
Discussion in 'General' started by ::nox|silicon::, 11 Sep 2001.

  1. ::nox|silicon::

    ::nox|silicon:: What's a Dremel?

    19 Jul 2001
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    I know that this forum is not the place for this, and I also know that probably nobody who reads this is involved, but
    1) Relatives of me worked in the WTC and at the current point nobody knows if they are alive or not or anything
    and 2) I just don't see the point in the

    Nox, I took it out.. not because I don't utterly agree with your sentiments but because there's levels we have to maintain, disaster or not.

    Believe me though, everything you said I'm certain is echoed throughout the civilised people of the world.


    sorry, but you guys might understand that I'm more than just upset!
  2. MaLicE

    MaLicE What's a Dremel?

    13 Mar 2001
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    f0cking right m8 i dont blame u i would be upset tooo i hope all is ok and i think people should respect you more than they are at a time like this

    hope alll is well ok m8

  3. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    I'm totally disturbed by this ... turn on the news and see scared ameracans screaming and panicing ....
    the bit that makes me feel worst is that people were jumping out the windows of the place to escape.

    I can't begin to imagine how bad it is over there, My feelings are with everybody that has lost or doesn't yet know if they have lost friends, relatives or close family.
  4. SC Reaper

    SC Reaper What's a Dremel?

    14 Sep 2001
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    I can say that it is pretty devastating over here... I have read the posts that you have listed about this terrible, hateful thing and I want to say that I am trully sorry and you have my sympathy's nox... I know how it feels, I lost a few close friends in the WTC... It is a very sad time over here right now and we are eagerly waiting some form of retribution, we view this as an act of war beyond a doubt, and are waiting till we have definate proof of the leaders of this barbarism before we act... Mark my words, the ******* that orchestrated this WILL die by an American's hands.....

    SC Reaper

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