News EA: Star Wars: TOR has not cost $300 million

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 2 Feb 2011.

  1. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    I CANNOT WAIT for this game to come out. I have been following it for ages and am dissapointed that we dont have a release date, as this means that it could still be years away.

    I loved SWG before some idiot at SOE decided to completly mess the game up. I am still waiting for an MMO with dynamic crafting and player housing. I actually hardly ever got into big combat in SWG since I was a mayor and an architect.

    TOR should be amazing, the videos and updates I have seen have been impressive and I do think that bioware are going to release a very complete product from the start.
  2. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    It's not years away. Bioware are aiming for a spring 2011 release. And EA have stated that the game will ship in the fiscal year of 2012 - which is between April 1st 2011 and March 31st 2012. In fact I think fairly recently EA stated the game will ship in 2011. So that means it will be between April and December this year.

    Realistically May is the earliest you can expect it. There is a good chance Bioware will announce the date at Pax-East next month - at least that is what we are all hoping they will do.
  3. DrGonzo

    DrGonzo What's a Dremel?

    2 Feb 2011
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    Where did you get the idea that was the case? It's not, Mass Effect 1 and 2 run on the Unreal Engine. However, The Witcher did run on the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine, maybe that's where you are getting confused. Not even Dragon Age runs on the Neverwinter Nights engine. The last Bioware game to use it was Jade Empire.
  4. DrGonzo

    DrGonzo What's a Dremel?

    2 Feb 2011
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    They have, and they are.
  5. Valinor

    Valinor What's a Dremel?

    30 Oct 2010
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    I can just imagine an advert for this with Yoda in, going "buy this game, you will" in that forcey voice...

    SMIFFYDUDE Supermodders on my D

    22 Apr 2009
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    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not another Star Wars product.

    Star Wars: This Is Getting Really Old Republic
  7. Penfolduk01

    Penfolduk01 What's a Dremel?

    21 Jan 2011
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    Hey. If this allows you to kill Jar Jar Binks repeatedly, like in Lego Star Wars, I think they will more than break even! :)

    Whilst they are developing a Battlestar Online game (currently open for beta testers?), BSG doesn't have the sheer numbers of fans that Star Wars does. I doubt the BSG universe allows for the same variety of achievement upgrades or micro-transactions Star Wars does either. For example, I think BSG may be able to offer the odd custom paint job, or the chance to fly a "Blackbird" Stealth Viper. Star Wars has various Force Powers you could build-up. Or cool equipment and ships to obtain. Hell you could even buy a Mace Windu style purple lightsaber!

    I think the lack of a bigger fanbase may have also caused the Stargate MMO to fold before it started. Or that Babylon 5 game that started development being cancelled. Don't get me wrong. Both BSG and Stargate have incredibly loyal fanbases. Just not as many as Star Wars. Or even Star Trek.
  8. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    I bet it cost easily half that (I wouldn't be surprised if it was around 200m mark)
    Most of the "non-successful" wow killers (AoC, WAR e.t.c) sit at around 100k subscribers supposedly, eve is around 300k iirc, so I have no doubt that this will manage 500k (at least for the first 6months-year)

    Also, NWN and ME are on very different engines. NWN is on the aurora engine, and ME is built around unreal (which is why the whole "ps3 version uses the new engine" hype pisses me off, it uses an UPDATED engine, not a new engine, it's still UE3.5)
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