News Blizzard bans singleplayer cheaters

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 11 Oct 2010.

  1. knyghtryda

    knyghtryda What's a Dremel?

    2 Jan 2006
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    I'm all for the banhammer for multiplayer cheating, but come on... single player? Really? who cares about someone who has a few more achievement points than someone else. It still doesn't have any effect on your ladder standing, which is where the real "prestige" lies. Hopefully enough backlash will come of this for Blizzard to backtrack a bit.
  2. G0UDG

    G0UDG helping others costs nothing

    27 Mar 2010
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    I have to agree banning for cheating in single playing is stupid but then again cheating itself is both stupid and sad as it takes way the challenge of a game and therefore the fun for me at least.
  3. s3v3n

    s3v3n MMO Cold Turkey -fail

    23 Jun 2008
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    This is just some kid trying to get achievements the easy way. You can already do almost all of the cheats those trainers give you with ingame commands. It merely disables achievements. So pretty much the only reason to do this is to get Kerrigan avatar or something, but they suck so they cheat.
    As shitty as bnet is sometimes I agree with them on this. If they really want to cheat, play offline. Logging on and playing campaign is still online.
  4. Jewels

    Jewels What's a Dremel?

    26 Apr 2009
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    Blizzard obviously differentiates between online singleplayer and offline singleplayer. I doubt it bans users for cheating offline, trainers or otherwise.
  5. Woodspoon

    Woodspoon What's a Dremel?

    10 May 2008
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    Hmmmm tricky
    On the surface of it, it does seem stupid banning people for cheating in single player mode.
    If that cheating affects your achievements and standings then that will probably affect how your ranked online which isn't fair to others.
    I can see what their getting at, their just not doing it very well.
  6. neonplanet40

    neonplanet40 Minimodder

    3 Mar 2003
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    Why the hell; should I disable bits of my computer to use a trainer in SP? Thats rediculous. It should not be a problem to be honest. I use cheats in single player and HAVE NEVER cheated online - ever!

    What are they going to tell me next? Im only allowed to pick a certain team on a given day? Its just rediculous to the point were I think its actually jsut a very early april fool's joke. It will boost piracy though so - GO EA!! Ooops i mean blizzard.....
  7. GFC

    GFC What's a Dremel?

    7 Nov 2008
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    It's not like it's a permanent ban. It seems from the post that they only got more of a suspension than a real ban.
    Also, I grinded out all of the SP achievements, which took me probably near to a hundred hours, so I'd be really pis*ed if some guy just got them by pressing the "magic button". Other than achievements though - I have nothing against cheating in SP, although I don't (or plan to) do that.
  8. Daedelus

    Daedelus What's a Dremel?

    7 May 2009
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    It seems a bit harsh but on the other hand, anyone who cheats at a game, even if it's only single player, deserves to be punished.

    Makes you wonder why people play games at all if they are just going to cheat. As the saying goes - "You're only cheating yourself" !
  9. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    It is probably the fact that they can only detect the cheat on your system rather than if you are using it in single player or multi player. I would rather have them ban anyone who installs a cheat than them being too scared to ban in case they accidentally ban those very few who use it in single player.

    I totally agree that single player should purely be offline and shouldnt have any connections to online play, that is a blunder by blizzard. But on the other hand the multi players are the ones that will play this game the longest and don't want to be plagued with counter strike levels of cheating.
  10. Dominatorbuster

    Dominatorbuster What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    This is great news, well done Blizzard! I'm glad a company is taking a strong stand against cheats and banning them.

    The thing is, if you cheat in single player then there's a chance that you might cheat in multiplayer as well. Of course there will be some who cheat in single player but not in multiplayer, if a few get banned in single player that don't cheat in multiplayer but hundreds who cheat in singleplayer and multiplayer get banned then that to me is acceptable.

    The simple solution is not to cheat, work for those stats, when you've completed an acheivement then you get a sense of achievement. Too many kiddies want things to be instant, a quick fix, wish blizzard made every game out there because with them at the helm online gaming would be great without cheats ruining it.

    And on the subject of cheating in a different game, there was a thread about cheating in magic the gathering duels of the planeswalker on the steam forums. Now it was said edited decks couldn't be brought online, this was proved to be wrong as I had run into the vampire deck online. Now if blizzard ran that game, that player would never have got a chance to cheat online.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2010
  11. Volund

    Volund Am I supposed to care?

    16 Sep 2008
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    the whole idea of a company punishing all it's paying customers to prevent something that a few are involved in is bad business and a good reason for users to stop buying their products.

    It's not ok that people get banned for cheating in SP, you don't see valve disabling mods or console in HL2 or Portal to prevent cheating to get achievements, because cheating for achievements makes them worthless to the person earning them. Either you put the time into getting them, or you don't, one or the other. Achievements DON'T MATTER in real life except for 13 year olds who have no real skills in multiplayer.

    really, cheating in SP should be a non-issue, as SP is for fun, not competition. If someone wants to cheat, let them, because it really doesn't affect other people.
  12. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    The question is not about offline-training, but about online-gamestats.

    So allthough I can understand the rage about this one, but with the online-thingy for the solo-player-achievements Blizzard actually has every right to ban those, who used cheats to get the achievements, even if they don't mean jack to you.

    Like others allready said, just go offline and happily use the trainers/cheats/hacks without regrets, but while connected to their servers you simply don't do it - that's just common sense.
  13. Blackie Chan

    Blackie Chan What's a Dremel?

    5 Nov 2009
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    power overwhelming
    black sheep wall
    operation cwal
    yeah blizzard is waay anti cheat, cheating is just what you do when yo don't know how to make play good game in yoyr computer all day when you can't know what how to why have fun when you don't win and l2p nub JAJAJAJAJAJAJAAA
  14. eddtox

    eddtox Homo Interneticus

    7 Jan 2006
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    Yet another reason why they don't get my money.
  15. Dominatorbuster

    Dominatorbuster What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    That's like saying if people want to smoke cannabis in their own home then let them. The problem is cannabis leads to other drugs, which in turn effects everyone else and has a devastating effect on themselves.

    That's why single player cheating should be banned because it lowers players moral levels, one minute they're cheating in single player, the next in multiplayer because they've conditioned themselves to think cheating is ok, it's not and should be banned in single player aswell.

    Clearly some players will not like this, they see it as someone telling them what they can and can not do, but sometimes in life you have to tell people who have no morals what they can and can not do. You have to look at the bigger picture, it's more than just cheating in a game, it's also what cheating leads to in single player games. It's leads to cheating in multiplayer games, it can also lead to cheating in life as well.

    So maybe next time you see some kind of crime, just stop for one moment and think about the person who has committed that crime, the criminal has no morals, morals which are formed at an early stage of people's life, but hey according to the people who think bans are bad then that's ok right? Go ahead and let them cheat right? It's later in life that such morals a truly exposed because they weren't formed correctly in life, cheating in video games can play a big factor in someone's real life morals.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2010
  16. Glix

    Glix Left Thumb Stick in the mud.

    11 May 2010
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    You talk rot.

    For some people, they just want to progress in a game. This is single player ONLY. Stats and rankings for completing the single player? Get a life if you actually care about those.

    /godmode on
  17. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Cannabis is hardly a gateway drug. Here in America, one reason some people progress from cannabis to harder drugs is because you have to buy weed on the black market and smoke it in secret. Pushing the drug into the criminal realm is what invites users to move onto to harder things. We can look to Amsterdam or Greece to see examples of societies in which decriminalized cannabis use has not brought about a complete downfall of moral values.

    Are you seriously suggesting that cheating in a single player game will lead to criminal behavior and an overall breakdown in society's moral fabric? Maybe that's why I still eat meat.
    Malvolio likes this.
  18. Dominatorbuster

    Dominatorbuster What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    From a psychological point what I wrote is spot on, clearly above your intelligence for you to truly understand, maybe I should I should have put a few lol's and rofl's to reach your level.

    Everyone likes to progress in a game, sometimes we get in stuck in game though and it's all too easy to fall into the cheat trap. But once you do cheat, even in single player, it's a slippery slope that leads to other bad things.

    Kids today want things now, an instant fix, they're not prepared to work at it, if it's hard they look for a cheat. My generation didn't have cheats like you have today, now you have hundreds of cheat websites, hundreds of hacks. It made us more skilful because we had to work at the problem, it made us better people on a moral level.
  19. ZERO <ibis>

    ZERO <ibis> Minimodder

    22 Feb 2005
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    Seriously who never used the gameshark back in the day to replay games you already beat just to mess around. I think it is stupid to ban for cheating in single player b/c for that player it can be part of the game. After you have already finished a game it can be fun to turn all the hacks on and just mess around. Think about getting plastered and then playing goldeneye with all the hacks on, good times. Cheating is just another way of playing the game and having some fun for some players and as long as it sticks to single player it should be allowed.
  20. Dominatorbuster

    Dominatorbuster What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    Yes I am suggesting that, there is nothing positive about cheating, all it can do is lead to bad things, things that seem unconnected at the time.

    I would say making cannabis legal is what invites users onto harder things, if it's legal then you could say the drug loses it's appeal. So what do you do? Make the harder drugs legal? No of course not, you do the moral thing and make it illegal, those that persue the illegal route eventually get punished.

    Same should go for video games, make it illegal to cheat. That may make it more desirable I hear you say, perhaps, but it would clean out a lot of the cheats before they get online, one less potential online cheat makes for a better online experience.
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