I can't wait to :)

    I am far from being a Microsoft/Windows basher. I welcome change and fonctionalities, I just find it a little hard when I lose a functionality rather than only get new ones
  15. <A88>

    <A88> Trust the Computer

    10 Jan 2004
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    You can change the default Explorer directory with a simply workaround. Right-click on explorer, go to properties and change the target to:
    %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, /select,c:
    It'll then open up in My Computer by default.
  16. spazmochad

    spazmochad Minimodder

    21 Aug 2006
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    Quick launch can be re-enabled by doing the following:

    Right-click the taskbar, choose Toolbars / New Toolbar
    In the folder selection dialog, enter the following string and hit OK:
    %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
    Turn off the “lock the taskbarâ€￾ setting, and right-click on the divider. Make sure that “Show textâ€￾ and “Show titleâ€￾ are disabled and the view is set to “small iconsâ€￾.
    Use the dividers to rearrange the toolbar ordering to choice, and then lock the taskbar again.

    - taken from Tim Sneath's MSDN blog.
  17. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Yes I know that :|
    Heumm... no.. I mean yes, but that is stupid, in the sense that you take Aero and trow it out the window. And no I am not going to have fun switching the slider bar when I change from maximize to windowed mode. That idea is no fix or workaround.
  18. Lilliput King

    Lilliput King What's a Dremel?

    26 Nov 2008
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    Are we expected to pay for this?

    Vista users should get a refund.
  19. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    me want. yay. looks great.

    aye... totally agree. i love Vista, and i dont regret putting $200 for Ultimate version...... well.... didn't....... lol
  20. Vittorio

    Vittorio What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2002
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    So far all I can see is Windows 7 is just another ME! Vista with a few tweaks.

    I want a updated version of 2000, where everything was clean and simple to work with, where I dont have to spend time killing the fluffy rabbit bits off to get some work done. The windows OS has just taken another step along the Idiot Friendly path which all started with XP.

    An OS that works and you can work with, not have to reboot every day, not have to re-install every other month because it has slowed down with clutter. Where un-expected errors are not un-expected anymore because you fear the BSOD.

    Windows 7 should be free as an appology for Vista.
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