Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I have to disagree with almost everything you just said.

    To start the meta of LoL has remained almost completely unchanged since Beta. Solo/Low Ranked has slightly more flexible but in a serious match it will look amazingly (ie almost exactly the same) similar no matter when it was played.

    As to the "Wide Variety of Champions" The same skills are repeated with only the slightest change across multiple champions. Beyond that LoL constant addition of new champions leads to very common balance issues most of them fairly minor but in the razor edge art of Pro-Game Balance are a serious problem. And given how often Riot needs to take champions out of Rotation due to errors or bugs has far to much disruptive potential for Tournament Play.

    And the very basics of DotA style games all have the major flaw of how much of a game is decided before it even starts.
  2. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'll have to say the same with regards to what you've said.

    The meta of LoL has remained almost completely unchanged since Beta? From the top of my head, the metas i remember are:

    - Poke Comp (Nidalee, Janna, Sivir)
    - Healing Comp (Ezreal, Alistar, Soraka, Janna)
    - Anti-Healing Comp (Kat, GP)
    - Tanky DPS (Garen etc.)
    - "Protection" Comp (Kog'Maw, Kayle, Shen)
    - Global Ult/Split Push (Twisted Fate, Shen)
    - Dual AP Comp
    - Controlling/Safe Jungler focused (Nunu, Warwick, Udyr)
    - Gank Jungler focused (Nunu, Rammus, Gangplank)
    - Counter Jungling focus (Shyvana, Dr. Mundo)

    And then there are smaller things, like how in the earlier days of LoL it was perfectly viable to send your AD Carry mid and have "kill lanes" down bot. Whereas now it's dominated by the AP mid, Tanky DPS top, AD Carry w/ Support Bot.

    And then like I said, regional variations throw wrenches into things...

    - I still remember Dreamhack 2011 (or 2010) whereby an EU team picked TF, which at the time was regarded as completely non-viable by US standards, and proceed to school CLG in how to split push and effectively won them the game.

    - Around Christmas/New Year time, Ezreal was absolutely demolishing on the China/Asia servers when he was only regarded as mediocre in the NA/EU scene.

    At the end of the day, skills should never be compared on a skill-for-skill basis as it's not a single Skill that makes a Champion, it's his Kit and how well his skills complement each other. In reality you can argue that all skills are effectively identical (by different combinations of AoE, Single Target, Skillshot/Placed, Point Blank), Line Missile, Cone, Circular, Nuke, DoT).

    Also, you comment about taking Champions out of Rotation affects Tournament Play, but i can't think of a single time (off the top of my head) where a Champion was removed from a major Tournament because he was bugged.

    Not to mention that Riot has been fairly good about Patch Releases during Tournament Dates and agree before hand with the Pro Community as to a "Tournament Patch".
  3. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    You're right I'm wrong
  4. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I find a lot of the new champions have modified skill sets of old champions, but it provides some familiarity and something different at the same time, so it can be very appealing to people. I find riot are pretty good with the patches, though at times new champions usually end up being a bit over-powered.

    Another issue with champions is the way you build them, though riot may intend someone to be built a certain way, a lot of people try their own builds that completely go against what is intended. Though the "intended" build is balanced, maybe someones more creative build will be more powerful and require a nerf accordingly. Having the option to choose how to build your character adds a lot of variety to the game and can change how you play a certain champion. I know with AP kog (His ult hits like a truck mid and late game), he is a lot slower early game but late game he can sit in the back and spam his ult. It's not the intended build, but it works and its amusing. Given, it probably wouldn't be successful in higher elo games, I'm talking more generally in basic match making, not ranked. I find for ranked games people are much more serious and want a perfect team comp or a comp than can counter the other team. If you do blind pick normal, it's all random which can really make a game more exciting when you don't know what you're up against and you play whoever you want to.

    As for meta's, they're always changing, I find them to be a flavor of the month kind of thing. After the jungle changes, everyone wanted to jungle, and many new characters could, which really changed the way people played.

    I don't want to come off harsh but if you dislike playing the game so much, why keep stirring up the thread complaining about it. It doesn't really go anywhere and doesn't add much at all to the topic.
  5. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    You're right no point in posting here.
  6. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    Volibear is so broken. I love him, with your passive you are just so hard to kill, and so hard to get away from that you can just whittle down peoples health.

    Had a rather fun time when most of the enemy team decided to try and attack me near a tower:

  7. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I don't play voli but from what I've seen he's a decent jungle because he can gank with his toss thing and move speed, but early game he is squishy if you go the jungle route. Late game he's just a giant meat shield that can do some damage, and he just never wants to go down. You don't see him used very often though.

    The new champ's ult. is pretty stupid, 400 true damage base without the bleed effects, and if its a killing blow than the cd is instantly reset. I think it needs a bit of a dmg nerf. All the games I've seen, he just face rolls people, so I think he needs a small nerf with either dmg, ratios or cd durations.
  8. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I wasn't really going to post in this thread again as I apparently see DotA games in a completely light as everyone else ever,but this is just funny as hell to me.

    Riot though Darius was a good idea. Riot though a 500 True Damage Ult with a cd reset was a good idea. A champ designed from the ground up to faceroll entire teams.

    Edit: Might aswell explain my issue with LoL (And DotA games in general). It's pretty simple really "Hard Counters". As far as I'm concerned the 90% of LoL games are won before the start by pure luck.
    Last edited: 27 May 2012
  9. IronDoc

    IronDoc What's a Dremel?

    7 Apr 2011
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    Thing is his kit is just super-pubstompy, none of the top players seem to think he's worth a damn (low mobility, no innate tankiness etc). Same problem as stealth champs really. I can see him becoming a bit of a shaco style instaban at lower levels if his ult isn't nerfed pretty hard.
  10. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I don't really understand where you're coming from tbh.

    First you bring up the Professional Scene, where Draft Mode is mandatory and it's about Bans, Safe Picks and Counter-Picks.

    Sure, you'll sometimes have games where one Team out picks the other, but i've watched just as many games where i've called the wrong team for having a synergy that the other team lacks, yet they simply get outplayed and fail to capitalise on their composition.

    What you're now on about is Blind Pick, which only exists in Normal Mode and even then, is an option you can complete choose to bypass with the "advent" of Draft Normal (which has been around for a while).


    And on a side note, i've not played LoL for a while due to the advent of my friends playing D3 and me levelling alts on SWTOR. As such i've not played a game in the Darius patch, but whilst i like the sound of his kit (to play), i agree in that his ult should be regarded as OP.

    It's not just the issue of the fact the CD refreshes, but the fact that the scaling on it is pretty high as well.

    However as the devs have rightly pointed out, his Ult without any stacks is somewhat lacklustre (for an Ult - it's the same as Olaf's E at Rank 5) and as such he really needs to stick/commit to a target first before he can really demolish someone which gives him time to be bursted/focused down.

    Still, as you guys are saying, he's one for the low elo pub stompers to reign with.
  11. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    Just had one of the worlds best comebacks. At 20 minutes the enemy darius was on 12/2/4, irelia on 6/1/7 and a morgana on 5/0/1, and 3 people on our team with no kills.
    We where pushed back all the way to our inhibitor turrets
    Then our riven went afk.

    Due to making sure caitlyn got all the kills and me (as voli) and rammus making sure the enemy couldn't get to her, as well as only fighting by towers, managed to pull it back and win the game.

    Just goes to show it IS possible to pull back from what looks like certain defeat if you're good enough as a team.
    It IS
  12. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Co-ordination is key. Me and 2 friends were joking around and went for a pure tanky team, though I can't remember which champions we used. We had 1 afk and 1 leaver, and we managed to hold 5 off on our last 2 towers for a good 15 minutes. They just couldn't kill us 3 on the tower, and we managed to ace them twice in that time frame. Sadly, we didn't have the team to push and we got stuck defending. Still pretty amusing how long we lasted.

    The thing I hate about most normal games is one sided games. When you are clearly winning by a long shot or losing its no fun, but when the game is very close it gets a lot more fun and exciting. You also feel like you contribute a lot more when your team wins a very important team fight.
  13. CanItRunSoldat?

    CanItRunSoldat? What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2010
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    Ignore the ult. The only reason he is stomping is because it is impossible to win trades with him during laning. Similiar to release rumble, people have yet to come to terms with this and play against him in a manner that gives him a good shot at getting kills pre 6, at which point he's basically guaranteed to win the lane due to his snowbally nature. If they were to target any part of his kit to bring him slightly back into line I would rather it be the base damage on his bleed being reduced with the ratio being increased, and his currently amazing base armor being reduced also. This would force Darius players to have to itemise a bit more selectively to play to his strengths, while maintaining that scary as a mother ****er executioner feel he brings to a team

    Nidalee is the only real top that has been consistently good against him because of her heal, while he seems to hard counter riven. Lee Sin is by far my strongest champ so I feel my perspective of that matchup is slightly skewed, but he seems to be on par. Good zoning potential but weak against ganks.
  14. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I don't think Darius' ult is too bad. The scaling is silly, and the CD reset is stupid ( ps it resets so long as he gets a kill within 0.5 seconds of using it, not just with it ), but I remember thinking the worst part was the 25% armour pen passive, and a scaling DoT on his auto attack.

    Really riot, really?
  15. CanItRunSoldat?

    CanItRunSoldat? What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2010
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    The dot is pretty brutal. Also I think the blade portion of his whirlwind is way too large. But as a champ he just punishes people that have a bad engage, his entire kit is basically dedicated to bullying people once he has an advantage. If he is behind past 6 he really has nothing to give him a shot at getting control back, so he does need a bit of dominance early on.
  16. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    We've basically banned him every single game we have played for the last few days, purely because he punishes bad players and we seem to get them on our team pretty consistently. I don't think I would be that happy having one on my team either, as he will be going for the last hit in every teamfight, it could see your AD carry being under-fed by comparison. I'd quite like to try out a Kennen - Darius matchup though, I'm pretty sure I could take him in that pairing.

    Following on from my last post, I'm really beginning to enjoy TF. Duo queued with a buddy where he went WW top one game and then Shyvana jungle the second, and we completely destroyed the enemy team, going somewhere around 18-4-21 between us on the second game. He is mega squishy, and it took me a few games to realise you need to play pretty sensibly with him, which took some adjustment as I'm more used to APs like Kennen and Ahri, where you can get away with playing recklessly aggressive.
  17. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Hmmm, i never really thought about the DoT in his kit as his strong point... from my point of view it seems to even out the sustain that seems prevalent in top lane, keeping things on an even footing.

    Also, with his lack of inbuilt sustain, escapes and his need to play aggressive to achieve dominance, surely it leaves him more vulnerable to ganks?
  18. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    I do not believe I have never seen this thread before... I am officially addicted! Kylevdm if any of you ever want to play a game.
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Hey Kyle,

    Just checked out your profile via lolking, unfortunately I'm on the NA server so won't be able to get a game going with you. Looks like you've been playing Ahri a lot, I'm surprised you don't get a WoTA on her, I find it gives her ridiculous amounts of poke, and it's a really nice item to build because you'll always be able to build a component of it whenever you need to blue pill. How do you find Lich Bane on her? Can't say it's something I've tried/considered.
  20. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    I only build WoTA when I am getting hammered in lane... Ahri has loads of spell vamp anyway if you can get blue buff early. Lich works really well late game when you need serious damage on towers, when you are doing 500-600 after an ability they go stupidly quick. It also gives you some extra damage in team fights when you are on CD.

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