Windows Don't forget to log into Origin...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DragunovHUN, 16 Jul 2011.

  1. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    ...or you might just lose your games.


    Too bad. The public perception of EA has been improving in the last year or two, so a move like this is almost surprizing.
  2. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Although it seems like a strange move, asking you to log into your account once in 24 months isn't exactly a big ask. Plus if you haven't bothered to play a game in your origin account in those 24 months I doubt you ever will!!!
  3. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Just had to emphasize that bit right there. Besides, I bet they'll allow reinstatement, provided you can present proof of purchase (or if they keep a record).

    Anyway, as CrapBag says, if you haven't logged on for two whole years then you've probably stopped caring/forgotten about them.
  4. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Even then, "we may take your games" is a lot worse than "no we won't take your games".

    If we're going to start emphasizing things, it also says that your entitlements WILL expire. So apparently the possibility of losing your account is on top of that.

    If they were to design it so that you can just ask for your stuff back, then why would they delete it to begin with? Seems like unnecessary work to me, unless they're counting on people sheepishly repurchasing content instead of asking.

    I don't see how not playing a game for two years is a reason for them to revoke the license. None of Origin's competitors do this either, AFAIK. I'm not going to complain if that's the service they want to offer, i'll simply take my business elsewhere.

    I haven't played Sim City 4 in over two years, but that doesn't mean i don't want to own it anymore. So if i had it on Origin, i'd have to remember to install it every two years to prove to EA that i still deserve to have it?
    Last edited: 17 Jul 2011
    Pete J likes this.
  5. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    physical media F T W????? :confused:
  6. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Congrats on your 4444th post DragunovHUN!

    Back to discussion:

    Hmm, will versus may. I admit, it seems very odd considering that a user's data must take up several whole bytes to know which games they have and don't.

    For your Sim City 4 comparison, that is just one game. It's not an issue on an account you keep accessing.

    By the way, I should've stated from the outset that I think it is completely wrong. I just don't foresee it as an issue. I suppose we'll see down the road. Not much we can really do in the meantime :( .
  7. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    I do see your point, if you're a regular Origin user with several games, then you don't have to worry. Still, you'll always have that axe of uncertainty hanging above your neck, an unnecessary responsibility to show that you're active.

    Sure, uncertainty is inherently there with digital distribution, but normally it's not to this extent. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and if i end up avoiding Origin it will be because of that unpleasant feeling, not a protest.

    I also see how ditching old unused accounts could be beneficial, some free services tend do that, and it's understandable. However when it comes to dumping something that someone paid for, it becomes a more sensitive issue, and it seems quite obvious that EA is doing this for other reasons.
  8. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    I agree with dragunov's sentiments. I'm always weary of EA pulling a fast one. Look at all the game servers they closed down for MP games a few days ago.

    I personally find that BS. If you want to close the servers down, thus disabling the mp portion then at least put it in the community's hands so that those few who still love having a romp in your game that they bought can have their fun.

    And to think they had that disagreement with Valve about Crysis 2 and how EA wants to have full control of the user's experience. i guess that extends to closing down servers...
  9. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Haha, well said. And yeah, shutting down master servers is like an annual thing for them. I almost forgot about that.
  10. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Actually, in EA terms this is a improvement. Remember, EA Download Manager was keeping your game only for 6 months :).
  11. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Modder

    4 Aug 2010
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    Valve may suspend your Steam account at any time for any reason.

    But everybody loves Valve and hates EA so who cares.
  12. Crossing

    Crossing What's a Dremel?

    20 Jun 2011
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    And anyone you sign up with including Email, Runescape, Free website maker, etc. can delete your account at any time. It's in the terms of use, if you don't like them don't use the service.
  13. DwarfKiller

    DwarfKiller What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2010
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    When it comes to BF3, I'm getting a physical copy. I am 90%+ certain that it would also have to be linked to an Origin account. I'll play it, enjoy it and then eventually forget about it. I'm going to take this chance to see what they do if I have been inactive on Origin for 24 months.
    I'm willing to take the risk on 1 game but until i'm certain of their methods and conduct, I'll be staying away from Origin otherwise.
    I'm gambling whether the CD Key is still usable after my 'entitlement' has been removed.
  14. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Another +1 for BF3 on disc.

    And EA may do the same at any time, in addition to cancelling your account for non-use.

    Also, as Dragunov already pointed out, there's a juicy little will you're missing out on. You may keep your account but you will lose your games if you choose to take everything literally. Who cares if you have an account when you'll still need to buy your games again?
  15. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Modder

    4 Aug 2010
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    Not missing out on it, I just happened to read this article where they say they will never delete paid content.

    Sure, you can choose to call it lies and ignore it, that's up to you.

    Why? No other EA game has needed this so far and other digital retailers are selling it with no mention of it requiring Origin, something which they would probably have to mention.

    If someone can't login once every 729 days then they don't deserve to keep their games :hehe:, not that this would ever happen anyway from the above link.
    Last edited: 20 Jul 2011
  16. DwarfKiller

    DwarfKiller What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2010
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    Chances are they're going to try and make Origin more than just a download service, they already have a friends list etc. so I wouldn't be surprised if it was used for the BF3 stat tracking.

    Don't deserve to keep their games? I'm going to assume you're joking because that is beyond retarded. Besides, haven't they already deleted peoples paid for games/DLC before?
    Forgive me for not taking their word for it, I've seen companies go back on published statements before.
    Their actions shall convince me. It's not like I'm being unfair and not giving them a chance.
  17. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Modder

    4 Aug 2010
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    Possible, but I don't see it happening, not yet anyway. You'll be able to add your key to Origin I'm sure, like you can with other EA games, but I don't think it will force you to use it. Considering Origin doesn't have to be running for games bought on it anyway, it's not going to be a big deal if/when it happens.

    I did include a :hehe: to try and get across that I was joking. They have taken off some games before, but that was due to licensing rights and not just because they felt like it. Or so they say...
  18. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    The difference is that one is their terms of service and the other is a non-binding statement. "We reserve the rights to, but trust us, we won't" is never exactly comforting.

    This I have to agree with you on, there's been no mention of Origin being required for gameplay, it's just a service for downloading EA games.

    EDIT: Phew, joking.
  19. DwarfKiller

    DwarfKiller What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2010
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    I'm just trying to be wary on the off chance that they ask me to register my CD-Key to an Origin account in order to play online. If it doesn't ask, then I'll have no worries. We have no idea yet though so I'd rather err on the side of caution considering how big of a (profitable) loophole this could be.
  20. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    It's not even that. As far as i can see it's just some random blog claiming that EA said something.

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