Gaming How 9/11 Affected Games

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 12 Sep 2011.

  1. AstralWanderer

    AstralWanderer What's a Dremel?

    17 Apr 2009
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    Really? How about the Desert Storm add-on for the popular Tornado flight-sim in 1994? Or other Desert Storm/Gulf War influenced games like Conflict: Desert Storm, its sequel Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad or F/A 18 Operation Iraqi Freedom?
    One of the few good outcomes of that event, it stopped NORAID from funding the IRA which led to the IRA declaring a ceasefire, renouncing violence and participating in the Northern Ireland peace process.
  2. mike gunnz

    mike gunnz What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    This article is nonsensical. The author clearly has little grasp of the interrelationship between the social, economic and political spheres of human life: none can exist without the others. To argue that gaming does not take a social stance is simply wrong. The choice of game publishers to stay silent (as you argue), is in of itself a socio-political stance based on economic self-interest (nothing wrong with that).

    Secondly, to argue that Deus Ex's "deep and erudite discussion on the relationship between advancing technology and what it means to be human will be of far greater relevance to society in the coming decades than what happened in New York ten years ago" may sound nice and sophisticated, but is in reality meaningless, pretentious claptrap.

    Man's relationship with technology is nothing new, it is a perennial historical socio-economic theme which we've been debating since forever. Think democracy (an ancient greek concept), the magna carta, war, the creation of the nation-state, the rise of the secular state (itself a 15th century creation), the industrial revolution, mass urbanization, capitalism, wealth creation, power, the welfare state, social justice.

    The events of 9/11 go right to the heart of what it is to be human and the different ways in which we choose to organize our existence, and whose way will prevail. Only a fool would downplay its significance or attempt to divorce it from its historical, social and economic context and the role of technology in perpetuating the status quo.

    Everything is political.
  3. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Lol, you are aware that:

    could also be described as "sounding nice and sophisticated, but is in reality meaningless, pretentious claptrap."
  4. mike gunnz

    mike gunnz What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2008
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    You could at least try and challenge my point with reasoned debate. But no, you make a puerile comment that adds absolutely nothing of value.
  5. StoneyMahoney

    StoneyMahoney What's a Dremel?

    10 Jul 2009
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    Funnily enough, something like that *did* happen. You have the 9/11 attacks, we have the 7/7 London Underground suicide bombing attacks, which they then attempted to repeat 2 weeks later and (thank heaven) fluffed up. You know what we did after that first bombing? We had solidarity vigils with victim's families and Muslim organisations. We reached out to each other and comforted each other, we didn't demand blood and war and the death of other innocents just to balance the books of patriotism or something.

    The American version of patriotism has been seriously screwed up for a very long time. All the communist witch-hunts back in the (40's/50's/whenever the hell they were) hugely tainted the American vision of what it means to support your country. The slightest support for any socialist principle was enough to get someone branded a "pinko" and socially/legally persecuted like they were trying to organize a Soviet takeover from within. Even though the cold war finished long ago, much of that perverted vision still persists and infects the reactions of many ordinary Americans to events like this.

    "America is a war-like nation. Yeah? So what? We *like* war!"
    - George Carlin
  6. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    to be fair though stoney.. 9/11 was much bigger and much more sophisticated than some bombs set off in a subway..heck if that happened instead, noone would have batted an eye and chalked it up to some crazy

    it was the coordination and they had a training ground in afghanistan (and saudi money) that had to be stopped.. I really don't have a good idea on why bush went into iraq.. but having a vice pres like cheney, an old haliburton ceo who had been talking about finishing off iraq in the late 90's.. wife was in the cabinet (think tank) and they went off the faulty intel of a defecting liar.. I don't think we have to stretch the imagination too much

    I like conspiracy theories and thought it was odd how france was on it's high horse before the wars started.. but after seeing chirac and a lot of others caught in the oil for food scandal, it all made a lot more sense..

    oh yeah were broke yay
  7. tonschk

    tonschk Minimodder

    31 Jul 2008
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    On 9/11/2001 The controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings WAS A INSIDE JOB, those WTC buildings were Controlled Detonated With Alive PEOPLE inside by the george bush regime officials to find out a excuse for the ILLEGAL/CRIMINAL invasion of Iraq

    Video Of Controlled Demolition Explosives into the World Trade Center building
  8. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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  9. tonschk

    tonschk Minimodder

    31 Jul 2008
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    Exclusive: 911 insider claims complicity to murders

    Photographer hired to be accomplice to 911 murders

    On the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 New York City mass murder, a Little Rock, Arkansas architectural photographer, Tom-Scott Gordon provided what is possibly the most important testimony evidencing 911 was orchestrated by U.S. officials who indirectly hired him to unwittingly help plan the attack nine years before the operation was activated. Since then, Gordon became a targeted individual by U.S. officials and a leading 911 Truth group dismissed his testimony.
    "As soon as I learned the North Tower had been hit, all I could think of was that I had personally seen the faces of those directly in charge of this operation,” Gordon said this weekend in an exclusive interview with the Examiner.

    Exclusivity of this interview was not from Gordon hiding for ten years nor pleading the Fifth Amendment

    Continue reading on Exclusive: 911 insider claims complicity to murders - National Human Rights |

    Despite threatening warnings, having been followed from city to city, having his homes broken into, and having his files ransacked while he was out of his homes, Gordon has made numerous attempts, including during the past two weeks, to provide his important testimony proving 911 was orchestrated by U.S. officials and he helped ensure that the plan succeeded.

    Gordon believes his information is not meant to be exposed since he has been silenced.

    WTC Building 7 demolition preparations, 1986

    "I'm eyewitness to the WTC Building 7 being built in 1986-87, 'topped-out' and then, with heavy FBI security presence, covertly 'reinforced,"' Gordon stated.

    "In building construction, 'topping out' is a ceremony held after the last beam is placed at top of a building. The term may also refer to overall completion of the building's structure, or an intermediate point, such as when the roof is dried in. A topping out ceremony is usually held to commemorate the event. (Wikipedia)

    "Architects for 911 Truth do not want to investigate this, even though it shows years of architectural planning went into 911," Gordon told Dupré.

    "Building 7 was perfectly sound," he said. "Building 7 was simply a 'land bank,' because they knew it did not match their future development plans for the overall complex. The steel framing was ostensibly required to be 'rebuilt' immediately after it was built."

    "Officials at a Skillings engineers' meeting I attended in 1987 warned some 200 people who oversaw the rebuilding of Building 7 to remain silent about what they knew," Gordon said.

    Skillings was the lead structural engineering firm involved with the World Trade Center.

    Continue reading on Exclusive: 911 insider claims complicity to murders - National Human Rights |
  10. jelderkin

    jelderkin What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2011
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    I am surprised we have not seen a game based around 9-11 although I would expect even if a games company tried somehow various groups would have it banned due to those who lost their lives and about a million other reasons.

    I think the way the world works now is so backwards people get touchy and upset about the smallest of things when will we stop being so sensitive to life in general
  11. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    Shortly before the end of the world I expect.
  12. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    While I may definitely disagree with the end result of the attack (and have serious issues with being told that "You know nothing about security!" Ex-****ing-cuse me - I grew up with that. It even got to the point that having a loaded SMG stuffed in my face was greeted with "Another alert then?") you, matey, need a serious reality check.

    Should that be your honest opinion I pity you. Should you be trolling then say these words very quickly and you may get the message "Golf lock use elf".

    I definitely believe that that the reaction is/was/will always be significantly out of proportion it's not something to be made light of.
  13. Farfalho

    Farfalho Minimodder

    27 Nov 2009
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    Maybe I will be out of line to say this but I felt I had to:
    If censorship has been around the whole happening, I feel the US left Porsche unscathered! Why? The 911 that is! How many 911 are being driven around the country! I bet they didn't thought of it!

    I'll get my coat
  14. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    I like that word claptrap
  15. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    Oh my science do I love conspiracy theorists!

    Any chance you have watched the first Zeitgeist film?
  16. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    tonsck: first, use the EDIT button. Don't serial-post.

    Second, nobody here gives a rats arse about cookie conspiracy theories. Give it a rest.
    Last edited: 18 Sep 2011
  17. tonschk

    tonschk Minimodder

    31 Jul 2008
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  18. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    tonsck: ONE more post on this subject and I will suspend you for 24 hours.
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