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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    So I think I play with the biggest moron I've ever met. Old friend I went to high school with who we regularly play with, decides to go buy 100 dollars of riot points, and spends the majority of it on skins, not champions. He than decides to continuously play champions the wrong way; aka building tanky characters straight AD and such. He also has this idea that he's bulletproof and regardless of what champion he has all he wants to do is team fight and rushes in on his own. He constantly dies and makes stupid moves than complains we don't help him. He also likes to try new characters and demands mid when he has no idea how to play them. Sure that champ is supposed to go mid but if you don't know how to play them stick to a lane which usually works out to be a bit easier / safer. He also queued us for a ranked game and he picked a new char and said let's see how this guy is. YOU DO NOT TRY NEW HEROES IN RANKED GAMES! YOU JUST DON'T.

    Our other friend has this infatuation with jungle malph / tank. The ONLY time he actually initiates and tanks is when he has an ult. If he doesn't have an ult he runs away from team fights even if he has the right items and full hp. Needless to say it's getting frustrating to play with these 2.

    /rage rant
  2. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Just had a great comeback against a team we were getting really beaten back by.

    They had an excellent Poke comp with Nidalee and Kog'Maw and we didn't really have a traditional tank/initiator as i was Shyvanna and the best thing we got was a Malz or Rumble ult.

    Also, we had a rather annoying altercation with an RL friend who was playing Sona.

    I was with our Graves (also on Skype and an RL friend) in mid with the Sona vs. the Kog'Maw, Ryze and Trundle. I single out Kog'maw as being a good target since he was really squishy, esp. to our Graves and myself. So we coordinate that Sona will Ult and we'll dive in, however he doesn't ult because "he can't get them to line up". I see Kog out of position and so dive in on him and they turn to fight me and i expect Sona to Ult... except he doesn't and i'm like "what the hell, where's the Ult" and he just replies "i couldn't get all three of them and it wouldn't guarantee a kill".

    And so i die... and him "trying" to position himself has somehow inexplicably wandered into the middle of all three (if you could imagine a triangle, he'd be right in the middle... no wonder he can't get them to line up -.-'). And so as he tries to escape, he ults right? I mean at least the Graves will have CC'd targets... but no. No ult.

    And then it was 3 for nothing.

    God i found that annoying.
  3. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    The friend that spent 100 bucks on riot points has an obsession with this game. He messages me at 9am asking if I want to play. He asked me my school schedule so pretty much the instant I finish class he texts me asking to play. It's getting damn ridiculous. His stupid play style is also frustrating beyond relief. I need new games to come out or something to keep me busy besides this damn game!
  4. wodgah

    wodgah What's a Dremel?

    26 Jan 2012
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    Great fun game totally ruined for me by the constant neverending flaming and raging when you solo/duo queue for ranked :(.
  5. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    /ignore enemy
    /ignore (username)
    /ignore all
    /squelch (any of the above)
    Or hold tab and click the mute button next to each person.

    Take your pick. Sorted. :thumb:
  6. wodgah

    wodgah What's a Dremel?

    26 Jan 2012
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    Sadly this doesnt stop them either going afk or running headlong into opposing towers to spite everyone because they didnt get solo top :p
  7. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    It seems every game is like this... "brb lemme push this tower, oh look theres 3 of em, lets fight them." *dies* "WTF No one came to help. XYZ was close, why didn't you come help?!"

    It also seems the last 4-5 games I've been stuck with feeders. We had an olaf building all AD items, no tankiness and he kept getting dropped. He would also be the idiot that would run in trying to save 1 person when there are 4 enemies there.

    I make extensive use of the mute feature... too many people either troll, argue, or name call. I hit a sky fall with panth and get a double kill, my team mate said "suddenly falling pantheons" and the other team started saying all sorts of crap such as "lol he thinks hes good" etc. etc. The player base has such a negative attitude and the amount of times people have made racist comments when you kill them is unbelievable. Another thing that somewhat upsets me is people who don't speak english and just ping everything. The lack of communication really makes it more difficult.
  8. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I think the best think that could happen to LoL would be the complete removal of the leaver system.

    Edit: Course I also think about half the champs need to be removed and that the other half need redone
    And a massive boost to the health of all champs and the complete removal of stealth.
    Last edited: 1 Feb 2012
  9. wodgah

    wodgah What's a Dremel?

    26 Jan 2012
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    This is entirely my problem with LOL , now ive played games online long enough to know you always get some negative comments and flamming etc , but with LOL ive not seen anything like it. It really is relentless if it isnt your team going ballistic constantly about something or each other , then its the other team wanting their team mates reported for dying once or flaming you for killing them. It doesnt change or stop it seems and sure you can mute people but do you really want to mute 9 ppl in every game you play ?
  10. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    HoN is also pretty bad. When it went free me and some friends tried playing it for a few days and everyone there was raging about the inflow of noobs and how no one knew how to play properly. I know its frustrating but people are just so negative.

    Back on topic:
    Fed Garen is awesome Garen. Last game went 6/1/16 picking up first blood and a double kill at level 3 laning with a tristana. I can't remember who we were against but using ARP runes with flat magic resist and flat armor I was wrecking squishies. At level 1 with my Q I hit ashe for roughly 1/4 of her bar. I started with boots 3 pot. Rushed a warmogs + atmas than a banshees veil and I was just beasting people. Plus I love Garen's ult. I always feel the need to shout "FUS RO DAH" on skype when I use it. Always a great time.
  11. wodgah

    wodgah What's a Dremel?

    26 Jan 2012
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    Spin 2 win ?
  12. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I bought Shivanna last night, she isn't bad. I didn't jungle with her but she did fine laning.

    Build order:
    lvl 1 boots + 3 pots
    wriggles lantern
    merc treads
    wits end
    Trinity force

    Tanky items:
    force of nature
    banshees veil
    Frozen mallet

    Depends on other team comp. I'd sell the lantern to get my last tanky item. Ideally I'd go warmogs + atmas and banshees or FoN unless they're a heavy AD team than I'd swap it for sunfire.

    For runes I use flat armor (+13), magic resist per lvl, and ARP (21 or 23%)

    I tried flat AD runes for +21 ad at lvl 1 but only tried 1 game with each rune set so I'm undecided which to go with. I also rushed trinity 1st game and wits end 2nd game, I think the trinity provides more damage than the trinity but the magic resist and attack speed are great, think it really depends what the lane is like.
  13. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Selfless bump for this thread.

    On another note I played my most boring game EVER the other day. 40 minutes of a massive pokefest and I was playing Irelia so I couldn't even poke. That game was so boring I just took a few days break to recoup from the frustration.
  14. wgy

    wgy What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2008
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    i stopped playing due to the "community".

    I always thought at a higher level it will be better...
    In ranked, it will be better...
    At a higher ELO it will be better...

    Its not.
    The 12 year old flaming attitude, noob calling and rudeness just does not stop.
    I honestly could not think of a single game where i have experienced as much rudeness as in LoL.

    I have played on teams where people with no kills, 5+ deaths, have called others bad....

    I hate to rain on anyones parade, but if your reading this hoping to get into ranked or even pick it up and play, "that guy" who flames everyone regardless or crys will always be there.
  15. mikeyman198

    mikeyman198 Lets pretend this is hilarious.

    12 May 2011
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    I just tend to laugh at them, and tell them to come back when they have a positive K/D. What annoys me is fights over lanes, especially mid. I was playing Veigar and an had said is was going mid, and then an Ashe pops up and goes straight for mid without buying ANY items, just to get there first. I end up going mid as well, and they tell me to go bot, when Ashe does better bot then Veigar, and Veigar needs CS. It annoys me when other people dont know when to listen to genuine advice.
  16. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I have to say, to me it feels like the community has improved. I'm seeing less undesirables and more quality play by the randomers I get matchmade with now than I was 6 months ago. Whether this is due to high-profile tournaments & streams teaching people to play, the introduction of the tribunal system or my own ELO movements, I don't know. I guess it could also be that they introduced the ignore button... it certainly helps against flamers anyway ^^
  17. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    I tend to agree with Yslen, the community does feel like it's improving. I think it's most likely the boost in popularity. Since the introduction of LoL to the pro e-sports more actual gamers started to pick the game up, rather than just a younger audience because it's a free game.
  18. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I've had mixed results tbh.

    It used to be that Level 30s used to at least have a broad knowledge of the game... whereas now, with it becoming more popular, I've had Level 30s ask me silly questions that they should know (like what type of damage Olaf deals).

    I was busy with SWTOR and ME3 recently that ELO decay kicked in and I was playing with people who were complete asshats and/or morons.

    Seems to have cleared up more now with less flamers, but there at still a few silly people... like the TF last night who went 0/5/0 in mid... admittedly he did own up as to playing like **** and didn't blame anyone.

    Sent from bit-tech Android app
  19. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    I honestly can say I find it improves the higher up the ranked queue you go. But you will occasionally get the retard who blames everyone else for "loosing".
  20. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    If that had been two nights ago it could have been me :p

    I still struggle with the game, as I am generally impatient and gungho. I play ryse alot and alistar a bit, but I can't find any other characters that really interest me.

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