Windows Star Wars - The Old Republic Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Fizzban, 24 Sep 2011.

  1. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Story spoilers eh?

    I did get to Level 35 with a Sith Juggernaut muahahahaha :p.

    I'm just annoyed with the client atm...

    There was a new 20GB patch released (new build), but since the old bulid was 30GB of my 40GB monthly allowance, i can't update it from home.

    So i'm at Uni trying to download it, but it doesn't recognise the Uni network as being a from a region allowed to access SWTOR from... whatever that means.

    However trying to log in enough times seems to have pushed it through... except it's not updating yet *sigh*.

    *EDIT* - Hahar!, 1MB/s... slow for a uni network, but tis enough.
  2. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Just logged into the SWTOR forums and it said I could download the game.

    I'm on the second ~15gb download, and it doesn't really tell how much more is left after that finishes...
  3. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Still downloading... Bad times.

    Not even sure if that means I can play it or wait until that beta weekend thing.
  4. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    well, figuring the beta weekend was coming up, and uni internet is particularly crappy I figured I would start downloading it, downloaded the installer, installed and went to open it (to start the main download) and nothing happens. The process is still running, and if I try to open it again it says there is an instance already running, but nothing onscreen or anything notable happening at all. Kind of annoying.

    Also, the swtor forums lack a tech support forum, which is just plain stupid.
  5. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I finished mine :D. Uni internet speed finally decided to pick up.

    You'll probably want to close down the launcher (via task manager) and restart it again.

    The download screen is pretty obvious and you need to have logged in first before you can start downloading (which IMO is a rather silly idea).

    As for the (lack of) tech support forum, it's because all technical issues should be emailed to SWTOR Customer Service (or use their section of the forum in the Game Testing section - if you have access to that).
  6. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Got my account sorted out. Had to phone customer support, but they were very helpful.

    I've downloaded the client. Pretty surprised by how small it was. I get the impression it is a cut down version for this upcoming weekend. Only 18.5GB installed. (the installer stated at the beginning you only needed 21GB space free, so should be about right since it would have needed temp file space)
  7. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Just read about the Legacy System (didn't know it was last week's Friday Update) and it sounds awesome :o:

    One the one hand, i dislike how it favours someone who's played more over a shorter amount of time to create their "Surname". On the other hand i think it's just awesome :D.

    For reference, i believe there are 5 chapters and the first chapter is pretty huge. The previous build came out 2nd November-ish and i was playing regularly up until the recent build (17th Nov.) and i'm only at Chapter 2.

    Although that being said, i think i could have progressed the Class Story more, but i'm just finishing off the Planet quests ("World Arcs").

    It's about 3-4 Planet's worth of materials to get past the first Chapter and they're fairly substantial in terms of both size and content.

    In fact, i may skip the Planet quests and race to end Chapter 1, reserve a Surname and then go back and finish the quests.
  8. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Not sure what to think about the Legacy system. I will wait and see. Not being a full time tester, I will take my time come early access/launch. I'm in no rush.

    As for the upcoming weekend I'm not sure what class to try. I won't be trying Jedi Knight, as that will be my first character. Maybe I will try the Imperial Agent..hmm.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I would personally avoid going Empire if you're playing Republic come launch...

    You'll be bitterly disappointed at how inferior the story is. :p

    At least that's my opinion... i was fine with the Empire stories, but the Republic storyline just bored me quite a bit.

    Not to mention the Imperial Agent storyline was IMO the best on offer... just sad i wasn't able to fully test it.
  10. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    I was a little worried about that. Not that I thought republic storyline would be inferior..but kotor and mass effect are always more fun when you play as an asshole lol!

    Hmm well I dunno what I will pick to test. Maybe bounty hunter, or smuggler or even trooper. I know I will like all of the 8 classes in terms of story at least, but I'm trying to avoid the classes I'm really interested in. Maybe I should try no interest in that class at all, but then I'd spoil Tython for myself.. Urgh! I'm gonna go round in circles until I get my grubby mits on it.
  11. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I don't think that it's necessarily being an asshole/darkside that makes it more intriguing...

    It's just that the Jedi sort of gets saddled with the problem of either being a "noble hero" etc. or just being a complete dick. Without going into spoilers, the story is very much about your "duty" or at least it's less about *you* and simply more about the situation/how to save the world etc.

    On the other side, the Empire is much more... interesting (lol). There's a lot more political intrigue between the Darth's trying to use you as a pawn in their power struggles, then there's the fact that your story is about you gaining power and well... if it's like any Sith story, you should be able to overthrow your Master (which is what's sort of hinted at, but i'm nowhere near that i think).

    The Bounty Hunter might be the slight weak link, but at least the moral and darkside/lightside choices in it were very good.

    As for the Imperial Agent, it just shows a side of Star Wars that hasn't been shown before (i.e. Imperial Intelligence). One thing that really was very interesting was being "technically" subservient to the Sith (who hold absolute power), they have the ability to mess up your affairs without any accountability (although if you're doing a mission for another Sith, there might be a nice tussle).

    I remember thinking to myself when playing the IA that Sith were complete morons who had no clue of how Imperial Intelligence worked. However when playing the Sith Warrior, i was always amused that my opinion of Imperial Intelligence was that "shut up, i'll do what i want... i'm Sith".


    I'll just say that i haven't really gone much into the Class Stories, especially the Republic ones. With those i think i've only ever played or just finished the Prologue which in the grand scheme of things is a tiny portion of the story. Maybe it actually picks up after you get your Ship (the end of the Prologue) but i've never really been inclined to keep playing.
    Fizzban likes this.
  12. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Well put together post, and you didn't spoil anything. rep+

    I do intend to play every class eventually, but I felt I would do the whole Luke Skywalker thing first, and be a knight. I can't wait to see what the storylines are like and how they intertwine on each side. Be interesting to see what class best suits my gameplay/pvp style too. And I am actually really looking forward to the space-fighter mini-game too.

    So has the testing confirmed to you that you will be subbing, or has it made you decide otherwise?
  13. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Well, i'm not cancelling my pre-order (and even more tempted to upgrade to the Collector's from Digital Deluxe).

    As for subbing, i'll try to for as long as possible, but currently doing an MSc in London atm without any sort of graduate loan or grant, so money's a bit tight.

    I guess i'll just go out for less drinks lol.

    Subs might also drop around exam time... just to stop me from failing lol.
  14. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    It's hard for me to talk around the game. So I will just say that vbdswong did a damn good job of explaining without spoiling. The Light Side/Dark Side options with the Empire, and the Sith especially in my opinion just seem more gratifying that the choices offered when playing as the Republic.
  15. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Beta weekend starts tomorrow!
  16. gizmob

    gizmob What's a Dremel?

    10 Aug 2010
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    I'll be on from Saturday 10:00 :)
  17. Trance

    Trance Two steps forward, one step back

    6 May 2009
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    Friday 4pm here I come :D
  18. el2k

    el2k Modder

    18 Jan 2010
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    Friday 10:00 for me :)
  19. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    about time been waiting ages.
  20. asteldian

    asteldian Minimodder

    13 Jan 2011
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    Anyone have any spare keys going for this weekends beta?

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