Game Servers - promote your own

Discussion in 'Game Server' started by Rogan, 15 Feb 2012.

  1. Rogan

    Rogan Not really a

    6 Oct 2003
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    The agreement between CPC and MPUK seems to have been dissolved, or something. I'm pretty sure MPUK would give us preferential deals on servers, but I know many players have requested a change of provider.

    Here's how I propose we take advantage of this new freedom:

    If you have a gameserver and would like to invite other like minded forumites drop me a PM and I'll officialorize it in the gameserver list.

    Everything about your server - fundraising, adminsitration, seasonal charm etc is up to you. If it later transpires that your server and inhabitants are a disgusting cesspool of rancid filth, then it will be removed from the list.

    This is how simple life could be. Let's do our best not to make a complete cockup of it.

    Disclaimer: Attempting to blag a free box in Bit-tech or CPC's name will result in me screwing about with your avatar, custom title, and sig until you cry.

    Provider offers:

    Killer Creation are offering 10% discount to bit-techers. Tell them it's for a bit-tech community server
    Last edited: 15 Feb 2012

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