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Case Mod - In Progress Steam cuc's completed

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by cucmag, 4 Sep 2014.

  1. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:

    hello :)
    you don't know me... perhaps my avatar :)
    so here I am full foot :hehe:


    And the one who is in the middle, or at least between my feet ... it's Xray!
    A small skeleton 15 cm high (I actually 185 ...:D).
    I could find a scanner that he spent during his last medical ...


    :D :D :D
    what did you expect
    - " :eeek:....:grr:"
    Oh hey! Mr gets angry :naughty:
    - "...."
    You know, June 21 is past and therefore with him summer settled and Xray took up residence ...


    But don't worry, it does not just lounging by the pool ...
    He can drink also :D


    No, it's not champagne but a beer ... champagne make him some headache...
    But this is the only glass that is its size :hehe:
    Speaking of beer ... here, late July we have the local festivities
    And clothing that goes well :)


    A time.... :rolleyes:....:duh:


    Otherwise Xray is engaged in other leisure such as the Djembe


    But his favorite hobby, and given the circumstances region in which we live, is surfing ...
    It was he who shape his boards


    And he begins to fend :hehe:
    Certainly it is not yet Teahupoo, but it must be a beginning :)


    That's all well and good !!! but modding !!!
    - "We prepare, we prepare ;)"
    - "This year is BeQuiet who dares us entrust his first case :)"
    - ":naughty:"​
    Last edited: 16 Oct 2014
  2. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hello all
    - “I would say good night ....”
    yeah well it depends on the time they read the post .... and then with the jet lag ....
    - “okay okay....”
    I repeat, where was I ...
    - “me :p"
    ouais..... but hey it does... Xray, so was quick to appear on the photos from the shoot
    - "I was not going to miss this opportunity!"
    where are you also ???


    - “heeeere !!!!”
    ben what are you doing up there?
    - "I did not want to overshadow the new case ..."
    houlalala !!! Mr would become humble ???
    - "I do not know, but certainly courteous ..."


    - "Then we attack :)"
    yes! but what are you doing with that stuff rubber !!!
    - "I wanted to show one last time :)"


    ok! and what we turn too?
    - "HDD cages :p"
    classic :rolleyes:
    - "And presto :)"
    euh .....:eeek: what are you doing Xray !!!
    - "Flexible :hehe:!!!"
    Hmm .... you would not be you, Be Aware :naughty:


    - "we will not use the SSD supports :) "


    see what remains of the chassis :)
    - "There is me :eyebrow:"
    ....euh that's when you want Xray?
    - "Bah what?"


    go out Xray !!!!
    - ":eyebrow: .... You can also back... :whistling:"
    :duh: not false ....


    - "cuc'! you pass me the tool that is well"
    - "One who goes to party with many rivets :)"
    this one :)
    - "Yessss :thumb:"


    we attack ....
    - "facade :hip:"


    - "We took the opportunity to blow up the motherboard tray :)"
    :eeek: Without keeping ???
    - "I do not know yet ...."


    - "Okay .... things get complicated!"
    why do you say that?
    - "we have folds on plates !!! all in one somehow ....:duh:"


    :eeek: not only at the 5.25 cage "....
    - "As you say?"


    we take a look at the back of the chassis :)
    - "Are you sure ...."
    why do you say that ....:eyebrow:
    - "You risk ...."
    I do not! do not tell me ....:(


    - "We will have a little more work than expected :D"
    yeah ....
    - "Duh, we will put in the account aleas modding :D"
    :eek:tell me Xray
    - "Yes I do?"
    What is this thing that you have around your neck ....


    - "You mean my necklace :)"
    your necklace :eeek:
    - "Yes"
    you bought a necklace ....
    - "No! not purchased :D"


    where you took it? :duh:
    - "These are trophies :)"
    trophies :eyebrow:
    - "Yes! they are all the rivets that were blown up :D"


    - "I will have made another too :D"
    euh .... given the size, I can not put it around his neck :p
    - "It's true that I did a little too small for you ...."


    bref! Returning to the subject :)
    - "Yes .... quite ....."
    wow! :eeek:
    - "What?"
    just what is it?


    - "What what?"
    ben all that !!!! :eeek:
    ah! that! just the facade :D ...... cut .....


    - "...which originally was this :D"


    :eeek: you do not pretend !!!
    - "It's clear :hehe:"
    so it remains what on the facade ....
    - "Not more :naughty:"


  3. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
    Likes Received:
    I don't know what's going on here, but I like it!
  4. leonetu

    leonetu What's a Dremel?

    29 Oct 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dude with the red shorts definitely got my attention. Subbed!
  5. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
    Likes Received:
    Less gimmicks, more modding.
  6. aggression

    aggression What's a Dremel?

    3 Feb 2013
    Likes Received:
    Funny, subbed :)
  7. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    thanks :)

    we continue :)
    - "coucou :)"
    right! after the front of the chassis ...
    - "We go to the bottom of the case :)"


    bah! it's down .... well below what :p
    - "And then :eyebrow:"
    what do you do with that part of the chassis ...
    - "we completely redeveloping the case"
    completely !!!!
    - "Yes! we will do home staging :D:D:D"


    :eeek: and why you take the grinder !!!!
    - "To cut :D"
    and Dremel ....


    - "Great for small cuts :)"
    certainly, but also for long, right? :)
    - "It can be done but it's longer and it eats more disk ...."
    Hmm ...
    - "Sure! looks disk size :D"


    - " :D "
    you did not go with the back of the spoon !!!!
    - "I needed space :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:"


    and space for!!!
    - "the idea is to incorporate a radiator 360 on the bottom of the case :)"


    where is??? :eyebrow:
    - "first I put the fans :) "


    It is clear that this is a sacred internal reorganization :worried:
    - ":)"
    and the power supply ???
    - "We'll see :)"
    I hope this is seen?
    - "You're worried about ;) First of all, we continue on our cuts ...."


    - "bin quoi... :hehe: "
    what is the part of chassis!!!! :duh:
    - "the rear :) "
    and it remains what?
    - "this ;)"


    basically everything was cut :naughty:
    - "Basically it's this :D"
    it remains only amounts !!!
    - "Almost :D"


    - "But as you can see, after the holes ..."
    is recorks :eyebrow:
    - "With aluminum plates :)"
    you're really out of your mind !!! :eek:


    - "no, no! :D mind is fine , very fine :) "


    - "Seriously, this allows us to implement our own cuts :)"
    :eeek: eh !!! is cut, it recorks to redraw !!!!
    - "Welcome to the modding :D :D :D"


    A bientot​
  8. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    we soon saw the establishment of the plates ....
    - "You're right we'll go over the details!"
    by "above" you speak of chassis
    - "Yes, of course! :p"
    ah! ok because there is more you that we see :D


    - "I don't know if the last time you noticed a party had not suffered the onslaught of the grinder"
    yes the top of the chassis, why?
    - "It's fixed :D"


    - "The chassis is significantly lighter now :D"


    this is clear! we are only the amounts?
    - "Now, we see the introduction of aluminum plates :)"
    ok! and we start by....
    - "By the back of the chassis :)"


    them took a good slap :worried:
    - "It is true that we have not even the framework ... just those two amounts :D"
    you put the plate in place :)
    - "Yes and is positioned behind the amounts :)"
    all fixed by ....
    - "Screw and bolt :)"
    simpler than rivets :cooldude:
    - "Especially if you need to disassemble and reassemble the chassis :D"


    :eyebrow: you're still with the rear ....
    - "No! There is the front :)"
    okay ...


    and the plate?
    - "It takes place within the amounts :)"


    simple :)
    - "yes and ....no :rolleyes: "
    - "We had to make some cuts to these small openings :)"
    okay! and we can't cork them?
    - "Well! no, the holes used to attach the fairing to the chassis ;)"


    - "the top :) "
    he already has a specific section :)
    - "Yes rectangular ....:D"


    and now you are with....
    - "plate :)"
    plate positioned inside :)
    - "Exactly :)"


    - "There were also a few openings ..."
    that correspond to passages clips fairing :)
    - "Small rectangles, small round ....:hehe:"


    it's good to put the plates, but now we must re-assemble everything :eyebrow:
    - "Quite well and see if it still coincides :)"


    the front part
    - "the rear part :)"


    the top :)
    - "no not yet :D "
    - "and yes ... we will look at another plate :) "
    large plate :worried:


    I already told you that you were little :D
    - ":worried:"
    you seem lost in this immensity :D:D:D
    - ":("


    - "bref! .... this is not just an aluminum plate"
    - "It is based on a thick acrylic plate :)"
    what for ....
    - "It will be seen later :D"


    it used to ....
    - "This is the motherboard tray :)"


    - "On the side of the backstage :)"
    a real wall :eeek:
    - "The base is in place :) we will pass the details now :)"


    you want to talk about interior design :rolleyes:
    - "foundations of the case are in place :)"
    thinking about the positioning of the components is fixed :)
    - "right :)"
    360 radiator at the bottom of the case
    - "Push / pull"


    BTX motherboard position :)
    - "Yes and here we must have a back plate :eyebrow:"
    :worried: it's true that the original back failed to get that plate ...
    - "We went to find an old box ...."
    This thrown :D
    - ":rolleyes:"


    we'll see how high the motherboard is positioned :)
    - "Small current debate :p"


    we leave on ....
    - "A small box :p"
    filled ....
    - "Steel of all kinds :D :D :D"

  9. Bad Fenny

    Bad Fenny What's a Dremel?

    20 Aug 2014
    Likes Received:
    Interested to see where this goes and your assistant is definitely a talented worker.


  10. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    thanks a lot bad fenny

    the next is here

    hello :D
    - "yep! :D "
    not hello....
    - "It's like, no :D"
    okay ... what we present today?
    - "We will focus on the rear of the chassis :)"
    and as we have seen, we went to retrieve a backplate :rolleyes:


    - "We could make one :D"
    euh ....
    - "But as we had this copy on hand :naughty:"
    we let's say it like that :rolleyes:
    - "For positioning the plate on the rear part of the chassis ...."
    we must first position the motherboard tray :)
    - "Here we go :thumb:"


    ok! we mark the backplate on the aluminum :)
    - "2-3 small holes to maintain :thumb:"


    - "And features cutouts are marked on the aluminum plate to access the rear of the motherboard"
    on this condition, we will be difficult to connect the devices :D


    - "A bit of a saw for cutting :cooldude:"
    a little bit of lime to catch the right line :D


    what are you doing with this profile aluminum?
    - "To hide some holes ;)"
    one that is your left foot :)
    - "Especially :)"


    you said a few holes :worried:
    - ":D I take this opportunity to fill two expansion ports :rolleyes:"
    I see that !!!


    :eek: :eek: :eek: what you want in your hand ???
    - "A cut :D"
    fine cut :)
    - "Smooth :)"


    - "lace, I would say :)"


    and cutting is for?
    - "Art Deco :)"
    it's true that we have not given the theme of the mod :D
    - "Oh, they'll figure it out for themselves ;)"


    you want to be framed :D
    - "No need to frame to put me in value :D"


    - "tell me cuc', you can zoom in on me :cooldude:"
    ... how many times will I say that you are not you ....
    - "No it is not for me :p"
    euh ....
    - "Though :D ... but it's also to show that we have different milling holes :)"


    after the framework is a circle !!!!
    - "History of breaking the style :D"
    I hope at least that is useful
    - "Like putting me in value :p"
    but you just said .... I give up ....


    - "no more humor cuc' :p "
    - "okay! it is for this :) "


    - "But before...."
    we will prepare this item :)
    - "To make it in adequacy with the style :)"


    - "we went back to work :D"
    A +​
  11. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hello everyone :)
    - "Hello everyone :cooldude:"
    today ....
    - "We will move forward in the presentation of the work done :D"
    for sure! otherwise he will think we are at a standstill ....
    - "A ride on the bottom of the case :)"
    was somewhat removed from the plastic to have something flat


    - "we mask :)"
    our work ???
    - ":naughty:"


    - "No! this is a trick to locate the fans ...."
    develops Xray! develops!
    - "One hand on the implementation of the 360 radiator on the bottom of the case :)"
    and we saw that it fits nickel in the bottom's fairing :thumb:
    - "We put in place the fans on the radiator and I put a little bit of pencil on screws :)"


    - "And ...."
    and ???
    - "And before the felt dry, I positioned the radiator and I press ...."
    you press?
    - "We press :D to realize the marking of the position of the screws :)"
    :thumb: cool!


    we have reference of the screw holes but not for the fans themselves ....
    - "A landmark begets another :)"
    ok! we find the center of the circle and presto!
    - "Hop! and is cut :)"
    given the configuration of the fairing, it was necessary to use the drill and lime :blush:
    - "Rapidly performed by the plastic work :thumb:"


    - "setting in situation fans :)"


    - "We're going to see the establishment of a filter element ..."
    otherwise hello dust :D
    - "Should not be the case turns into a vacuum :D"


    and there?
    - "A small cut on aluminum plate :)"
    euh .... it is clear to cut .... it is rather the function of the thing I want t know....


    - "we positioned the radiator with fans on push-pull :)"
    and plate ???


    - "we put in place to cover the base of the cutouts of the chassis :)"
    a hidden misery ...:D
    - ":rolleyes:"


    - "soon :D"​
  12. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    and we are back :)
    - "We do not hang today :D"
    - "After the establishment of the radiator, we will not leave it all well :)"
    no! of course! :)
    - "so we take a cardboard :)"
    a cardboard ????


    - "As we do not handle apps like Sketchup .... nothing like a cardboard cut-outs to preview :naughty:"


    - "Now we know the size of the aluminum plate cut out :)"
    us cut out! :p


    - "We have already seen for locating the position of the fans ..."
    and therefore for cutting openings ...
    - ".... On the aluminum plate :)"


    but the plate is flat!
    - "It's better to make the cut :cooldude:"
    it is how to make the shroud?
    - "The bender that goes well used :naughty: ....:D"


    another cutting ???
    - "Yes :)"
    ah !!!
    - "On an acrylic plate :)"
    and the blue stuff?
    - "to facilitate cutting ;)"


    -"we reduce the size of the plate :)"


    - "And adjusted as close openings :)"
    ???? :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


    this is for training?
    - "Not really :p"
    why then ???
    - "We will see this later :D, first we will look at this cardboard :)"
    another one?
    - "yes but package :D"


    and there is?
    - "Wrapping mod :)"
    :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
    - "Tadaaaa !!! :)"


    - "100% :)"
    several aspect of brown :)
    - "A bit of nuance, indeed :) we return to our fairing ;)"


    - "A neoprene adhesive layer on the plate and on the leather :)"
    fine layer :)
    - "As much as possible if we want something flat :)"
    the best is the bomb glue...
    - "But we want a little relief, so the "raclette" is used :)"
    I love raclette :D
    - "Okay ...."


    - "I skin folds on the other side of the fairing :)"
    with a cut star for openings fans :)
    - "And that's where I put up the acrylic sheet"
    to keep the folds :)
    - "Among other things but that is not its main function ;)"


    the wire puts us on track :)
    - "Then plug :)"


    I turned off?
    - "yes! to better reflect the light diffusion :)"


    but tell me Xray!
    - "Yes ...."
    you have not made a cut too ....:D
    - "Too much?"
    what you have on the back :whistling:
    - ":) what do you think about?"


    - "Still dreaming of a leather jacket :p"
    the cut is poor :rolleyes:


    - "Bah! I think it suits me :)"
    nothing dress you Xray! nothing dress you :D
    - "There's nothing to say :hip:"
    more with the red shorts ....
    - "Class :hehe:"


    Returning on the mod ....
    - "You're right :)"
    the wooden board with the name of our sponsor that is a cut?
    - "not exactly! you missed one detail :)"
    - "The brass rod at my feet :)"


    and then ....
    - "The board will be my model actually :)"
    if you say so ....
    - "And you'll help me twist the stem in every way :D"
    a good time is going
    - "And here is the result :)"


    cool :) but what have you in your hand? a ring?
    - "A ring?"
    then a bracelet ....
    - "Bracelet ????"
    after the necklace, I expect everything with you :D
    - "No! you're not there at all ...."


    - "it is the point of be quiet :)"


    how do you hold this?
    - "With a brass wire :) and discreet hole through of the fairing to pass the wire ;)"
    - "Soon :)"​
  13. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    no time to lose! we continue :D
    - "It's an avalanche of update :D"
    This is what can be :)
    - "At least that is almost finished ;)"
    and there it is ....
    - "from the top of the case :)"
    which was plugged the holes with mastic


    - "sanded and sanded and sanded again ....."
    masticated again ....
    - "I still sanding then?"
    must you need :D
    - "So we plugged the holes of the front panel :rolleyes:"


    - "holes for superior ventilation of the case :)"
    no more upper ventilation !!!
    - "don't worry :D"


    - "You know we love reseal the holes ....:hehe:"


    - "To make others :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:"


    superior ventilation is again up :thumb:
    - "We will not let these holes as well :)"
    nothing like a grid :)
    - "Custom :)"
    the cutting plotter is useful to realize the cutting pattern :)
    - "It simplifies the task :p"


    a good small time on a scroll saw ....
    - "We should not miss :D"
    Yes! take your time is obligatory :cooldude:


    - "A small setting in situation :)"


    it is fixed with ....
    - "Screw and bolt brass said one-eyed :D"


    we ended up with the top of the case?
    - "not yet ;)"
    ok and we go on ....
    - "the fan controler that goes well :)"
    special dedicated to the theme of the mod :thumb:


    - "We undressed"
    4 small holes are made :)
    - "The difficulty is the alignment of these openings ...:p"
    tip top :thumb:


    - "We need to see or not if we make holes for the LEDs Rheobus ..."


    - "The radiator 360 takes position at the bottom of case"
    we saw it ....
    - "then the supply takes place elsewhere ...."
    then of course! :p
    - "And therefore no more access to the mains connection ...."
    ouch! not false ....
    - "So we invest in a remote :)"


    - "And positioned on top of the case :)"
    ah! Why?
    - "Because the power given to the top also :) at least its back"


    it's all good now :)
    - "not yet :laugh:"
    - "There is a hole that is not plugged .... "
    - "The start button :)"


    and do not let him as ....
    - "Oh no! :D"
    a small cut on acrylic plate shaped gear ....
    - "Oh yes! :D"


    but the button is square !!!!
    - "That's why we made a cut to our internal gear ;)"
    :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


    this time it's over?
    - "Until next time ;)"​
  14. Hukkel

    Hukkel James' minion

    20 Dec 2012
    Likes Received:
    I am Always subbed for a Cucmag build :clap:
  15. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    thanks hukkel :)
  16. Ianovski

    Ianovski Rawr!

    10 Mar 2011
    Likes Received:
    New build from Cucmag omg omg omg omg omg!
  17. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    :hehe: :hehe:
    thank you Ianovski
  18. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
    Likes Received:
    Nice build so far. The real highlight for me, though, is the slightly insane yet highly entertaining style of your log.

    Keep it going! :thumb:
  19. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    a crazy touch... no more :hehe:
    thank you perplekks45
  20. cucmag

    cucmag What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2014
    Likes Received:
    good morning and good weekend :)
    - "Hello :) here we have sunny day :p"
    :rolleyes: ... otherwise Xray that we present today?
    - "motherboard :)"
    euh ... ok .... but we did not already presented ...?
    - "then yes ... but I wanted to once again show :D"
    ah ....
    - "Yes one last time before ....:D"
    before .... :eyebrow:
    - "What is the purpose of today's post :)"


    - "And at first, we take care of sinks :)"
    both are removed :)


    :eeek: the bottle !!! is for ????
    - "sinks :)"
    ah! and?
    - "we will clean things up a bit in depth with this bottle of lye ;)"
    laundry ???
    - "a recommendation from a friend ;)"
    you manage?
    - "you're worried about :D"
    ok ...
    - "you just keep an eye ... if not you have no anodizing and aluminum material too ...:D"
    :confused: :confused: :confused:


    - "sink of mosfets is the first to go to pot :D"
    the red parts are actually doing "trempouille"? :D
    - "no ... I actually taking them out ..."
    - "No need :p"
    downright ...
    - "Yes :D"


    - "I keep removing the light part ..."
    what a surprise!
    - "Oh :eyebrow:"
    you who usually like light effects
    - "Yes, but not here :D"
    but! but !!!! what are you doing ????
    - "Small pieces :D"


    bah why ???
    - "better to have my new pieces :rolleyes:"


    - "3 mm aluminum plate :)"
    saw cut a scroll :)
    - "It heats! it heats!!! :D"


    - "and here my little cut and sanded pieces :)"
    you did not like the scratch mommy dragon ...:D
    - "there is a bit of that :D but mostly it will be fine with the mod :thumb:"


    - "look, if it's not good way :)"
    is left as?
    - "for now ;) we will now move to another one"


    sink of chipset :)
    - "exact :)"
    we take away the small plate that is in contact with the chipset of the motherboard :)
    - "and it's ready to hang her bath :D"


    - "better than decap oven :D"
    - "there is the imprint of the badge ...."
    - "we will take care later ....:)"


    ok! so you take now this acrylic plate
    - "quite :)"
    and that is ....
    - "draw lines :D"
    super ....:eyebrow:


    - "Yes, but not only ...."
    I see that as cutting :)
    - "following draw lines :D"


    - "and we end up sanding plate :)"
    not really transparent ...
    - "not matter ;)"


    I think it all coincides with the elements of the motherboard :)
    - "upwind hair :p"
    big hair then :D
    - ":D :D :D"


    returning to our sink :)
    - "I stuck it a little filler to smooth the surface :)"


    - "then it's leather operation :thumb:"
    with double-sided tape :)
    - "I would rather not try the glue on this acrylic plate :)"
    it is better safe side :)
    - "especially after all the cuts ..."


    but tell me!
    - "I'm listening ...."
    speaking of cuts
    - "Ouiii ...."
    thou hast taken away!
    - "Ah you think!"
    more than believe! I am sure :eyebrow:
    - "Ah, if you say so ....:D"


    now what?
    - "we take care of the rear modules on the motherboard :)"
    bah! there is integrated fairing at this level :rolleyes:
    - "Yes! nickel for the top view :) but on a rear view ...."
    it's not false :)
    - "blow masking operation ..."
    followed by painting operations :)


    tell me!
    - "I'm listening again ...:D
    we must not forget the module wifi and bluetooth combo
    - "It dries :D"


    - "A little black on the plastics :)"
    :confused: not easy with all those blue and red ....
    - "we want to apply color match but it does not help us spot ..."


    ah well better once painted :thumb:
    - "I did not intend to leave them raw aluminum :p"


    wow! :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
    - "It throws :D"
    all those little cogs ... !!!
    - "since the motherboard disappears under its fairing :rolleyes:"
    and then it coordinates well with the style of mod
    - "A clockwork dragon :D"
    it gives time ???
    - "Still not :D"


    what this?
    - "another ... no... four other things that will take place on the motherboard :)"
    at least the shell :D
    - "Red :D"
    which means they will take a bath also :D
    - "once the stickers removed :)"


    then it's paint :)
    - "Which is not bad as it is the black PCB :naughty:"
    clear :)


    I do not want to be flip joy ... but you do not have a defect in the paint
    - "Ah you saw ...."
    I would have a hard time not seeing :D
    - "OK, it is not bad :)"
    not bad ???
    - "yeah, I think it's nickel to have this defect :) it gives a hand hammered copper :D"
    :eek: you know bounce off your misses, you !!!
    - "this is what is called fit :D"
    and that's how you **** varnish and finally we get a top tip effect :p
    - ":D :D :D"


    have a nice weekend :)
    - "see you soon :)"​

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