Steam DotA 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Loafers, 15 Aug 2011.

  1. Treacles

    Treacles Minimodder

    7 May 2011
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    Anyone got a spare or know how i can get in on it :(
  2. soviet_

    soviet_ Bantros

    17 Dec 2008
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    Only way to get in at the minute is either wait for an email from Valve directly if of course you signed up for the beta, or get a gift pass from someone who got invited directly as they each have 2 guest passes to give out
  3. el2k

    el2k Modder

    18 Jan 2010
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    Dying to get beta for this!! I filled out the survey as soon as i received it!!
  4. Whindog

    Whindog What's a Dremel?

    16 Sep 2010
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    Dear Bit-Techians...

    Hope your enjoying your cheescake....spare gifts into the dota will be well received here......

    And likewise if I am lucky enough to get one in the closed beta waves....I shall offer my free invites to my fellow Peers on this site.

    Is it really dumb how badly i want to get on this BETA!!! Its only a beta ffs.

    Anywho.....If im lucky, keep your eyes on this thread for........
  5. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    My housemate got in this morning, and I was one of the lucky chosen ones :D.

    The problem is I'm at work until 5PM today. It's 10AM and I already want to just give up and go home. I'll try to make it until 4 at least...

    Sod's law really. I get into the beta at a time I can't play it, making today last 12 times longer than it needs to. Goddamn.

    Still, I'm in! So hooray for that :D.
  6. Tomhyde1986

    Tomhyde1986 What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2009
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    I think I'm going to have to start following DotA2.

    I'm not much of a 1 vs 1 player vs player type person but team games I really like. DotA seems to be a great blend of the point and click style I love in Diablo and a team based competitive PVP scene.I probably won't play the beta but I will certainly take it for more of a twirl when it goes live.

    One question. How does it compare to League of Legends? I tried getting into LoL but something about it just didn't work for me. The actual gameplay I liked but something just didn't grab me. I'm not sure if it was the micro transaction model or the community at large. How does DotA compare in these aspects?
  7. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Got an email last night informing me I had been invited to play. Very please, will report back when I've had a few games.
  8. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    If anyone fancies joining up for a game, add me on Steam (b0ng0). Have been enjoying DotA 2 immensely, just like the good old days but less heroes :p.

    The "Watch" feature is also brilliant, especially viewing some of the comment streams :D.
  9. Loafers

    Loafers What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2009
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    got mine last week.

    my thoughts:

    1) if your coming from hon, it's going to be REALLY awkward if you haven't played dota in ages. you'll forget that dota was a slower game.

    2) graphics are really amazing (and demanding). streams/screenshots don't show how beautiful it is. i have a gtx 570 and with max settings, it's like a painting ;)

    4) ignore the hype, the game still has a lot of work to be done: ui, minimap, stat recording, concede, etc. your supposed to be testing the game - having fun is only a bonus

    5) player perspective mode wile spectating a match is pretty awesome.

    6) overall, game is fun, but takes about 10 games to get used to.

    7) if your new, please don't play the game. it's not exactly noob friendly yet. i had a sniper on my team who rushed daedalus first :wallbash:

  10. FelixTech

    FelixTech Robot

    12 Jun 2009
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    Woop got an invite last night too! I guess all the people who were a bit slow at signing up are now getting their invites ;)
  11. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    got mine too, had one quick practice game last night and remembered how out of practice I am with dota/hon.

    Played a round against the AI as sniper (as he's got basically identical moves to flint, so at least I knew what was happening) and I think i'm going to have another couple of games against the AI as various heroes to get a feeling for the game.

    My biggest problem with it so far is that the UI is kind of rubbish, it doesn't seem to show my teammates health anywhere, that and pressing stop (or hold) doesn't seem to stop you autoattacking, which is bloody infuriating
  12. Loafers

    Loafers What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2009
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    I had the same issue. You can disable autoattacking in gameplay options that way you'll only attack when issued to attack.
  13. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    That's a bit unfair, no? I thought one of Dota 2's cornerstone features was to ease players into the game? Not to mention that the Beta key giveaway is intended to reach a wide playerbase, they specifically targeted casual gamers with only a few games on their account or low playtime as well as the people with loads of both. You can't tell people not to play a game because they're not very good at it, it's elitist and pretentious.
  14. Loafers

    Loafers What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2009
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    i'm sorry if that sounded "elitist", but it was, in my opinion, really good advice. your MORE than welcome to play, just don't uninstall the game after getting stomped and have to keep on playing the match since leaving will get recorded and because you can't concede yet.

    that being said, features to teach newcomers to the genre/game haven't been included yet. however, there is spectating which might be useful. there's also practice games, but your going to have to play a lot to get an understanding of what every hero does or find someone willing to coach you.

    the whole "valve wants players of all skill level in the beta" is true, but looking realistically at the its current state, i'd say it's not ready yet. right now they're focusing more on adding heroes and bug fixing rather than creating tutorials and whatnot.
  15. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    I'm not talking about myself personally; I have hundreds of hours in various MOBAs. Uninstalling because you got stomped in a beta game is a little OTT tbh, I can't see many people doing that. Still, Valve has targeted a whole bunch of people for a reason and it's so that they can find out why people are getting stomped and what they can do to help. In other words, it's intended.

    Yes, I'm in the beta as of this morning, but haven't had a chance to play a game since I had work today. Am waiting in anticipation of tonight.
  16. Loafers

    Loafers What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2009
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    You'd be surprised how many people were begging/paying for keys on reddit only to stop playing after less than 10 hours.

    I'm pretty sure they did it so dota would lose it's "elitist" image and appease casual players.

    In fact Valve only invited experienced players before the mass invites to help them TEST the game (after all that's the whole purpose of a beta).

    Do you think someone new to dota would be able to distinguish a bug from a feature?

    Case example: I am unable to blink into fog: bug or feature?

    I rest my case.

    Welcome to the beta :) Just a tip though, don't call it moba.

    Oh and off-topic, there's a lot less rage/angst if you tell other players ahead of time if your new. (I did this myself to lower people's expectations of my decision making)
  17. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    I'm sure I wouldn't, there will be cases but considering the current playing stats on Dota 2 in steam it doesn't seem hugely widespread.

    Which isn't really a bad thing. At the end of the day Valve wants target as many people as is possible with a game, because at the end of the day they're making it to make money. More power to them, I'd like to see a lot of people playing it. I'm sure they'll involve some kind of Elo system in the game for matchmaking, so players are matched against similarly-skilled players.

    I disagree; that's one of the purposes of a beta. It's also to test the new player experience, to make sure that the UI, control schemes are appropriate a well-tuned and to get general feedback on how the game feels, not just if it's buggy.

    And people could just ask older, more experienced players who would explain these things. I've seen many FAQ threads for just about every game; the community often strives to help newer players.

    MOBA, Action RTS, Dota-style, they're all just synonyms really.
  18. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I have to admit, that was my experience with HoN.

    I had only just started playing LoL (in the same week) and tried out HoN since it was in beta.

    Didn't like it at all compared to LoL, played one game, got stomped, uninstalled.

    It wasn't so much that i wasn't willing to learn, it's more that HoN did a terrible job at teaching compared to LoL and the latter was more appealing.

    Am rather disappointed i didn't get a key (i actually turned one down from a friend because i thought i was over my monthly download limit - this was at the very end of November -.-').
  19. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    aah thanks very much.

    Tried a few more heroes, quite like the ancient apparition, although his ult is a bit fiddly
  20. Whindog

    Whindog What's a Dremel?

    16 Sep 2010
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    Still no key.

    I wait in hope :'(

    Hope your all enjoying the Beta. Sux about that November refusal because of dl limit. Shoulda just taken it and waited till the balance rolled over :s

    Hopefully you get your own key soon then.

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