The future of the Internet

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Teelzebub, 18 Feb 2015.

  1. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
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    The future of the Internet is at stake in a crucial decision this month.

    New US rules with global impact could let big corporations decide which websites we can access at fast speeds -- and which take forever to load in Internet slow lanes.

    Tell decision makers that the Internet matters to you, and people around the world. Don’t kill the open Internet!

    Sign the Petition


    The future of the Internet is being decided in the next two weeks, and big corporations are determined to kill it.

    The US Government is about to establish new rules on how the Internet is protected, with huge global ramifications. Big corporations are spending millions to wrest control of the Internet from the public. They want to decide which websites we can access at fast speeds, putting anyone they don’t like (or who won’t pay them millions) into new Internet slow lanes.

    With so many websites based in the US, the future of the Internet itself is at stake. This decision will have a lasting impact on the fate of free speech and social movements across the globe.

    SumOfUs members in the US are already organizing to defeat this corporate attack on the Internet and save “Net Neutrality”. But around the world, we need to stand up and be counted too.

    Stand with SumOfUs members in the US and around the world, and tell US decision makers: The Internet matters to me! Don’t kill the open Internet.

    When hundreds of thousands of people have risen up in the name of democracy in recent years, like during the Arab Spring, a free Internet has been crucial to their fight. But imagine that instead of people organizing using technology to confront corrupt government, and instead of people around the world clinging to the edge of their seats, we were silent, isolated, and indifferent.

    This is what could happen if we lose Net Neutrality. Big US corporations could decide whether or not we could easily and quickly access the sites we needed to -- or whether we get stuck with the corporate media they control.

    The Federal Communication Commission -- the US Government agency responsible for regulating the Internet -- and the US Congress are making their decision on Net Neutrality this month. Because many of the world’s largest telecom giants and websites operate out of the United States, these rules have the potential to directly affect access to the free and open Internet around the world.

    The good news is, that with SumOfUs members in the US joining with millions of others, we’re winning this fight. But we need to keep up the pressure to get us over the line and save the Internet -- which is why it’s crucial to hear from people around the world.

    Tell the US Government: The Internet matters to me. Keep it open and free.

    The momentum for Net Neutrality is on our side, and we’ve never had a better chance at winning. After massive public pressure President Obama has come out in favor of “the strongest possible rules” under what’s called “Title II” Net Neutrality -- exactly what we are demanding.

    These rules would protect the Internet we all know and love. They would stop big corporations from requiring websites to pay them huge sums of money in order to get access to fast Internet lanes. If sites didn’t pay, corporations could effectively shut them down by making their sites super slow -- like a YouTube video that just won’t load.

    The fight for a free Internet is too important to lose. Groups like SumOfUs only exist because of the open Internet of today. Under these new rules, new innovations would find it much harder to take off, because their superior design would be hidden behind an intentionally broken and slow connection.

    Valuable resources like Wikipedia could disappear from public view or start plastering themselves in ads to pony up the cash needed to pay big US corporations like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon for the privilege of allowing us to access them. Crucial international moments, like the uprising in Tahrir Square could be censored. History could be hidden from view.

    We can’t let this happen.

    Tell US FCC and Congress: The Internet matters to me. Keep it open and free.

    Thanks for all you do,
    Taren, Paul, Nicole, Nick and the rest of the team at

    More Information

    Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now -- Free Press
    Everything you need to know about network neutrality -- Vox, February 4th, 2015
    Why US net neutrality debate matters globally -- The Hill, August 28th, 2014
  2. moose67

    moose67 Minimodder

    22 Nov 2009
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    Thanks for bringing this to attention.

    I have signed it. Not sure if it will do any good. Seems that the sheep don't care as usual. There is a severe wave of Fascism engulfing this western hemisphere. It's not going to end well for any of us.

    But ho-hum, there will be a new series of xFactor soon so everything will be fine for the masses.:thumb:
  3. wolfticket

    wolfticket Downwind from the bloodhounds

    19 Apr 2008
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  4. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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  5. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    Thankfully the internet isn't yet essential for life, so for the time being, if it gets better, 'Yay!'; if it gets worse, well, there are other things to do...
  6. megamale

    megamale Minimodder

    8 Aug 2011
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    Meh... We have competition over here in Europe. There is no way customers would be happy if, say, Sky decides to restrict youtube in order to save bandwidth.

    For a vast majority of Americans on the other hand, they only have access to one provider. So they need it more than us. I say, if they are idiotic enough to not implement net neutrality it's their loss and maybe the whole of Silicon valley will move over here (and crucially, pay taxes here...)
  7. phem0r

    phem0r What's a Dremel?

    14 Feb 2011
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    I signed the petition, having recently moved from the UK to US, i didn't realise how much this will affect people
  8. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

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