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Case Mod - In Progress Sinuskurve (sine curve)

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Sonnenschein, 8 Mar 2008.

  1. Sonnenschein

    Sonnenschein What's a Dremel?

    6 Mar 2008
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    Hallo at all. Today (and the following weeks) I want tell and show you a lot of my project “Sinuskurve”. But at first I will warn you in advance that my English is very bad. Because of this I won´t write to much and show you for it a lot of pics.

    I started with it last summer. The plan was to build a PC which has a supreme shape, is big enough for a lot of electronics and should be suitable in every room or flat.
    And this was the first sketch
    The case is build with a lot of Plexiglas and fiberglass. After a lot of time the case looked so
    It´s 73cm high and sine curve is 34cm broad. The PC will be painted in a beautiful white.

    So now you know the form of my project I hope and I want come to the inner life of the PC. Important for me was that not only the shape of the mod should be supreme, but also the water cooling system.
    And now the two most spectacular elements of the water cooling system. On the one hand the balance tank (in german “Ausgleichsbehälter). The tank is 40cm long and has a diameter of 12cm. And the special of the tank is in my opinion the water flows at first in the little pipe which looks like a sine curve. In this little pipe are altogether 84 holes with a diameter of 0,5mm. And so the water spray out of the little pipe with a pressure (but the laing pump is strong enough..;-)).

    And on the other hand the radiator for the water cooling system is in my eyes something special, because the radiator is very big and heavy, but at first I will show you some pictures of the “monster”.
    It weighs 8kg, is 25cm broad, 16cm high and 32cm long. The copperpipe in it is 3m long and has an inner diameter of 0,8cm. The radiator exists of 70 aluminumtins. The surface of the radiator is 5.6 square metres. In the top of the radiator is a Plexidisk. An in the Plexidisk are LEDs for the lighting.

    Lighting, that´s good headword. Important for me was also that the lighting of the PC is supreme. Well the whole PC should not glow like a Christmas tree, but only the edges and the interior. For this I solder together 1296 LEDs for each of the the six colors (blue, green, pink, red, yellow and white) 216 LEDs. The colors will be controlled by USB relaycard. Here a picture of the interior in all colors which are possible.

    In the front of the PC come 5 scanner (in german “Taster”) on/off, reset, disk drive, on/off tft (10,4” which is in the top) and on/off lighting system and here some pics of the scannermodul
    And at least some maybe interesting numbers around the sine curve
    -planning time: 120h
    -construction period: 500h
    -costs with Hardware: 2000€
    -probably weight: 30-40kg
    -consumption of cable till now: 150m
    -finish of the project: in one month (planned)

    That was first from my site, and I am expectant what your opinion is about my project.
  2. craigbru

    craigbru Cramming big things in small boxes since 2006

    28 Feb 2008
    Likes Received:
    That is very cool! I like where this is going!
  3. phinix

    phinix RIP Waynio...

    28 Apr 2006
    Likes Received:
    Never saw case like this - original idea !!! Good stuff !!
  4. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
    Likes Received:
    Awesome! :jawdrop:
  5. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    Ah! An unique design! Gotta love 'em. Well made so far as well. Is that radiator DIY as well? And how about the USB-relay card? I'm making a 8-channel triac-card for 12 V halogen lights, but can't make it into USB :( So if you're gonna make that youself as well then please post the schematic.. here's mine so far, made into a case of an old tape player: http://allthemods.com/userinfo.php?userid=8&id=2734
  6. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
    Likes Received:
    Very interesting so far, keep up the good work!
  7. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I like it. You built something that is NOT a box.:D The sprayer in the reservoir is a nice idea, I hope it doesn't cause foam when you put PC coolant in it.
    1300 LEDs?!? And no visible wiring! Nice.
  8. 500mph

    500mph The Right man in the Wrong place

    22 Jun 2007
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    That is an attractive case.
  9. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    I like the shape of the case, but why didn't you use rgb leds? Would have saved you an awful lot of work I think.
  10. alonso_bistro

    alonso_bistro I'm just looking

    19 Feb 2004
    Likes Received:
    very cool design! can't wait to see this baby done.
  11. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
    Likes Received:
    Wow! that's surely a HUGE radiator!
    And I loved the lightinig on it.

    Love the concept too!
  12. Kierax

    Kierax What's a Dremel?

    5 Mar 2008
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  13. -Nick-

    -Nick- What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2008
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    wow that's very cool, how long did it take you to wire all them LEDs? it was worth it anyway, looks great! :D
  14. theAlien

    theAlien I know what a Dremel is....

    20 Aug 2007
    Likes Received:
    awesome looks ........ I love the colors ........ :thumb:

    [german] starkes aussehen ........ ich liebe die farben ........ :thumb:[/german]

  15. widmod

    widmod Minimodder

    9 Oct 2006
    Likes Received:
    nice stuff i like the lightning :jawdrop:
    did you made the radiator yourself = [german] hast du den radiator selber gemacht?
    (ausgleichsbehälter = reservoir) [/german]
  16. ice-tea

    ice-tea Mr.PC-Max

    28 Apr 2006
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    yes he did ;)
  17. rodeo45

    rodeo45 Who's your daddy ???

    4 Mar 2008
    Likes Received:
    nice colors... good idea with the shape...
  18. Idioteque

    Idioteque Telephasic Mongoose

    21 Aug 2004
    Likes Received:
    I wants... subscribed.
  19. Sonnenschein

    Sonnenschein What's a Dremel?

    6 Mar 2008
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    "sinuskurve" external extensions are ready

    Good evening,
    Today I have done something form my project. Namely I bored und shape the holes for the extensions (in german: Anschlüsse). And before I tell you more about it here 3 pics of it
    And now a little explanation of the sense of these extensions, the 2 gold ones are 12V output. Each is connected with the relaycard. And so I am able to control for example the Christmas lighting ore something like this. The 4 6-pol bushes (in german: Buchsen) are LED output. That means that I am able to control other things in which are the 6 different LEDs how in the PC. And the D-Sub is for the tft in the top of the PC.
    I hope you understand me a little bit…;-)

    Here a picture of the 4 elements which I´ll use to build the case.

    And here a pic of the LEDs which light up the edges of the case.

    Well and last but not least some more pictures of the radiator

    @all: Thank you for your praise, I am very happy about it, and you give me the “energy” which I needed to mod every day 4 hours or more!!!

    @Jipa: Yes I build the radiator by my own. The relaycard bought I, because I am a electronic noob…;-)

    @-Nick-: For the LEDs…that´s a good question. I think for all things which are needed for the LEDs and to wire all the LEDs I needed maybe 100-150hours

    So that was it for today, tomorrow I give a new update I hope.

    And if you have questions about my project please ask me, and I will try to give you an answer. And before I verget it her a link to my project log at exclaim (german-casemod-forum) http://www.exclaim.de/forum/thread/...equot-quotexternequot-Anschluesse-fertig.html
    Last edited: 10 Mar 2008
  20. Sonnenschein

    Sonnenschein What's a Dremel?

    6 Mar 2008
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    Hello guys,
    I am very sorry that you have to wait a long time for an update, but in the last weeks I had a lot of stress with my PC. Cause of this was that the DCMM was last Weekend and I would take part. And the work on the PC took a lot of more time than I planned… I think some of you know this “problem”.

    So it was virtually impossible for me to wrote any update. I hope you could forgive me…;-)

    And because you don´t know a lot of my PC here some pics of it with one or two sentence.

    This was the first sketch of my project

    The positive form of two side walls which were building with fiberglass

    This is the “inner side wall” after I put some parts of the negative form away

    HDD case with 3 HDDs and a 80mm fan at the bottom

    Disk drive case with an slim line slot in drive

    550W power supply from corsair with a selfmade cable management

    Light modul with 96LEDs to illuminate the reservoir

    Distributor case for the 1300 LEDs at first
    And after cut a part away

    Case for the relay card

    So and after I had build all these modules I started with putting them together. Well here two pictures how the Sine Curve looks without the covering

    And before I could started the “water-cooling-system”, I had to solved the GPU-cooler problem, because the 8800GT from XFX hasn´t the “referencedesign” of the normal 8800GT. So I had to work on the cooler because the capacitors “where on the wrong place”.

    Well and after 800 hours planning and building my PC looks at night so

    And at day so

    If you have question about my PC please ask me and I´ll try to give you an answer.

    P.S.: Unfortunately was I at the DCMM just the fourth place

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