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Ian Watkins - Child sex Offences

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Unicorn, 18 Dec 2013.

  1. Carrie

    Carrie Multimodder

    18 Nov 2010
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    Of course you could simply think nothing and do nothing at all about Rolf Harris unless or until he is actually proved to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. After all, it's extremely easy for so called "victims" to jump on the publicity seeking, money making bandwagon created by Jimmy Saville's activities.
  2. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    Personally I've removed every Lost Prophets song from mine, my partners and my place of work's (with permission) playlists. I point blank refuse to listen to any music associated with such a monster regardless of whether it also hurts his bandmates' pockets.


    22 May 2010
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    I particularly don't like that he wrote most of their songs. I wouldn't like seeing into the heart and mind of a sicko.
  4. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    Not so easy to switch off thoughts like that though. But the 'doing nothing' is what I'm doing at the moment.

    When I hear a song, I remember he's been charged. But I won't skip it because for all I know he's 100% innocent. I may skip it anyway (There's only so much Rolf anyone can take when the next track will tell me what makes me beautiful or will surely help me work out what the fox said! - Kids playlist remember).

    Now if Rolf is ever found guilty of a crime I find uncomfortable then I will probably end up skipping and deleting. I don't know if that's fair or justified and to put it bluntly I don't care. If an artist makes me feel uncomfortable then I won't listen to them. End. Of.

    LP is a dead band now. IW's crimes have seen to that. It's his victims, both those he abused, those he manipulated, those he deceived and those whose lives he's hurt (His family, friends and band mates) I feel sorry for.

    I feel bad for them, and I feel bad that we live in a world where such evil individuals will be kept warm and well fed at tax payers expense. Why do we have to pay to keep scum like this safe?

    Why? Because we know that miscarriages of justice and corruption are real risks. We cannot dispense true justice to those that truly deserve it without risking causing undue suffering to the wrongly incarcerated.

    As a parent (As a human!), I want to ring his scrawny neck. The guy deserves no sympathy, care or chance to repent. Yet I'm glad we live in a time and place that prevents such actions.

    Part of the price of living is a civilised society is knowing that individuals like IW exist and are given a warm bed, three healthy meals a day, plenty of books to read and a reasonable chance of being free from persecution. He'll have a better life than many.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2013
  5. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    Don't forget - 2 women have also been sentenced - for abuse as well! but once again a woman pedo isn't named.
  6. law99

    law99 Custom User Title

    24 Sep 2009
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    Were they not named because it was their children?
  7. October

    October Mariachi Style

    20 Jul 2009
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    Personally I have no intention of stopping listening to them. Start Something was a massive part of my start into actually liking music and I still take the odd notion to listen to it.

    I don't mean to diminish how much of an animal that man is but I still enjoy the music. As has been pointed out, would we cease to use the theory of relativity if something awful was discovered? No, we would say Einstein was a flawed individual, who happened to also delivered something useful.

    This news, awful as it is, isn't related to the music in the way it would be if someone showed me a video of the awfulness set to LP music so I'm pretty sure it won't automatically jump into my head when I hear any of it again. Certainly not months down the line.

    No need to deny yourself music you love (if in fact you actually like any of it) just because Ian Watkins is scum, it doesn't change any of the songs from what you thought of them before all this came out.

    This won't bring him any fresh cash, I already own the album.
  8. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    I disagree. IMHO art is tied to whoever created it. That's my point of view and I'm not going to change it!

    I'm certainly not going to say you have to agree with me though.
  9. Carrie

    Carrie Multimodder

    18 Nov 2010
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    Personally I don't find it difficult to switch off thoughts like that, until probable guilt is proved. I try to take the approach of not hanging people first then asking questions later. Still that's what the internet is so good at - rumour/inuendo = truth doesn't it?
  10. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    I don't nesseraly hold the belief that what a person do for a living reflects who he is either, however, I do tend to believe the opposite when it comes to artists just because their art is an expression of who they are. Unless of course..they are the creation of other peoples talent, which often seem to be the case with modern artists.
  11. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    The thing with accusations of kiddy fiddling and to some extent rape, is once you get accused of it, you're pretty much never going to shake the accusations... Even if you're found not guilty there's often a large [often vocal] crowd on the 'no smoke without fire' train of thought.

    Take Michael Jackson... and the hubub when he was found not guilty... the amount of people who were of the opinion 'I still think he did it' and 'He only got off because he's Michael Jackson', and these same people would have been at the front of the line declaring 'see, told you he was guilty!' if he had been found guilty.

    So even if Rolf Harris [and whoever else] are found not guilty, they're always going to have that suspicion hanging over them...

    Also, if had the name 'Ian Watkins', I'd probably be getting the deed poll form and changing my name ASAP... Angry mobs aren't known for checking that they have the right 'Ian Watkins'... look at the grief what's-his-face from thingy has had...
  12. stuartwood89

    stuartwood89 Please... Just call me Stu.

    20 Aug 2008
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    Poor H :(
  13. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    I still say jacko was a legend he was trying to re live his lost childhood as an adult having sleep overs with young boys etc and you just can't do that.

    As a child he worked so hard and essentially never had a childhood.
  14. modd1uk

    modd1uk Multimodder

    4 Sep 2006
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    See i sort of think that, and i think the guy was a legend, but was he a pedo ? I'm not 100% sure either way.

    Had his own childhood taken away from him like you said but I just dunno, he was never convicted of anything was he ?

    I won't listen to lost prophets now because as stated by somebody else it will just remind you of what hes been convicted of and its horrible, ide rather just not listen to them..better bands anyway ! Bit of travis lol.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I try my best to do the same. Shocking convictions are easy headlines, so how do you get your story out first? Don't wait for the conviction. A possibly innocent person's life could be ruined for some juicy gossip.

    More on topic, not a fan of Lostprophets but this doesn't change their music for me. George said it best at the start.
  16. penryn 2 hertz

    penryn 2 hertz I'm not a science fiction writer...

    10 Jun 2010
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    He should have the death penalty and his organs harvested for the endless good people waiting for transplants who will live for the right way in life...
  17. pete*

    pete* Something witty here.

    29 Apr 2009
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    I don't listen to LP, I think their music was kinda bland.
    What IW did was disgusting and I think he should have got more for it. But I think what is even
    worse is the two women who were the kids' mothers letting him and even DOING this sick stuff for him.
    Neutered, Locked up, key thrown, kids adopted out. Never should they be allowed to be near kids again.
  18. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    Wonder how much of the offensive behaviour was done under the influence of drugs by each party.
  19. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
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    Watkins himself seems like enough of a bloody drug for some of the fans. :rolleyes:
  20. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    I feel sorry for those who were linked to him, and thus their career permanently ruin merely by association. i.e Old band members, etc, etc.

    Why couldn't he keep it Welsh and stick to the sheep.

    Just before all of this hit the public domain, I was looking at buying their records on vinyl, as I really like their early work, and most notable was the album Liberation Transmission which is as old as the relationship I am in, and those early days of bombing around in the car listening to those tracks will have there memory tainted now with this horrid nightmare.

    Dodged a bullet on those vinyl's, worth less than pocket lint IMHO, even despite the memories.

    If Sam Sparro is found to be a nonce, then that's all musical memories of that period gone and tainted. (Well not all, but those were the two CD's that lived in the dashboard)

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