Serious error running the core, and will shut down? HELP

Discussion in 'bit-tech Folding Team' started by Geiseric, 20 Feb 2010.

  1. Geiseric

    Geiseric X CPC Forum Stalker

    23 Apr 2009
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    Started folding a few weeks ago when I updated the drivers for my ATi 4870 and a quick launch appeared on my desktop and I thought it's now oe never. Anyway cut a long story short I've changed my GPU to a Palit Geforce 260 Sonic 216SP. I uninstall the system tray I was using and installed -

    Windows XP/2003/Vista GPU System tray client with special viewer for NVIDIA GPU's (installer msi) 6.23

    When I attempted to run I get them following message - Folging@home has run into a serious error running the core, and will shutdown

    What Have I done wrong?

    I installed the latest drivers for the GPU
    Thank you for your help in advance

  2. Geiseric

    Geiseric X CPC Forum Stalker

    23 Apr 2009
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    Sorted, slight conflict going on with old files and new but we're up and running now.

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