Other Protein Shakes

Discussion in 'General' started by Seeks, 28 Jun 2010.

  1. wgy

    wgy What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2008
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    OK, firstly protein shakes are a supplement.

    they are NOT required if you can eat a full diet, rich in protein. hence the term, supplementing.

    So, if your able to eat your required protein amount, from lean protein sources, then save your money and forget them. they will do no extra good.

    Remember, natural, lean proteins are extremely good for you because they not only provide the said macronutrient to rebuild your muscles, but provide other minerals or oils and hormones that help promote putting on muscle. Such as iron and testosterone from red meats like beef or omega and essential oils from fishes like tuna, mackerel, sardines etc. Full of vitamins and everything a growing boy needs.

    Dont forget milk! that stuff is purposely designed by nature to help build muscles and strong bones!

    some good tips here for your reading.

    Your workout seems to be a little off too.
    A lot of your workout seems to be isolating certain muscles and then rotating days on/off for those sets of muscles. basically a 'Split'.

    Your just starting out, and i assume you want to put on even, balanced muscle mass. everything in its right place, and working in synch with the rest of your body... Right?

    well, if so, get yourself a workout comprising of compound exercises. Compound exercises will work multiple muscles at a time and are more efficient for a multitude of reasons. Doing bicep curls will not bulk you up, doing sit ups, will not get you a six pack, doing machine work will neglect supporting muscles, not working out your entire body will create a muscular imbalances, poor strength in ligaments and supporting tissues such as the rotor cuffs... the list goes on.

    So only to repeat what azzybish mentioned..

    full, rich diet.
    = Fitter, stronger, happier.

    oh, incase you wanted to skip all that for your answer?
    No, you dont need protein shakes. Just eat more natural protiens, eggs, fish, milks, lean cuts of beef / pork, chicken, turkey etc.

    Hope this helped a little bit! we really should get a progress thread for BT's bulkers / slimmers!
    Seeks likes this.
  2. Mr Mario

    Mr Mario What's a Dremel?

    4 Oct 2008
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    Get some of this:

    I have been using it for a while now, sure there is cheaper options, but it's a quality (aspartame free) high whey content shake which tastes really good. I start the day with it on muesli (mixed with milk), and will have another before bed or after exercise. If you are just intested it bulking up then a split regime is best, for example:

    back and biceps
    chest triceps
    legs and shoulders
    (put it another rest day each week as-well as needed)
  3. Hiren

    Hiren mind control Moderator

    15 May 2002
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    Nice timing on this thread, I just (re)started going to the gym today. I'm 6ft and 9.5 stone. Looking to increase my muscle mass but like others in this thread I find it incredibly hard to bulk up.

    Any workout and or eating plans (espcially aimed at veggies) would be much appreciated.
  4. azzybish

    azzybish What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2009
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    Good info for everyone there. Strongly recommend you look around the stronglifts website - it has a BRILLIANT 5x5 program which is great. 5 reps meaning its mainly strength based, but the 5 sets mean you really hit the muscles hard and get the hypertrophy most people seek.

    To the most recent poster: getting adequate protein will be more difficult for you - if yo can eat fish, go mad on tuna.

    If there are a top 5 of amazing (natural)foods for bodybuilders, it has to be:

    1. Milk
    2. Cottage cheese
    3. Eggs
    4. Tuna
    5. Oats

    Milk is the best food for anyone - it is designed to make babies grow as fast as possible. Cottage cheese is high in protein, low in everything else. Eggs are good for quick protein boost and some healthy dietary cholesterol. Tuna is high in protein, and oats are great for starting the day with some complex carbs.
    Seeks likes this.
  5. Seeks

    Seeks Minimodder

    13 Feb 2010
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    Thanks again for the posts some great information there. Azzy just wondering what the best way to do squarts are with dumbells? As the gym doesnt actually have a proper "stand" for the bar, it has a press stand but thats only really up to just below chest height and has a built in bench. There is another however its one of those where you can not actually move the bar its just in a slot and can only move up and down and has a hook permanently attached.

    Everything else is fine although I havnt read about Power Clean yet
  6. yatesy

    yatesy What's a Dremel?

    10 May 2005
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    I find resting the dumbbells on the tops of your shoulders works nicely for me.
  7. azzybish

    azzybish What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2009
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    There isnt a one-to-one replacement for the good old barbell squat, you will have trouble making the same progress as the program suggests without a squat rack. Mind you, lots of people have this problem with their gym. its difficult to recommend either, but i think the lesser of two evils would be the dumbbell squat, holding the weights in your arms by your sides.

    and very briefly, the power clean is quite a technical exercise so most people that dont have a coach or trainer to teach them it do bent over rows instead, which target the upper back a bit more. I do them instead of power cleans.
  8. Seeks

    Seeks Minimodder

    13 Feb 2010
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    another thought is using the smith machine. Got a similar problem with the press actually as the gym (which is the only one in town) doesnt have a squat rack and finding a willing person to lif tthe weights onto my back is not going to be easy.

    Been googling it and the dumbells just are not a decent replacement so need to use a bar, and just a bit worried aobut how I will achieve that.

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