Other Satan Claus is Coming to Town 2012! - $1000 Prize!

Discussion in 'General' started by TheGreatSatan, 26 Aug 2012.

  1. 666painkiller

    666painkiller If only....

    23 Jun 2010
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    still home alone and poor wife might have to have 3rd op in 3 weeks tomorrow as got another internal bleed....she is doin all she can to help me win this new pc... sob sob sob

    She would love a new system as her 'get well' present :thumb:
  2. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    Alright painkiller, we get it.. :rolleyes:
  3. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    well I'm in a bit of a bind as I need to get a car otherwise I am going to lose my job, and to get a car I need to fork up £4k of insurance as I am a new driver. So i'm about to sell everything in my life so I can afford a £500 banger and pay 8 times its value in insurance. I am selling my main rig to my friend, and 2 nights ago my m-itx server went poof, which i also cannot now afford to repair, leaving me with a bunch of hard drives and soon nothing to read them on. Now the only computer I will have is my work laptop, which is an alright machine, but it's my work laptop - for work, and if I lose my job, then I will lose this too, and then I will have nothing. How the mighty have fallen haha.

    Not much of a sob story, just my current sorry state of affairs. Though you got to take the rough with the smooth!

    (Please don't enter me in your competition. I was just having a moan :D)
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2012
    Apophis54 likes this.

    PM_DMNKLR Social Pariah Extraordinaire

    13 Sep 2011
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    Hey there TGS and the rest of the forum community, special thanks goes out to TGS for hosting this event. Whichever of us gets it will be very happy I'm sure of it. Here's my entry :)

    Some of you already know me, and some do not. Over 3 1/2 years ago I lost my job at Walmart, thanks to a racist manager with a lot of power to do as she wished and get away with it. Even the unemployment judge made mention that they were in the wrong and that they were guilty of racism, they being corporate, as they stood behind her 100% against me. I was also informed that the down side to it for me was that although I did have rights that I could sue them over, I'd have to fork out a lot of cash i didn't have, for a lawyer to fight with them over it. I was granted the max amount of UI possible because of this. Thus also began my journey attempting to regain employment, which was all but 100% failure. I literally put out thousands upon thousands of applications and resumes, but not once did anyone so much as contact a single one of my resources, not a single former employer check, no calls responded to, I even went in person to each of these places to check on the statuses personally, but to no avail. I still check now and again, but where I'm currently living there's hardly any opportunities.

    I cannot work fast food because my fiance is a manager at a fast food place, so I'm automatically flagged as a conflict of interest. I cannot do anything which requires frequent twisting, turning and heavy lifting due to my back (a spinal condition), and I'm limited more so by what's affecting my hands and knees. The symptoms show a combination of carpal tunnel and rheumatoid arthritis. Needless to say, my daily life physically sucks, so I have to force myself to be as active and do quite a bit of stretching whenever possible. I can work with and on computers and electronics just fine for now, though I do have to resort often to only using 3 fingers at a time per hand when typing (I've become quite good at that, lol, adaptation at it's finest I suppose), I also have to give my hands frequent breaks. Since my loss of that job I have only found one temp job, which was all of 2 days per week for 3 weeks, and was just enough to help get my UI extended by those 3 weeks, which helped a lot. This was 2 years ago, and I was also donating plasma just to pay for fuel and food.

    At that same time I had also just been divorced, and forced out of my apartment due to not being able to afford it any longer with just my own UI income (my now-ex-wife, who had worked with me at Walmart, had also lost her job when I did because they told her to take me home and stay home to watch over me, but then put into their computer logging system that she'd left w/out permission and refused to come back in), and the girlfriend I'd then been seeing was kicked out of her parents' home, with her child, and forced onto me. So I was then made to take care of 3 people, and my 2 rabbits with that 6-day job, UI and plasma donation money (which was all of $40 USD a week), and even worse we had to live in my mother's camper out behind her house (yes, that is very humiliating). My brother was also staying at my mother's house at the same time, and his girlfriend was with him most of the time as well, unfortunately. They were, unbeknownst to the rest of us, cooking and selling meth out of his camper, but we knew something was up due to the frequent fuse-blowing that was occurring, causing our heaters in the camper to go out and we'd have to drive into town on many occasions just to buy new fuses, just to have heat (this was in the early winter at first, but lasted until December).

    One night, there was too much, and the tool shed where the campers were connected to for power had almost caught fire due to my brother and his meth cooking, and we were out of money to buy new fuses with, so at 3am my (now-ex-gf) had to call her mother and ask if we could stay with them until after Christmas because of all that was going on. Well, while she was doing that, my brother's gf went and poured skunk urine into the air intake of my car (something I didn't find out until we went to leave and I had been warming up the car for over a half hour so we wouldn't freeze on the way up to my now-ex's mom's), causing the entire car to wreak so badly that 2 of us were throwing up, and we were forced to roll the windows down for the entire 1.5 hour trip, in the dead of winter, and had to cover up her 4-yr-old son with multiple layers of blankets just to keep him from freezing. Even worse, my mother wasn't able to always keep a close eye on my brother and his gf while we were away, so after we'd left to go to my now-ex's mom's house, his gf broke into the camper we were staying in and stole everything we were unable to take with us. Hundreds of $ worth of Christmas presents (that I'd saved toward for months), my digital camera, clothes, food, you name it. The heaters, even backup personal grooming items, DVD's, (even library books we'd checked out)again you name it she took it. We didn't find this out until December 11th, as we went back to my mother's house to grab the Christmas presents, since we couldn't fit them in the car before and really couldn't afford the gas for the trip until then, which was a good 2 1/2 weeks later.

    My brother's gf had left him to take the blame for it all and had fled to her mom's a few days prior, thus causing him to be erratic and freaked out when the police had woken him up, which ended up being a firearm-induced standoff. The police in that area are some of the absolute most worthless ever and dragged their feet like crazy. Turned out, the ONLY thing they cared about was that the State Police had apparently been watching my brother for months, due to the meth, and so MY issue was put on a back burner and they basically told me that since they'd gotten a small amount of my stuff back for me, the rest I'd just have to suck up and accept as "whatever". Cut forward to a few days after Christmas, and my now-ex and I split up, lots of toxicity in the relationship as it was, so I had to cut it off while I could, which turned out to be the best thing for her son (which I already knew it would and am still glad for it), but that's because she finally got off her lazy butt and got a job thanks to her mother (until then she's just been mooching off of me and not even so much as bothering to apply anywhere, call anywhere, or even clean up after herself, but enough about that). A week later, I began talking with my high school sweetheart, who I hadn't seen in 11 years, but never stopped loving, and we began seeing each other again. A week later, she moves me in to get me out of that crap camper (and because where she lived was a good 2 hours away from my mom) and we began our new life together.

    Then the ex-gf decides to have some fun by trying to hack into my Facebook account (had already successfully done so with my myyearbook account, posting horrible things as me and getting me permanently banned from the site, and additionally attempted to do so to my now-fiance's account unsuccessfully but enough to rattle the still-forming relationship) unsuccessfully, which ended up with me getting proof that she did it all, proof that I still have. Anyway, my ex-wife had also been trying to cause issues out of jealousy, which was working, so needless to say I had to fight to keep our relationship going the first few months, but I wasn't about to give up after having not been with her for so long. over a year and a half later and we're actually getting married on Halloween this year. She has a son as well, who I've become Daddy to (and wouldn't want it any other way) and who loves me more than words can say, as well as I him. Back in March of this year however, our eldest rabbit, Thumper, passed away just shy of his 7th birthday, of which we're still mourning him (and figure we likely always will even if not totally sad all the time over it). To make it worse, the day that Thumper died, we also got notice from Fannie Mae, that our landlord had not paid his lease on the house we were renting from him in well over a year, and had been in talks with them for the last 6 months about foreclosure (of course not telling US about any of this).

    Needless to say, we were forced to use all of our money to find a new place as soon as possible, were screwed out of the relocation money by Fannie Mae, and then screwed also out of our deposit money by the landlord. Making it worse, the only home we were able to get is the piece of crap we're in now, which turned out to be infested with mice (we didn't find out until the day we started moving in and had no choice but to move in anyway thanks to Fannie Mae), not only causing a lot of issues with securing our stuff, but weeks and weeks of trapping and killing them, throwing out food after finding them getting into it, protecting ourselves while we slept, protecting our rabbit Daisy from them best possible and I even ended up having to go to the ER for a serious lung infection. Turned out that the ducts were heavily soiled in urine and feces, as well as dust, as were the grills and even the entire carpeting in the whole house. I had to be put on heavy antibiotics and was emitting symptoms of a rare deadly disease carried by deer mice, though thankfully it wasn't that (but close enough I was told had I waited any longer I could've still died) and lots of rest and medication over the next few weeks helped me to recover. We would've moved, as our new landlord was being a *****, but we literally had nowhere else to go even if we had the money to move, everywhere else refused us due to our limited income.

    So we ended up having to stay in the crap place, which he finally got the ductwork all cleaned, replaced the grills (they were too nasty to just clean, even with extreme heavy duty cleaners) and we got the carpets and such cleaned up, he sealed a lot of holes the mice were using to get into the house, etc., but this place is still a piece of crap and he's as worthless as a coke bottle made out of dog feces. I still can't find work, and am looking at online-based options, but with my fiance working 3rd-shift and our son in school, it makes it very difficult, especially with me being the only driver in the house. Many wonder why I'm always on the internet at night and most of the afternoon, well that's why, because I'm still trying to find something to pull in some money.

    If I were to win this, then some stuff would go to me (like games), however most of it would go to my mother (whose PC from 2004 finally crapped out on her) and my father (not my birth father, but the man who raised me as his son, my former best friend's dad) who also needs a new PC and whom I've been entering contests over the last year and a half trying to get parts to build one for. I honestly don't think that I'd be keeping any of the hardware for myself, as they need it more, but if I were to it would be a small thing here or there, though still not likely. My (birth) mom relies on SSI for income, and my dad is the only one working in his household, taking care of himself, my mom (his wife, not my birth mom), and 2 kids, and earning crap wages that barely keep the household afloat. He's a foreman in a steel factory but makes barely more money than my fiance does as a shift manager at a fast food place. So as you can see, the stuff would go to great use and great homes, and many people would be positively affected rather than maybe 1 or 2. Even some of the games would be passed to my dad (I'm mainly wanting AC3, Sleeping Dogs and Borderlands 2), as I already have a few of those in the list and he'd enjoy playing them too (not my mom, she's more a seek-n-find and Tycoon gamer) such as Dirt Showdown. Due to OUR financial situation, this would also be the only way I would even receive any Christmas presents, which really would mostly be me giving something to them, which I haven't been able to do in at least 2 Christmases now. Heck, I might even just give Sonic Generations to my son, to play on my PC since he doesn't yet have one of his own (man does he ever need his own, lol).

    Thank you for this great opportunity, and good luck to all entrants!

    I'd have started it out explaining that I came from a crap home full of drunks and druggies, was sexually molested by a relative, we were literally so poor that I had to wear the same clothes for weeks at a time and bathe only as often as necessary, & I was constantly physically abused throughout my entire life until I was finally able to leave my birth mom's home, but talking about all of that would've caused me to add a few more chapters to my novel and I don't want y'all to get bored reading it. Pretty much 99.9% of my entire 31-year existence has been crap piled on top of crap on top of crap, with only a few beautiful glimpses here and there, like my fiance, Thumper and Daisy and our son.
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2012
  5. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    All I have now because I am at uni is a acer aspire 6920. It runs Doom well and plants vs zombies... and thats about it. I can't play World of tanks anymore, I can't play BF3 anymore, I can't play Witcher 2 anymore, I can't play Anno 2070, I can't play Supreme commander any more, I can't play dark souls anymore and I can't play Dayz anymore. :(

    I can't even watch 1080p videos anymore, thats how **** it is. Also because it doesn't have a dedicated sound card music sounds rubbish. I can only really have 2 programs running at once. Gone are the days when i would have steam, spotify, skype, origin, chrome and BF3 running at the same time.

    Please I beg of you save me from the Facebook games!
  6. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    Thumper, that's perfect.

    PM_DMNKLR Social Pariah Extraordinaire

    13 Sep 2011
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    We still miss him a great deal, always will, and yes, he was always the most perfect child one could ever ask for. I can't tell you how much he saved me from in my life. When you've something or someone to live for, especially one who loves you so much, you can survive anything because you give yourself no choice. You have to for them, you know? When he passed away, it was like my heart was literally ripped out of my chest. I've never felt such pain before, just like losing any other child.
  8. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    Submissions are closed

    I need to repost these into a poll for the winner to be chosen. Whom do I contact within the forums to get that thread going?
  9. 666painkiller

    666painkiller If only....

    23 Jun 2010
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    Got my two dogs home with but wife still very ill in hospital....simple op is now into week 5!!! dogs had been at parents but so glad to have them home.....well done to who ever wins

    PM_DMNKLR Social Pariah Extraordinaire

    13 Sep 2011
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    Perhaps Nexxo is the one to contact? Idk.
  11. MiNiMaL_FuSS


    24 Dec 2003
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    are no chance of a late entry then?
  12. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    Can you not just edit your first post and put a poll in?
  13. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    I thought only mods and admin could post polls
  14. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    No I have posted polls before in my threads. You should be able to edit your first post then go advanced and see if it gives you the option to add a poll to it then.
  15. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    I just tried editing my last post and the option is not there under adavanced. I'll contact nexxo
  16. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    Just figured it out. Go to the first post look above it and in thread tools you will have the option to add pole. Just add the poll put in what ever you want for the poll and click submit im thinking.
  17. 666painkiller

    666painkiller If only....

    23 Jun 2010
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    wife still in hospital......
  18. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    I contacted Nexxo, I'll have the voting thread up soon

    PM_DMNKLR Social Pariah Extraordinaire

    13 Sep 2011
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    Cool beans, sounds like a plan man. I'd hoped to be more active on here in recent days, but we're so busy around here with all of the wedding stuff and other things, I barely have time to even get on Facebook or check my email each day, lol. Hopefully after the beginning of november the dust will settle nicely and I can get back on and actually start doing stuff to be more active. For now I just get on, read some stuff and hop off cuz I don't really have anything to contribute, or the time to do so. I hate that, but it happens.

    Anyway, thanks again for doing this event bro, I'm sure we all appreciate it. Oh and to painkiller, I'm hoping for the best for your wife. That kinda thing just plain sucks. hope she gets better soon!
  20. Carrie

    Carrie Multimodder

    18 Nov 2010
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    I saw the "vote for the Satan Claus winner" poll and started reading the first post this morning. Then I stopped ... frankly rather ashamed that it turned out I was, I consider, intruding upon people's misery ... and because I don't want to "spam" in the poll thread I'm posting here.

    Frankly I'm inclined towards Erratum1's viewpoint:
    TGS, please don't misunderstand me, I applaud your enormous generosity whole heartedly and perhaps it's a peculiarly British aversion, public laundering of extreme misery and woe, but isn't there another way to give away such a generous offering whilst allowing genuine entrants to maintain their dignity?
    Apophis54 likes this.

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