Hardware Toughened Technology

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 5 May 2009.

  1. Spaceraver

    Spaceraver Ultralurker

    19 Jan 2006
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    *hugs his T60 with magnesium alloy bracing.
    All i need now is better batterylife and rubber corners.
  2. mobius9

    mobius9 Minimodder

    4 May 2004
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    One of the things that separates the internal structure of a high end ruggedized and a joe schmo company computer is attention to detail. Every computer that is assembled has taken into account usually 5 things.

    1) Take into consideration the cable length which you are given to work with, if it is unacceptable, modify and recrimp the cable or create a wire bundle at a non-airflow blocking point

    2) Do not block airflow into any heat critical areas of the chassis. Sometimes we do things backwards and use the cable bundles themselves to create walls (especially works well in 1Us) that direct airflow. We also use wire bundles as gaskets to promote fan suction from the air intake to air exhaust. Most of this applies only to the design of rackmounts, unfortunately

    3) Make sure all cables of the chassis are providing neutral or positive pressure into their receiving sockets on both ends (if applicable, such as a sata cable).

    4) Do not create interference with data carrying cables. Just to be safe, run power and data separate.

    5) Make that sh*t look good.

    Thats for the wiring, at least.

    The idea is, any area where the computer is allowed to fail would be a failure at ruggedization. That's why so many precautionary measures are taken, and also why it can get so expensive. One of the boxes that was made at my work was a rugged tripple folding LCD screen with built in atx system.

    - Bobby
    Last edited: 27 May 2009
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