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Education How do you sleep?

Discussion in 'General' started by Darkwisdom, 1 Jul 2014.

  1. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    I've become very interested in sleeping patterns. I sleep on average about 4 hours a night but apparently that is perfectly healthy as long as i'm not missing any.

    Some people sleep 8 hours, some people sleep even longer. Some of the greatest geniuses slept very little, thomas edison, einstein and nicola tesla only slept for 3-4 hours a night.

    How do others sleep here? Do you sleep very little or far too much? Do you take little naps instead of a full nights sleep? What are your sleeping patterns?
  2. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
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    I never sleep more than 3 hours a night sometimes not at all most nights I just drift in and out of a kind of stupor been like that for the last 15 years :(, Hence why I'm posting on the forum every few hours in the night.
  3. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    How do I sleep? In a bed, with my eyes closed.

    Obvious joke aside, my bedtime varies between about midnight and 2:30, and unless I am rudely awoken by an alarm or someone else I sleep naturally until somewhere between 7 and 9am.

    I tend to find that once I've adapted to either too much or too little sleep, I fall into the pattern quite quickly. Too little sleep provides much more time to do stuff, but leaves me looking pale and tired if I do it for too many days in a row. Too much sleep and I never want to get out of bed!

    I don't generally nap. When I do, it tends to throw my whole sleeping pattern off kilter. However I do sometimes catch half an hour when I'm putting my daughter to bed - her room is very dark and cosy so when she falls asleep on me it tends to be contagious, much to my partner's chagrin!
  4. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    Carrie likes this.
  5. Pookie

    Pookie Illegitimi non carborundum

    4 May 2010
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    I have a strange routine for sleep. We normally hit light's out no later than 11:30. Mrs pookie falls asleep within afew minutes. I have to lay on my back for around half an hour until I feel sleepy then roll on to my left side so I can nod off.

    So long as I havn't had a big meal or a heavy night at Kenpo then I sleep right through to around 6am. In the summer I do tend to wake up at around 5 but then nod back off untill the alarm goes. On saturdays I always lie in untill around 9.

    I also sometime wake up with one of our cats asleep next to my head on the pillow :D
  6. mrlongbeard

    mrlongbeard Multimodder

    31 Jan 2010
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    Like a log, a deaf log at that.

    During the week I get about 4 hours kip, I catch up @ weekends and normally get 10 hours on Fri & Sat nights
  7. dynamis_dk

    dynamis_dk Grr... Grumpy!!

    23 Nov 2005
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    I try to aim for head down around 12:00 and up for 7:00, but I often lay there pondering on the day or events upcoming. I sleep well once I've dropped off for the most part but in summer I find I sometimes get too hot.

    Looking for a new matress soon too so I'm hoping that might help with the sleep, mine is a good quality one but its around 8yo so thinking its time to see what options I have
  8. Sketchee

    Sketchee Suddenly, looters! Hundreds of 'em!

    23 Oct 2010
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    I did 3 years of working nights and that really messed with my sleep pattern when I came off onto day working. I always assumed that I might have an actual sleep problem, but I got fed up with the number of people who claimed to have issues with sleeping or self diagnosed insomnia.

    I eat much healthier now and exercise most days. The biggest thing for me was trying to keep the bedroom as a place just for sleeping, or.. ya know.. and getting rid of all 'blue-light' sources so tv, computers, phones etc. aren't in there. I try not to watch tv or anything about an hour before bed, I'll read instead and yea, I can comfortably sleep for 5+ hours uninterrupted each night. There is quite a bit of ignorance I feel about sleeping problems but there's definitely stuff a lot of people could do to help themselves.

    Still can't sleep in after a skinful though anymore, used to miss entire days at 18 but now I'm awake and full of regret after a couple of hours lol.
  9. d_stilgar

    d_stilgar Old School Modder

    11 Feb 2010
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    I try to get to bed before midnight, depending on what things I have to get done around the house, and whether or not I've been out in the evening doing things.

    In high school I learned some meditation and "self hypnotism" techniques to get myself relaxed so now I can fall asleep just about anywhere (as long as I'm a little tired), which is really nice for long flights where I'd rather be dead. I'll just sleep for those 24 hours minus layovers and boarding.

    The other thing that I think is important for better sleep is to not do anything in bed other than sleep. Don't read, watch TV, use a laptop, etc. It will condition you to just sleep, and sleep well, when you are in your bed.
  10. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I am up by 9AM, even if I was drinking the night before until 6AM.

    My bed time is normally quite early though: 21:00 - 22:00, up at 5:30 during the week.
    On weekends, bed time moves to around 00:00-01:00, I then wake up by 6:30.

    If I go to sleep before 21:00, I lie awake from 04:00 onwards.
  11. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    I go to bed between 11 and 12, depending on how tired I am. After a decaff I normally read for about an hour, then turn a few times before drifting off. During the week I get up at 7.30, 7.40. I know I need more sleep as I'm finding by mid afternoon I'm a bit tired. At the weekends, waking up naturally at 8.30 - 9 seems to be the norm, although not getting up until 11 on Saturday isn't unheard of.

    It doesn't help having a little dog snuggled into the back of your legs, unwilling to move!
  12. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Usually sleep between 4am and noon [ish]... Though i feel like crap [up to and including throwing up] if i have to get up before 10am, regardless of how much sleep i got...

    In short my internal clock is in a completely different time zone to the country in which I live...

    Also only ever pulled an all-nighter [awake for 24+ hours] once... was pretty much dead to the world for about a week afterwards...
  13. veato

    veato I should be working

    15 Jan 2010
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    I'm up by 6 at the latest. 6 because of work (I like to start early) and 'latest' because my kids will normally start to wake up between 5 and 6.

    Even on the weekend if allowed to stay in bed I'm up by 7:30.

    Because of this I tend to go to bed quite early most night if I've got nothing better to do.

    So on average I say I get 6 hours sleep.
  14. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    Takes me forever to get to sleep and destroys me waking up, i hate it
  15. Tichinde

    Tichinde Minimodder

    1 Sep 2010
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    Usually 5-7 hours a night.

    Even where I've stayed up all night to watch something on TV until 6am I'll get the same amount of sleep that morning.

    I do drink 8-12 mugs of coffee in work though, but I can easily have a cup before bed and sleep without issue.

  16. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    I've removed pretty much all blue light sources from my bedroom after moving house. Phones are well away from the bed and laptop, tablet, desktop are all downstairs. No TV too.

    It's just become a place to sleep and that has improved my sleep quality no end. I get between 6 and 8 hours a night, and I start work by 8:00am. I'm usually awake before my alarm goes off at 6:30. Even on the weekend, I can't lie in past 8 - I need to be up doing things or it feels like it's a waste of a day. If I need more sleep, I go to bed earlier per the old saying "an hour before midnight...."
  17. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    I’ve heard about Blue light affecting peoples ability to sleep. My problem is, I really enjoy playing games, and if I don’t play them in the evenings, I’ll never really get the chance to play them at all as I’m out Friday and Saturday nights, and can’t play games in the day (feels like I’m wasting my life). Is there a time it takes for the effects of blue light to ‘wear off’ as it were – so for example, if I stop playing games at 10pm will my body be ready to go to sleep by 11 or 11.30?

    I can’t really put my PC etc anywhere else because I live with my housemate in a flat and I’ve tried to use f.lux before but the colour changes did my head in.

    EDIT: on topic: often have trouble drifting off, but all good once I do.
  18. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    When I was in school I would sleep 6-7 hours, now that I've been home and don't have a reason to get up early since I'm not working, I can usually sleep around 7-8 hours. I do usually end up having a 20 minute power nap in the day though, not intentionally. I'll just doze off for 10-20 minutes while reading on the couch.
  19. Sketchee

    Sketchee Suddenly, looters! Hundreds of 'em!

    23 Oct 2010
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    I find an hour is plenty really for me between looking at a screen and actually going to sleep. I don't know the science but it's just the unnatural light source and way your brain handles the information. I tend to read a book most nights, not an e-reader, which seems to help me switch off.. plus reading's fun kids!
  20. Jumeira_Johnny

    Jumeira_Johnny 16032 - High plains drifter

    13 Nov 2004
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    Dachshund between my legs, Terrier above my head, Cat on my chest, Wife on my right. In bed anywhere from 7pm-10pm, up at 4am. An occasional nap, but not regularly. No caffeine after 5pm.

    Not always the best sleep, but more often better then most.

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