Gaming Dead Island Preview

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 20 Jul 2011.

  1. Zurechial

    Zurechial Elitist

    21 Mar 2007
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    Give this man a job.
  2. Eiffie

    Eiffie What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2010
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    Normally I'd jump on this type of game but from all the video's I've watching it looks like your playing a melee class in oblivion and well. . . no thank you. . .
  3. OCJunkie

    OCJunkie OC your Dremel too

    19 Apr 2011
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    That's exactly what I see here, so I'm interested!

    "...multiplayer options, combining the two into a drop-in, drop-out co-op experience for up to four players. It’s a bold move"

    = Borderlands, not that bold...

    "There’s no word on whether two of the same character-type can co-exist in the same co-op game should you and a friend both choose the same character to level up. We imagine this won’t be possible"

    Well that would just be stupid, and with 4-player parties and only 4 possible characters it's actually pretty likely to happen.

    "There’s also a nifty crafting option, which enables you to modify existing weapons to become deadlier, or add extra zombie-slaying effects."

    = Dead Rising
  4. SighMoan

    SighMoan What's a Dremel?

    29 Mar 2011
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    Really? Oh :( That's put me off a bit, as i enjoyed Borderlands, but it was essentially a grindfest.
  5. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    So in this game all the zombies where necklaces to hide the fact the developers are doing a copy and paste / mix and match job of heads and bodies. Nothing wrong with that, but from the grabs here a few of the skin colours don't even match!
  6. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    The original trailer simply looked immense, and quite easily provoked as much anticipation from me as the first time I ever saw the full Left4Dead intro film (with such polar opposite methods) but the more I hear of the game I think that, whilst I'm sure it may be ok, it just won't be able to cash the cheques that that promo movie wrote...

    And I'm sorry, and I know that it goes against the 'grain of classical movie' elitism and other boring such stuff, but the Romero zombies are just not scary or frightening. I can't be frightened in a game by something I can just 'outwalk'... The Boyle et al zombies are sooo much better - real visceral aggression and primal fury. That's what I like to see in the zombified human race!

  7. Arkanrais

    Arkanrais What's a Dremel?

    14 Jul 2007
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    It's a shame that there are so many self entitled PC elitests who cant get past the fact that consoles are much more profitable than PC's when it comes to game sales.

    I dont care about uber graphics and pc exclusives, so long as they dont half ass the pc version. You keep playing whatever shiny graphics games you think the pc gaming master race should play, and I'll play whatever games are actually fun to play, regardless of their graphics or releases on console.
  8. Nikols

    Nikols What's a Dremel?

    13 Oct 2009
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    I wouldnt even bother responding to this. User is just trolling.

    Anyways... as already said the original trailer was gobsmacking. I sat there for about 20 seconds after watching it thinking holy crap!

    I hope they can elevate this game above left for4dead standards... ie left4dead was a blast but that was it, you didnt care about the characters.... If each of the 4 characters in dead island has his own story/ reason to live/ torment/ baggage that unravels through the game, maybe by short cinematic flashbacks when players get to safepoints or strongholds, enough to make the player connect with his character and want his character to escape or survive then I think this game could mary left4dead blasts with the emotions that were evoked in the original dead island trailer....

    Id concede this type of story would usually be a single player domain and therefore it would be hard to marry a story strong enough to grab at our heart strings with multiplayer, especially drop in and play style multiplayer. For me it would be cool if the game was developed where the story is effectively a single player game with a main story and multiplayer consists of online users (who've potentially already been through their own story and just want to blast zombies left4dead style) dropping in and out of the roles of the other 3 charachters and assisting in the single player campaign. Add to this a few other multiplayer only modes and id be happy out.
    Last edited: 21 Jul 2011
  9. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Day release buy whatever reviewers say, just hope I don't regret it :D it has a real winning formula & if they execute it well then it will be a total classic & if they don't then ohhhhh sheet :duh:.

    I'm actually looking forward to this far more than BF3 :lol:.
  10. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    The undead don't get tired. They may be shambling but they will do so all day and all night until they catch up. The living have to rest rather more frequently, allowing them to catch up. They also don't drop from a single bulet. I know which worries me more! :(

    With regards to the game, I admit to being a touch disappointed. I was hoping for something as viscerally frightening as Undying with zombies, not an arcadey pick up and drop job. I'll still buy it but after that trailer I was hoping for something a little different.
  11. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    True enough, and the Hare and the Turtle does spring to mind, but if I can outwalk something, and then, if I get tired, outrun it using a granny mobility scooter, again, I put the case that the thing is more of an inconvenience on the way to work, than a genuine flesh eating terror... Being dead shouldn't slow you down, just lessen your need for hygiene a bit!
  12. modfx

    modfx Loft Gremlin

    11 Feb 2010
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    Man's a genius.
  13. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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  14. SeñorTasty

    SeñorTasty What's a Dremel?

    19 Jul 2011
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    She is hot.

    On topic though I'm quite excited about this. If they did indeed tighten up the controls (not that i know but they did look a bit limp an unsatisfying in the trailers) and if its anything like Jurassic park then im sold.
  15. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    anyone jump in for a first day purchase? thoughts?

    i played for a short bit at PAX, but i was fighting the controls the whole time. they were running the game on x-box when im more of a mouse+keyboard guy. but even so, it felt sluggish. id be very interested to hear if the PC version feels any more fluid.
  16. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    Eurogamer gave it 6/10. Poorly coded, buggy as hell and some idiotic design decisions but it can be enjoyable if your really into killing zombies.

    Short synopsis. Its exactly the opposite of the trailer.
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