News OnLive Desktop brings Windows 7 to the iPad

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 10 Jan 2012.

  1. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Why? Have you even read apple's app store guidelines in the last couple of years? Just because you can't install any old crap doesn't mean Apple's policy is a bad one. As long as you don't play silly buggers and use Apple's private APIs, break the UI rules, or produce something crap (Fart apps generally don't get in much these days), you're generally fine, let's face it it's (From a submission point of view) nothing different to the dozens of VNC apps out there already.

    Haters gotta hate I guess.
  2. Madness_3d

    Madness_3d Bit-Tech/Asus OC Winner

    26 Apr 2009
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    I'm not a "hater" per-se, I have an iPhone, I've just seen lots of examples over the years where apple have not allowed things into the app store just because they say so, the existence of the Cydia market is evidence alone of this.

    Essentially you're right it's just a remote desktop client, but if it's bundled as a "OnLive Windows 7 Client" It's possible it wouldn't get through. Apple might feel that people would be "confused" by it or that the Windows 7 interface wouldn't be sufficiently usable to reach apple's standards.

    If it can really allow you to watch a video on the client then that alone will pretty much set it apart from all the other RDP and VNC clients and that's great but we're not talking about remotely connecting to *your* pc here, this is a cloud based pc and as such it opens a whole other kettle of fish concerning privacy and security.

    I just really tire of all this *cloud* development. It's great and all but most of us have 8mb down, 2mb up ADSL lines, when we all have Gigabit up / down then great but until then It's just taking away from good work on projects that run locally

    But Imagine, If someone wrote an x86 VM for the iPad and then tried to put that on the app store? Reckon that would get in?

    Edit: I also dislike their monopolic attitude to applications as well, it puts app developers on the back foot, for example look at pages and numbers for example, now apple could do anything they liked with it because they make the rules, whereas people like Quickoffice inc. have to abide by whatever rules apple set them and conform to the limitations without complaint or just be kicked off the app store.

    Edit2: And all this rubbish about how the file system is "unintuitive" ffs... If the iPhone had a proper file system with user accessable areas it would open up huge possibilities for developers and users. Imagine being able to just drag your documents on to your phone, edit them on the fly, upload them to dropbox and then carry on working on them locally. But as Apple have it your files are pretty much locked into a specific app and you have to sync them through iTunes. Ah iTunes... Don't get me started on that one...
    Last edited: 11 Jan 2012
  3. Madness_3d

    Madness_3d Bit-Tech/Asus OC Winner

    26 Apr 2009
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    Your Colleague hands you a USB Key with some urgent documents on it... :duh:

  4. JA12

    JA12 What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2010
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    Kill it with fire!
  5. javaman

    javaman May irritate Eyes

    10 May 2009
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    You are an apple user, you scornfully look at said colleague and make a comment like
    "you need to get a mac, it can....."
    The response will be,
    "So can PC's and have do since the late 90's, if you actually bothered to research and open your eyes to the fact that your the only one in the office who can't cause Apple choose not to support it"
    You then whip put your macbook air just to sync those documents over cause fundamentally tablets still cant exist as stand alone devices.
    Like a supermodel, they're too skinny to be of any practical use in the real world and focus on looks more than anything else.

    Ok not an actual representation of real world events and maybe a bit extreme at that but just how i imagine the chain of events at this hour of the day.
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