
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by jrs77, 16 Jun 2013.

  1. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Last edited: 8 Jan 2018
  2. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    I presume you've played skyrim? If not then thats a must play.

    Some of the fallout games are pretty good too.
  3. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    Wait... Skyrim doesn't have replay value? Sir, have you heard of modding? I've put hundreds of hours into skyrim and it's my most played game ever with oblivion being a close second. After completing every quest, dungeon, sub-quest, non listed 'questies' (more lore based and doesn't really give you much except more understanding of the world), used every kind of weapon and maxed out every single stat then no; there's not really any replay value at all, except mod it, mod it more and make more characters and do it all over again because Skyrim is That fun. But yeah, the quests are in the hundreds, with many quests having multiple paths to follow. There is a definite morality factor in this game as well. There are no 'Classes' but you can create any kind of character you can imagine. Especially with dual wielding any combination of weapons, spell or shield, stave etc it's really hard to make every kind of character and get bored.

    Fallout 3 and fallout New Vegas are similar to skyrim in that fact. Highly moddable. They're set in a post apocalyptic world after an enormous nuclear world war; most of the USA is barren and in ruins. They're fantastic games and you're not really an RPG fan unless you've played them.
  4. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    Its the game I've played the longest at 200hrs.

    For replay value it has:
    Mods (!!!!!!!)
    I tend to create characters and create rules for them, once I finished the main storyline, such as a thief can can only kill using melee, or an archer that can only use bows etc.

    To be honest it doesn't need that much replay value, it takes 50+ hours to complete normally anyway :D

    Plus its only £12 on amazon and theres a complete edition on steam for £20.
  5. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    I think the taliban have some good RPG's.

    Might get you in trouble sourcing them though........
    Sloth likes this.
  6. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    Yeah, i love doing that as well. Like i did the same challenge as that guy who made a mage who could only use illusion and couldn't kill anyone, not myself anyway. Hard as hell, but very fun. I once used the mod 'Frostfall' as a base and made a character who only used the wilds to live and sleep. Using tents and i only used weapons either my enemies dropped or i crafted using Frostfall.

    Skyrim is just great as a Sandbox game. It doesn't have any real rules you have to play to. You don't even have to do the quests; you could simply just wander and do some dungeon crawling.

    I personally spend more time modding skyrim than actually playing it at the moment. I'm trying to completely perfect my animations for the 'Dual Sheath Redux' mod, so every animation flows properly.
  7. Si_the-dude

    Si_the-dude Techaholics Anonymous. 0 days clean

    17 Dec 2012
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    The Deus Ex series has some quality RPG elements and more re-playability than a lot of true rpg and jrpg games I've played. I'd suggest giving them a go if you haven't already. As the guys have already stated you can't really go far wrong with Bethesda's efforts. The Witcher 2 was brilliant too and was on sale through Steam last I checked.
  8. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    So, yes you can do that in Skyrim, quite a few times. Yes the story is the same, but the way you choose to do it can be done atleast 3 times (Swords/Magic/Ranged), and you've got quick swords/heavy 2 handers, different magic trees etc.
  9. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    KOTOR I and II.

    If you're into Pirate games then I'd recommend Pirates of the Caribbean, Age of Pirates, or Age of Pirates: City of Abandoned Ships.
  10. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    I got the idea from pc gamer and have been doing it since.

    There are mods that depending on what character you choose, it places you in a different starting area, which I suppose adds a bit of replayablity.

    Also, theres the dawnguard expansion which means you can play as werewolf or vampire which adds another choice.
  11. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    For me, Skyrim and Fallout weren't that good with story, but were good for the worlds they were set in. But each to their own.

    Might get shouted at, but Dragon Age 1 and 2. I enjoyed both for different reasons, and imo the 'feel' of the games are similar to ME and ME2 respectively. Not as good though, but still enjoyed as a whole.

    If you fancy going a bit older, Baulders Gate 1+2, Icewindale 1+ 2 are games I'd look into. Icewindale may or may not have re-playability as you design the entire party. I think I remember reading somewhere Baulders Gate 2 had over 300 hours of gameplay and I don't think that included the side quests. Neverwinter never seemed as good to me.

    +1 for KOTOR.

    Borderlands 1?
  12. Pliqu3011

    Pliqu3011 all flowers in time bend towards the sun

    8 Aug 2009
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    +1 for KOTOR. Great game.

    Also, Morrowind. Interesting world and hours and hours of lore, unmatched atmosphere. It may look a bit dated, but it's still the best Elder Scrolls game.
  13. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    Witcher 2? only the best RPG ever. Its also has a combat system unlike skyrim and you don't have to mod it.
  14. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    +1 KOTOR. I also love this game and whether or not you're a star wars fan, it's a fantastic open world RPG with a great cast of characters. I love how as the story progresses, you talk to your comrades and slowly find out more about them. It makes you attached and makes you think about your team and how to use them. There's a variety of classes and different ways to approach your character. Everytime you play it, you'll find your own way to go with it. Morality is a big key in this game. Lying, killing and being generally mean will push you further to the dark side.

    Dragon Age 1&2. I played both and i prefered the first. The story isn't great mind, but the game elements are solid. You can use different classes and there are morality elements, although they're not used as much as they could be. This is a slightly more adult game; it features adult scenes and some adult story elements but they're not overwhelming.

    The Witcher is a great one too. I've not played the second one. The first one is great though. As i understand it, the combat system in the witcher 2 is much improved from the first. Some great story elements here. It does get really interesting and towards the end you're left wanting more. Is the witcher 2 that more? I've not played yet so i don't know =p It's a good balance between swordplay and magic. As a 'witcher', you're not too over powered and fights are interesting experiences. You do get to fight some big mobs as well, so it's fun to deal with multiple foes like this.

    Also, no one says anyone has to Mod Skyrim, but why wouldn't you?
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2013
  15. SirFur

    SirFur PC Gamer and LAzy B0nes

    8 Apr 2009
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    The Witcher games

    Dishonoured (tho more of an FPS tbh - but def has a LOT of replay value)

    Dragon Age

    Fallout 3 and onwards.

    Deus Ex 1 and 3 (must play original, avoid 2 unless you can pretend its not deus ex but another shooter instead)

    Borderlands 1 (u only played two right? - its a different story)

    Dead Space 1-2 (sorry Dead Space 3 is literally dead to me.)

    STALKER games.

    Strictly not RPG, more open world, but Just Cause 2?

    If your a space fan the X series (X3).
    Last edited: 17 Jun 2013
  16. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Tried the restoration mod for the 2nd one? Heard it adds a lot more content and it's something I'm intending on doing when I get round to it.

    Haha well, the games I mentioned are similar just far more in depth etc

    Just started a game on AoP again, so many good memories :D
    If you get the New Horizons mod for PotC then there are many new storylines to play as well.
  17. SirFur

    SirFur PC Gamer and LAzy B0nes

    8 Apr 2009
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    You into MMOs at all?

    If so, and seeing as you played the X games, EvE online would be a great choice. You can get a 27 day trial off me if you like or 14 days from steam.
  18. Treacles

    Treacles Minimodder

    7 May 2011
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    Divine Divinity has been my favourite RPG since i first played it years ago, its isometric which some people dont like but theres alot of replay value imo
  19. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Disliking Skyrim & Fallout 3 is a setback, as those are basically the best and nearest to what you're after in recent years. It depends what you like about RPGs: if it's the story, the fully-realised ingame world and the writing, rather than player-determined gameplay or character customization, I'd recommend Dreamfall. Much more of an adventure than an RPG (in that the 'role' is predetermined and there isn't any character customization), but it's got all the story depth, imaginative design and immersion you expect from RPGs. No replay value, though.

    Failing that, I honestly have no ideas. I'm in the same boat. Since Mass Effect 1 & 2, everything I play has felt shallow and uninvolving. I've heard The Witcher is a similarly massive, deep game, though, so I'll be trying that eventually. Neverwinter Nights is allegedly amazing and very similar in concept and emphasis to Mass Effect (because Bioware, duh), but it always glitched out and wouldn't run properly when I tried to run it on W7, so I can't comment.

    edit -
    I know you've already made your mind up on the Elder Scrolls series, but for what it's worth, Morrowind is the only game I've ever found as immersive and involving as Mass Effect. If you can still get past the graphics these days, it's a huge and very deep game with wonderful writing and endlessly unique player-determined experiences.
  20. Strudul

    Strudul ~

    31 May 2010
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    Okay, the one that people always forget, but I will always love. Fable (all of them, I, II and III).

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