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Modding advice on cutting acrylic

Discussion in 'Modding' started by PurE GaminG, 21 Jul 2012.

  1. PurE GaminG

    PurE GaminG What's a Dremel?

    24 Feb 2012
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    hi guys i need your help once again

    guys i wish to cut some mirror acrylic 1/8 =3mm , white true LED 1/8 =3mm and s-lux 8mm

    the only tools i have are jigsaw and plastic cutter i cant afford a brand saw or table saw.

    so could use the jigsaw with fine tooth blade to cut a square notch out of the acrylic and is there specially way to cut mirror acrylic.

    some pic of what to accomplish .

    this the square i was talking about:

    [​IMG][/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

    this is the acrylic cutout in the cosmos 2 case

    [​IMG][/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

    so guys how could i cut these acrylics using jigsaw like i said cant afford any other tools or if you any other cheap recommendation plz do let me know
  2. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Mirror acrylic is usually extruded, so a jigsaw will melt it. Your best bet is to file it.
  3. japala

    japala What's a Dremel?

    8 Dec 2001
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    I've found that it is better to use a blade with larger teeths rather than fine. The fine teeth one cuts slower and removes smaller pieces from the acrylic thus heating it up more -> melting. Depending on the thickness of the material there must be a sweet spot on what kind of teeth size and teeth spacing is ideal but for me almost any blade meant for wood has worked great...

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