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Hardware Nvidia CEO 'not pleased' with Android tablet sales

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Claave, 16 May 2011.

  1. cnyrsitizin

    cnyrsitizin What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2009
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    Seems to me that the android rivals are trying to sell tablets with an os thats still not fully developed and with apps that are short on the ground at prices that are as high as Apple. When will they realise that to charge those prices you have to be at least as good, preferably better, which at the moment they are not. At least Asus are realists.
  2. javaman

    javaman May irritate Eyes

    10 May 2009
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    Its a price problem. Tablets cost more than a netbook yet do roughly the same tasks as a netbook. Add on a ridiculous contract for data and it just doesn't seem worth it. Also, why invest in a tablet when very few are on the market? Galaxy tab, ipad, vega and archos 101are the only notable contenders with ASUS, Motorola, RIM, a new galaxy tab still to come out. Who in their right mind would buy now? I also bet that retail outlets are a problem. Who sells these? Curry's, Orange, O2? If you want an ipad you go to the apple store. When you wanted the galaxy tab it took ages for network stores to sell them. Even the vega seems exclusive to the dixons group.

    A mobile phone is something that you tie yourself into for 2years, a laptop is something thats replaced when something newer comes along. Do you really wanna be tied into a laptop for 2 years? Most people own a netbook or even a higher end laptop. Tablets will see but I still see it as a limited market with 4" smart phones being just as fast and handling media just as well. If you want to type a document you'll want a hardware keyboard.
  3. ssj12

    ssj12 Minimodder

    12 Sep 2007
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    Well if the Xoom wasnt so damn expensive, and the Droid Bionic was actually released they would be singing a different tune.
  4. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Wait, you mean decent non-iOS tablets aren't automatically cheap? Well, there goes that argument then. :lol:
  5. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest


    Just ignore the adverts! :p (Did you watch #3/4/5?)

    While Mr. Nvidia makes nice hardware, he fails to acknowledge is not just price, it's the fact that iPad swooped up a lot of the components supply for itself which makes manufacturing ramp-up that much harder for everyone else. The OS and software needs development time and 3rd party software dev's don't just magically make apps compatible with Android 3.0 overnight - it's a chicken and egg issue of market saturation point too.

    There's also the more subtle point that many companies are not keen to invest a lot of money in the tablets they make because they are not sure of cost recuperation versus the MANNNY competitors hitting the market: why would people buy an x/y/z "me too" tablet? Unlike Windows devices, Android stuff requires considerable investment in software engineering, because the most you follow the dev kit from Nvidia/Google directly, the easier it is for people to copy you.

    That's my analysis on the Android 3 tablets launched so far anyway.

    We are $399! :p
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 May 2011
  6. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    maybe because these tablets are all half ass done and overpriced.
    every commercial is the same..play a song, watch a movie, toss in a facebook logo cut.
    at least Apple has better marketing scheme and really shows off some alternative functions to these giant cell phones.
    Apple has Apps GALORE while Android has no or few Apps.
    I'm still hoping for a well made Sony Vaio tablet but other than that the Asus ep121 seems to be the only iPad2 Killer as it runs a full Win7.
  7. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    In pure count, Android actually has more apps than iOS. Not tablet specific, no, but remember Android is a year behind there. ;)

    Just out of interest: name me one thing that iPads do natives that Android 3 doesn't. :) Also Android 3.1 is a nice improvement - as should be Ice Cream when it arrives. :)

    They are just different - there's more choice with price and hardware with Android, but if you want all that Apple gives you in its neat bundle and you can stomach only ever using iTunes, than get an iPad :D Horses for courses.

    While I appreciate the recognition I still think you are off the mark as the EP121 is a professional tablet with Wacom interface. It's not focused on the touchscreen and simplicity like Android and iPad tablets are. That said, we still can't make enough of them to fill demand :eeek:
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 May 2011
  8. leveller

    leveller Yeti Sports 2 - 2011 Champion!

    1 Dec 2009
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    oi Bindi, how much commission you on? ;)
  9. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Let's face it...
    -There are more apps for iOS.
    -More of the AAA titles turn up on iOS first (often exclusively)
    -There is more money to be made by developing iOS apps (Big! difference)
    -The iPad2 is a powerful little beast with great battery life
    -You buy an iPad and you know you're getting something that will work well and be supported
    -There's been malware in android app markets, can't find evidence of the same for iOS
    -The iPad2 is not expensive when comparing it to it's rivals
    -The iPad2 (and other premium tablets such as the Xoom) is expensive compared to alternatives (Kindle, Budget android tablets etc)
    -The iPad2 sucks if you want to tinker with it.

    So it's easy to see why the iPad2 is selling well. A lot of people want a premium product that does what it's supposed to and doesn't need their 12yo nephew to get it working for them
  10. jimbok11

    jimbok11 What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2010
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    on the malware front, some sites (such as amazon) are actually going to create android marketplaces that provide 'vetting' of apps and ensure that they are to a certain standard, etc etc...will see how that works out but it provides a space for apps to shine.
  11. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Not enough! :waah:

    (I was just correcting an assumption!!11)
  12. javaman

    javaman May irritate Eyes

    10 May 2009
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    If you notice the difference hats off. Your hardly gonna be counting. The fact is Apple has "quality control" which android kinda lacks. Sheer numbers mean nothing.

    still not really a selling point. Its like xbox "exclusives", companies are shooting themselves in the foot if they don't port. Even then Android will have some cheap knock off. In fact Apple's QC can hinder app development on that point.

    by apple. Just put ads in your app and release an ad free version

    Best thing about the ipad

    True but who knows when Jobs will next dictate how you use it? Again look at quake being put on android tablets. YOu do that and the Apple bods come knocking on your door almost!

    Amazingly since everyman and his dog has an iphone at least. Again QC at work. Anotehr good point for Apple

    Its still too expensive. Until all the rivals release we won't see what prices will do. Apple and xoom will remain premium products tho

    Pretty much plus lack of focued competition. Android 2.3 isn't officially out yet so Apple have had the entire market to itself really. Samsung went a different way with 7" form and adding phone capabilities in and matched the price. Apart from that there has been no competition or choic high end. Apple addressed the problems with the ipad ie. weight but personally and quite a few agree that 7" is preferable or at least should be an option. iOS is very intuative to use and markets are well established. The biggest reason it sells well is the ecosystem. Very few don't have itunes. Why move away even if the competition is better. ipad allows total device and media integration since its so tightly locked down. Ironically the reason I didn't buy into itunes. I want to choose what device I listen to my music on, not be forced into an ecosystem. Android spans as many devices that takes my fancy and soon it'll hit blackberries when QNX ports to the phone front. With Apple its this device, with this software nothing else. You've invested already tough.
  13. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Yeah, but I said decent tablets. :p

    Oh, come on, you opened yourself up for that one. :D
  14. idontwannaknow

    idontwannaknow What's a Dremel?

    20 Feb 2009
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    Android is a joke and always will be. 6 months i've been trying to access their app store on my android phone with no luck. Thousands have the same problem as me and google ignore us. I'm definitely moving over to Apple iOS and i hope Android dies a slow and painful death. You sad geeks can have Android while the rest of us enjoy using iOS.
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