Hardware AMD Ryzen 7 1800X and AM4 Platform Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Combatus, 2 Mar 2017.

  1. Xlog

    Xlog Minimodder

    16 Dec 2006
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    * Does Rysen support ECC memory? Asrock List Ecc as supported in MB specs, Asus list only non-Ecc. Does this mean that Asrock run even ECC memory in non-ecc mode or just that Asus does not bother to support it officially?
    * Looking at Asrock manual (asus did not bothered to publish theirs), there is an option for IOMMU (does asus have one?), does it actually work or is it as broken as it was in am2/3 era?
  2. Wakka

    Wakka Yo, eat this, ya?

    23 Feb 2017
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    But it is - Intel never marketed X99 as a "workstation only" platform, did they?

    No one (sensible;)) would argue with the fact that any mid-range i5 CPU offers more than enough CPU grunt to power a modern gaming rig - but if you're going to use that as a negative against the R7, you also have to apply it anything X99 too, in which case it becomes a moot point because THAT'S WHERE AMD wanted to grab the headlines, as an alternative to Intel's BEST.

    Again, this just strikes me as utter lunacy (apologies if that offends, I don't mean you in particular, but as an argument in general). Why on gods earth would AMD not make the biggest song and dance (heck, call it the CPU Superbowl) about the fact their £450 CPU can out-perform Intel's £800+ chips in gaming as well as multi-threaded workloads?!? It's not like they don't know a cheaper 7700K would offer better pure gaming results, just like Intel do with the 6850/6900, but they are trying to SELL A PRODUCT, so naturally you are going to paint it in the best possible light.

    You and me, both! I'm hoping the 6c/12t can handle 4.2ghz with power consumption under current 4c/8t i7's and temps that don't need an AIO cooler.
  3. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Whilst I agree Intel never marketed X99 as a workstation platform most of those who bought into it did so to escape the ridiculous prices of the Xeons.

    I bought mine back when I was still doing a lot of design work. That never happened but I held onto it any way.

    But yeah, compared to a Xeon an X99 CPU was positively cheap, and also unlocked. Meaning you could pretty much get the same performance out of a 5820k compared to one of their honkingly expensive 12 core CPUs when you overclocked.

    Same as the Titan really. Loads of people bought them for DP. It's only recently Nvidia have stopped that (probably because they undercut their own Quadros and Tesla cards)

    Only now are they marketed purely as a gaming card.
  4. DbD

    DbD Minimodder

    13 Dec 2007
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    Oh look another over-hyped AMD product falls off the cliff the moment it is released and has to meet reality (landing where those with more realistic expectations always expected). Now we get to suffer a month of downer AMD threads where everyone wonders why it didn't live up to the hype. Nothing if not predictable.
  5. Wakka

    Wakka Yo, eat this, ya?

    23 Feb 2017
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    But from a purely marketing point of view, it'll be like someone releasing an electric car that offers the performance of a Tesla Model S for half the price, and arguing that "in normal road use" a Nissan Leaf will get you to work and back just as good.

    AMD needed to shoot at the top and work down from there. That's what they did. We've known (well, had a pretty solid idea) for weeks now that R7 was going to be a cheap alternative to Intel's 6 and 8 core CPU's as a high-end platform upgrade, the question marks are now whether they can successfully scale that down with R5 and R3.
  6. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    To be fair they are probably talking about the Ryzen product range as a whole and the R3 / R5 will be much more attractive to gamers than the R7 as prices will be significantly lower especially on the R3 that will start in locked down i3 territory.

    I'm not saying the R7 series is the best way to spend your money if you approach it from purely a gaming centric point of view, because that is currently still the 7600k.

    But once you throw in workloads besides gaming and also consider the whole Intel charges twice as much for the CPU alone factor... well the picture swings back in the favour of AMD.

    Also with reviews you have to account for the low resolutions typically used, turn it up to 3440x1440 / 4K / beyond 4K and the GPU limitations will kill off the advantages other CPUs have.

    Long story short, if you are mostly a gamer, wait for the cheap Ryzen chips to hit shelves.
  7. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    It's still not conclusive for the gamers amongst us.

    Need more gaming performance comparisons with other, more typical gaming platforms.

    Edit: ^ wot he said. :)
    Last edited: 2 Mar 2017
  8. beef1e

    beef1e What's a Dremel?

    7 Apr 2010
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    Happy with that, it didn't blow Intel away but competes at different points.

    Its much cheaper then the equivalent Intel chip and hopefully will get better once drivers etc are updated.

    I wasn't expecting miracles here, Intel chips are very good so always going to be a big ask.

    Hopefully the new AMD gpu's can do the same to Nvidia, we need more competition!
  9. Corky42

    Corky42 Where's walle?

    30 Oct 2012
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    And for the teething problems to be sorted out, it would be interesting to revisit the R7 tests at the end of the year when the fully range of Ryzen chips are available.
  10. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    can you add some FX benches and maybe a phenom one to see how things have changed for AMD?
  11. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest

    I’ve sat here reading this thread on and off with amusement most of the day, all I keep reading is the Intel 7 Series this, the Intel 7 Series that - what has the 7 Series brought us on a gaming level???

    Oh look, another chipset type and a marginal if any performance gain over the 6 Series, which in turn was a marginal gain over the 4 Series, which in turn was a marginal gain over the 3 Series…

    Spot the pattern here?

    Minimal performance increases but with inflated price tags.

    AMD bring something new to the table which upsets the bigger picture and all you hear is gaming this gaming that - well here’s a suggestion for you, go discover drink, drugs and women because life doesn’t revolve solely around PC gaming and more fun can be had elsewhere.
    Last edited by a moderator: 2 Mar 2017
  12. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    That escalated quickly. :lol:

    The fact is, if a 8 core, 16 thread chip is outperformed in games by a cheaper 4 core, 4 thread chip, a gamer would need to take a skip-full of drugs to justify buying it.
  13. .//TuNdRa

    .//TuNdRa Resident Bulldozer Guru

    12 Feb 2011
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    Seems like this release might've just been a bit too early, the process on the chips is still being ironed out, the Boards still need a few Bios tweaks, and there's allegedly an issue where Windows is prefer to put load onto the SMT threads rather than the actual cores themselves.

    Bulldozer was awful, but at least you could clock the release chips to the sky, believe me, I did it. (That whole "Bluescreen if you started some steam games" thing was a bit irritating though... )

    Given a month or two; it might be very interesting to revisit R7 and see if it performs any better, since then there will have been time for Windows & Bios updates to iron out issues and perhaps get the memory speeds up a bit more to eke some more performance out.
  14. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest

    Intel wore that T shirt first :lol:
  15. GaryP

    GaryP RIP Tel

    31 Aug 2009
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    As long as they remember to bring the pump to blow her up :D
  16. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest

    Speak for yourself Gaz :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
  17. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    So? :confused:
  18. GaryP

    GaryP RIP Tel

    31 Aug 2009
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    I'm not the one with the gimp mask sweetheart :D
  19. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest

    :duh: FFS none of that thank you :hehe:
  20. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Now only if there would be X370 motherboards in stock at all... In Slovakia, all we got in stock are four types of B350 boards (not suitable for my intended use), and zero X370 boards.
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