Case Mod - In Progress The Powerful Pretty Pink Processor (aka, "The PPPP")

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by cpachris, 27 Mar 2014.

  1. TheViscountGodrich

    TheViscountGodrich Wannabe modder.

    12 Apr 2014
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    I vote option #4
  2. Father Fuzzy

    Father Fuzzy What's a Dremel?

    14 Apr 2014
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    #8 with grey both side of pink
  3. Akira749

    Akira749 What's a Dremel?

    12 Jun 2014
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    Not a bad idea!
  4. Hukkel

    Hukkel James' minion

    20 Dec 2012
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    Your build is already overflowing with pink. Especially later with the coolant as well. I would do something similar to b, p, g, rest black. Or at least I would use mdpcx and shade 19 instead instead of black. But you would have to dye their white to pink as I don't think they have pink.
  5. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Ok. I've summarized all of the preferences/favorites/votes from all of the forums where this build log is being replicated....and here are the results from forum members.

    The top 3 vote getters ended up being #1, #3 and #9:




    There was a group of 4 options that all received significant support, but not near as much as the top 3 vote getters. These were #2, #4, #5 and #14.

    Before I let Jenn absorb all the forum wisdom, I sat her down in front of Lightroom and had her start picking favorites and explaining to me what she liked and didn't like about each one.

    Her 4 favorites were #1, #3, #7 and #9. So three of them were identical to the top vote getters among the forums, with only #7 being the one that didn't receive a lot of forum support.


    TBH....I think #7 grabbed her attention because it was a lot like #1....but more centered. She liked the thinner pink stripe (2 pinks in #1) more than the thicker pink strip (3 pinks in #7), so I think she might really like a variation of #1 that was more centered. She seemed to want the overall look to be predominantly black....and veto'ed some of the ones I thought were pretty, just because they had "too much color". She also seemed to really like it when the grey sleeve was a border around the pink. My baby knows what she likes.

    So....based on what I think I know now...I'm going to present her (and you all) a final group of pictures to select/vote from. They will all be based on either #1, #3 or #9. For the #1 variations....I'll play with different locations for the PPG stripe to sit. The #3 variations will all be double stripes, and I can have 2 or 3 different places for the double stripes to sit....and they don't necessarily have to be symmetrical. For the #9 variations....I'll play with different locations for the stripe, as well as both single and double pink variations.

    I should have those picks posted later today or tomorrow......

    Can't wait to get started!
  6. ceryni

    ceryni Idiot

    6 Jul 2011
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    Looking amazing dude.
    Watching this space!
  7. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    thanks ceryni!
  8. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Picking up where I left off........

    We/I/Jenn had narrowed down the initial list to 3 favorites. For each of these 3 favorites...I can spin it several ways.

    First up....are Group #1. Group #1 all has a PinkPinkGrey combination inside the black cable. Different spots to put the PPG. We could do:









    I know she wants black on the outside edges of the those are the possible combinations.

    For Group #2, there were double stripes. Jenn called them racing stripes. :) Each stripe was a GPG combination. We could put these at a few spots in the cable, including:




    For Group #3, we had the single stripe, but it was in a double pink GPPG combination. We could put these in the following locations:





    As a next step Jenn is going to pick her favorite from each group, and then narrow it down to the final one. She'll probably be weighing in with her selections feel free to try and influence her along the way....
  9. hanssx2

    hanssx2 Minimodder

    1 May 2014
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    I am for 1.1

    the first one just looks the best for me. It has a eye catcher and the colours are not to bright
  10. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Jenn has narrowed it down to 4 options, and is going to sleep on it one more night before making a final selection. Thank you to everyone who has influenced or steered her in the right direction.

    Today's project involved getting ready for making that 24 pin cable. The Corsair AX1500i is close to a 1 to 1 pinout for the 24 pin....depending on how your board and PSU are oriented. There is, however, 1 double wire on the motherboard side, and one empty hole on the motherboard side. Close....but no cigar. The other thing I was noticing as I traced the wires from the PSU to the motherboard, is that I was going to need to flip them. If you picture an nicely done extension in the shape of a 1/2 circle....the wires on the inside of the C stay on the inside of the C for the whole extension. Wires on the outside of the C stay on the outside of the C for the whole extension. If I was going to run cable straight from the PSU to the motherboard, I would have to deal with the situation of the inside of my "C" at the PSU connector, would have to become the outside of my "C" at the motherboard connector. This can ruin the look of a nice and neat 24 pin. Combine it with the double wire I have to deal with, and the 24 pin could get messy....

    The way I handled this on the BBBB, was to make a short power cord that handled all the non 1 to 1 and double wire connections. It had female connectors on the PSU side using the PSU specific connectors.....and had a male connector on the other end....that could be plugged into a typical extension. This allows the extension to be 1 to 1 and perfect....while the short cable handles all the messy stuff. I'm going to do something similar here for the PPPP.

    First step was to cut some lengths of wire for this short power cable. I'm using my Lutro0 special 16 AWG wire. Through a couple of practice runs, I ended up settling on 1.75 inches for the length of the wire for the short cable. Too long....and it looks messy. Too short...and I wouldn't be able to have enough slack in the wire to make the connections. Was using the Lutro0 snips for this step also. They work really well for cutting wire. I don't think they work as well for cutting sleeving.


    You already know I like assembly line style I cut all of them I thought I would a few more. For mistakes....


    Next I got out the Knipex wire strippers (also from Lutro0) and took off the perfect amount of insulation on everyone of my lil' pieces of wire.


    Look at those brave lil' soldiers....


    Next I got out the Lutro0 crimper and the ATX pins and went to work putting a female ATX pin on one end of every piece of wire....


    I didn't take the time to go up to the studio and use the tripod and good lighting....but take a look at the crimps that these pins/crimper can do. Top notch quality tools here. I can get better crimps more often with these tools....than I could with my MDPC crimper.


    Look at those brave lil' soldiers.....


    Next I put a male ATX pin on the other end of the wires. If you count them, you'll notice that we lost a few soldiers on the battlefield. Even with nice tools, you will occassionally get a pin that gets crushed the wrong way in the crimper. I wanted all these to be perfect, so any crimped pins that had imperfections were tossed. I had to make up a few extra wires in the end.....


    The time has come to put this thing together. I started with the male pin side of the wires, and inserted these into the proper holes on the male connector. Then I used the slack in the wire to bend the top row down to the bottom, and the bottom row up to the top.





    Then I got the PSU connectors and started to insert the female pins from my short wires into the connector. It's this step where you will be glad that you measured carefully and that every wire is the exact same length. If you have one wire longer or shorter than the gets tricky to get everything to lock in place.


    After I had secured the 14 pin PSU connector, I added the 10 pin PSU connector also, and snugged all the pins in until I heard that satisfying 'click'.



    This I used the little bit of slack in the wire to bend each wire back far enough to insert the other row of wires into the connectors. This step is where you will find out if your wires are long enough. Too long....and it looks messy. But too short...and it's very difficult to bend them back far enough to insert the pins......




    All that was left at this point was the double wire. The pins I was using had large enough wings where they were able to hold two of these 16 AWG wires nicely.



    When I did this for the BBBB, I also put some sleeve on the wires. I chose not to for this one, because I found that it created a huge bulge in the connector since basically every wire has to wrap around and down before getting to it's connector. It actually looked much cleaner with just the black wire and black connectors. Additionally, you won't see this connector when the build is done. The PSU side of the 24 pin connectors are beneath other connectors and not seen.

    So....that's all for this step. Now, I'm off to do a big pink dye batch and turn the rest of my white Telios into a gorgeous pink. Need to be ready when [@]JennG[/@] makes that final selection!
  11. hanssx2

    hanssx2 Minimodder

    1 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    that's some sweet wire work.

    And your pics are awesome
  12. Hanoverfist

    Hanoverfist Minimodder

    11 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    Great shots..Nice presentation on the how to. :thumb:
  13. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Thanks guys! I finished up the dye batch for the pink sleeving last night, so I should be able to post some pics later today. Then....the cable work should start moving much more rapidly.
  14. Hukkel

    Hukkel James' minion

    20 Dec 2012
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    Mister, every PSU has one empty spot on the motherboard side ;)

    Nice work on the extension nonetheless.
  15. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Text update....

    Finished up my big pink dye batch last night. I'll have some pictures to post tonight.

    Also, Jenn finalized on her 24-pin selection. It was also one of the crowd favorites from the voting. She chose 3-4 from the last batch, which was this one:

  16. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    Pink Dye Bath!!

    I kind of walked through the step-by-step awhile back when I did the test batch, so I'll skip the narrative on how to make the dye bath this time, and get straight to the pictures.

    Mmmmmmmmm......what's for dinner??


    I tied up a loose roll of about 75 feet of white Telios, and put it on a strainer plate, so that it wouldn't sit on the bottom of the pot. Away from the direct heat.


    I tied some pipe cleaner around the strainer plate so I could raise and lower it and check on the progress of the sleeve in the dye bath.


    Coming along nicely after just 5 minutes.....


    ...and after about an hour of cookin' looked like this!


    I kind of lucked out with how nicely the color matched my case....without having to do a lot of trial and error dye mixing. I've got some pink I'll get started on that 24 pin right away. Kind of anxious to get rid of all the excess power cabling in the case already.
  17. Father Fuzzy

    Father Fuzzy What's a Dremel?

    14 Apr 2014
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    Custom color sleeve:clap:

  18. Mockingbird

    Mockingbird What's a Dremel?

    7 Sep 2011
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    Having just finished catching up with the marathon that is the BBBB log, I now get to watch this one too. Hurrah!
  19. hanssx2

    hanssx2 Minimodder

    1 May 2014
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    awesome colour match, will wait for your nice sleeving and how it comes out
  20. cpachris

    cpachris What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    It's kind of fun to do.....

    Well then you, good sir.....get a medal. That log takes quite awhile to get through. :) I only really finished it on OCN. I assume you were over there?

    Got a good jump on the 24 pin last night....hope to finish tonight if I can find some time. Looking pretty good so far!

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