Windows [MMO] Guild Wars 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by deathtaker27, 19 Mar 2012.

  1. deathtaker27

    deathtaker27 Modder

    17 Apr 2010
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    Anyone else looking forward to this game, I think it will be one of the highlights of my year.

    Loving the yogscast stuff on this game
  2. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    There is already a thread regarding Guild Wars 2. I like many Im waiting on a Beta invite.
  3. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    didn't get in the beta.. from what we've gathered so far.. if you didn't check you were a wow player or snuffaluffagus, you got excluded.. it's just a marketing ploy to get people to pre-order next month

    they know gw1 players will buy.. so why not stir up some hype with newer players

    open beta next month :geek: I guess I'll be there if I buy the pre order.. not sure I like buying a game just for a beta, but I really want to swim out to orr and release the krakken (hear he's like kerafyrm the sleeper)
  4. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    I'll be there. If I can ever get enough pieces to make a PC.
  5. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    People saying it's not due until the third quarter now :( (summer time basically)
  6. deathtaker27

    deathtaker27 Modder

    17 Apr 2010
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    I would rather wait for a good game, then have a rushed medicore game

    and Sorry I didnt realise there was a thread already, if a mod could merge this into the other one that may be a solution?
  7. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I am going to wait a month or so before I even think about Guild wars 2. I played Guild Wars finished all the main quest lines but got bored/stuck doing the Vanquishing and Hard Mode play throughs. I had some pretty awesome armour.

    But Guild Wars 2 is so far from what I have been playing recently I dont know whether I will put the time into it.

    I only played through Guild Wars as I needed something to do when I was unemployed. Unemployed again mind you but I have other things to play now :lol:

    Friend of mine is going to pre order the deluxe edition of the game. May or may not buy it will see.
  8. TraumaticHug

    TraumaticHug What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2011
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    I was meh about Guild Wars 2 a few months ago, because it seemed years away. But now I'm pretty darn excited about it, too.. possibly because of watching the recent Yogscast vids.

    Though I'm worried I'll burn myself out with info before I actually get to play it.
    I've been reading through Arenanet's extensive blog as well as Massively's write-ups about it, and I'm currently reading the novels (which are actually really good).

    Just now I'm trying to finish Eye of the North with a W/Mo.. but I'm currently stuck in the Heart of the Shiverpeaks trying to get the dwarven hammer :wallbash:

    nice little stroll, killing some mobs... strolling, killing, strolling, kil... a wild massive immune-to-physical-damage beastie appears!!
    It uses You-Just-Wasted-the-last-30minutes-of-Your-Life.
    It's Super Effective!

  9. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Been looking forward to it for a long time now... I thought it would never come. Though I was disappointed when I didn't get into the beta but my other half did. :p

    I tried GW1 again to get some HoM points but playing it solo is too boring so gave up at 11, I never even finished a campaign. :(
  10. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    After their blog post regarding the RMT (real money transaction) policy, I am pretty disappointed by this game now. He says you can't buy advantage, and then admits that you can buy literally anything you want in the game with real money - even things you can't get otherwise. XP boost potions, a luck booster to improve your chance to get rare items, a mystic key to unlock special loot chests in the game, an instant portal back to the bank in town, the ability to ressurect for free... bigger and better bags and more slots etc...

    If that's not buying advantage then I don't know what is. So much for everyone being on a level playing field. I've played games like that before, and some people spend a fortune and you need to accept that they have an advantage over you, or start spending $$$ to keep up.

    Unless it's balanced so that this stuff is not too powerful, and buying some of it to keep up with the majority of players wont cost me more than monthly subscriptions to MMO's usually costs, then I'll skip this one.
  11. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Everything that you can buy from the online store yo can buy with gold in-game. it's more for people who can't be bothered to put effort into getting something. You can buy the gems you need with in-game gold, or spend your real life money to buy the gems. It's as level as you're going to get.

    The XP boost is only from killing monsters not from quests or events etc so barely an advantage.

    There's leaked screenshots here with information on what each is.

    So far the only thing not buyable in-game is character slots. If enough people buy the gems on the online store to trade for gold in-game then they're not going to be very expensive from an in-game PoV anyway.
  12. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    Meh, still sucks to me. I've played "Pay 2 Win" or "Pay to Cheat" games before and they have a bad habit of getting expensive if you try to keep up, and if you don't keep spending, you better be prepared to fall behind and put up with the extra tedium.

    Very sceptical of this game now.
  13. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Well it was the same in GW1, you could buy a few items in there and costumes.

    In GW1 you could buy the skill sets and in GW2 it's a very minor exp boost. Mobs give little exp compared to the events and quests.
  14. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Those skills where only for PVP though and if you brought a PVE Toon into PVP you still had to have unlocked those skills one way or another. You could spend in game Balthazar Faction Points on unlocking them but they where only ever for PVP. Pretty sure of that.

    Costumes looked pretty good to me I bought one set of Costumes ages ago.

    I am still undecided about getting Guild Wars 2. Might give it a month and see what my mate says about it as he is going to pre order for sure.
  15. TraumaticHug

    TraumaticHug What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2011
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    Mike O'Brien (ArenaNet)
    "Here’s our philosophy on microtransactions: We think players should have the opportunity to spend money on items that provide visual distinction and offer more ways to express themselves. They should also be able to spend money on account services and on time-saving convenience items. But it’s never OK for players to buy a game and not be able to enjoy what they paid for without additional purchases, and it’s never OK for players who spend money to have an unfair advantage over players who spend time."

    After reading a great many articles about the game (from both the devs and others), reading their blog and watching interviews with the team I have to say I trust ArenaNet. They have spent too long and put too much of themselves into this game that they love to **** it up with poorly-implemented microtransactions.

    Plus given how often they updated (and still update) Guild Wars I'm sure they'll be constantly tweaking Guild Wars 2. Microtransactions may not work amazingly right off the bat, but if it isn't working how they want it to they'll fix it very quickly.
  16. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    That is the blog post that made me sceptical. One minute he says what you bolded (LIES!) and then a paragraph or two later he begrudgingly tells the truth in the most unobvious and sugar coated way possible - ie: gold and gems are completely tradeable. In other words, gold is the currency to buy anything you want in the game, and you can buy gold with gems, and you buy gems with your credit card... In other words, you can buy gold with real money.

    Then you look at that shop of theirs and realise that they are absoutely selling advantage, and it doesn't come cheap either. It costs about £5 for 400 gems, so for that extra one characater slot is about £10. Then for a bigger bag, it's another 300 which is almost another £5. Cooks outfit another tenner. Stack of just 5 portal back to town clickies - another £1 per stack of 5. Then there's all the other crap like XP and Karma boosts and repair kits etc.

    You gotta ask yourself, they like to pretend that this stuff is optional, but if you don't buy any of it, then just how much of a disadvantage are you going to have to put up with? Just how gimped is your bag space and how long are you going to have to spend trudging all the way back to town unless you pay for this stuff? And if you want to buy it with gold instead, just how much grinding are you going to have to do to earn the equivalent of all that stuff?

    I've played other PVP games like this with the same system, and it gets really out of hand. What tends to happen in my experience, is that a bunch of people spend a fortune and basically fill their bags with all the best stuff their money can buy (or their parents money or whatever). And then the people who are competing against them get tired of being at a disadvantage, but they only have three options. 1) Quit the game for good. 2) Just put up with losing more often. 3) Start paying to keep up. And then once a lot of people start going with option 3, the problem gets even bigger and everyone ends up spending even more and more to keep that cutting edge.

    And then inevitably, the game company gets giddy with all the money and starts releasing even more and more overpowered items on the shop, for higher and higher prices, and because everyone has already bought the game and is already hooked and already has so much time and effort invested in it... they all start paying more and more as time goes by.

    It's hard to know exactly how extreme this game will be in this respect, until I know which of those items you can get without paying real money, and just how much time and effort it will take to get them. And I could also do with knowing just how important gear is, because unless all gear in the game is mostly just cosmetic, then you are going to have to be prepared to buy gold to buy all the gear you wear too.

    So yeah, hate to say it but I was looking forward to this and now I'm pretty sceptical.
  17. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    All gear is cosmetic once you reach max level, before then obvious in the PvE side of things stats go up as you level and get better gear, in PvP it's not a problem.

    In PvP everyone is given the same armour and weapons. There isn't anything more powerful than anything else once you hit max level, you'll never gained more stats than someone you can only get better looking gear from then on. So it's not P2W since everyone gets the exact same stuff stat wise, everyone is boosted to 80, given full PvP gear and all abilities unlocked in the battleground PvP. For WvWvW PvP you're boosted to level 80 but keep your skills you have, so higher levels player have an advantage there but not so much they will face rolll over you. You're over reacting to something you've not yet played/looked at.

    The only thing you have to pay money for is extra character slots, since they're not available in-game like every other item on the microtransaction so far.

    I hope that makes sense.
  18. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Made sense to em and it's true, PVP players all start with the same things, only difference is buy playign PVE and unlocking weapons/armor/skills they can be used by PVP toons. The correct Skills Build can and will kick every other players backside.
  19. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    I'm not over reacting to anything, all I said was im sceptical. Until you know how boring or tedious it is without all those convenience items you have to buy with real cash, its not fair to say how good or bad it is.
  20. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Read the first post I made in this thread. :jawdrop:

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