Blogs DOTA: Back in the saddle

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 16 Oct 2012.

  1. brumgrunt

    brumgrunt What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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  2. Farfalho

    Farfalho Minimodder

    27 Nov 2009
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    Never played DOTA myself and enrolled myself to be part of the beta-test. My experience as even more newbie than you it has been good. Had lot of rage quit from my team which left me on my own against all opposing heroes. Played with a friend and his clan and were helpful giving me tips and what to see and do as a beginner.

    The tutorial, training (can't recall the exact name) let me down because I thought it was a kind of interactive in-game tutorial but only to read about the heroes and items.
    Haven't tried myself against the bots but will have to because being a support char like Lych isn't my kind of gameplay, I like to be in front swapping some punches :p

    My opinion is that DOTA 2 is a great game and lots of free time needed to evolve since almost every match is up to 40 minutes long.
  3. Salty Wagyu

    Salty Wagyu moo

    5 Jul 2010
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    Been playing it a lot since I got access a week or two ago, it definitely has a steep learning curve but enjoying it anyway. So far I've stuck with using two characters (Lich and Juggernaut), you don't want to overwhelm yourself. Still yet to figure how to use the courier effectively.

    This game does needs a ranking system of some sort though, I've been matched with some very pro players sometimes, rarely is a game ever evenly balanced. A single player tutorial wouldn't go amiss either.
  4. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    I was always under the impression that learning your way through 92 heroes and 159 items was part of the fun of the first few weeks (months?) of playing.

    I never thought you were expected to learn them all before trying to game "properly", more that you end up learning them by the time you reach a more "non-noob" level of playing.
  5. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    Balancing it out, after playing about 100 games now, I have had some truly horrible players throw the worst kind of angry hate filled abuse at me, and yes they were mostly Russian.

    Still in the minority though, most people behave,
  6. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    Tried it twice, both times told I had done something wrong and was abused, so I told them to go **** themselves, quit, and uninstalled the game. Same old ****, just like the original. Such a shame the community lets down the game, as it looks fun.
  7. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    TBH, after close to 100 games, i've still not played every hero; it's having the basic game knowledge to not play terribly.

    DOTA 2 is still in beta of course; there's still plenty of learning and tutorial stuff to be added before it gets a full release. plus, you can play Bots now (although how to do so its't clearly advertised).
  8. Aterius Gmork

    Aterius Gmork smell the ashes

    25 Sep 2007
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    This! You must have been incredibly lucky, Harry. My first few games of Dota 2 were full of abuse - and I only played against bots then. Now a few games later I have found my favorite hero, who is totally overpowered against bots. Usually I get around 50% of the total kills on my team. The abuse is even worse now, especially from players from the eastern EU.

    Sorry, but the DOTA community in general is the worst I have encountered, ever. If you feed people will insult you. If you get kills people will call you a kill stealer. If you support people will call you useless. It's ridiculous, really.

    Either I will get a steady team on the higher levels that is only interested in playing a match or two in the evening and accept a loss, or I'll quit - just like LOL or the old DOTA.

    I really wish they wouldn't make DOTA free to play but charge $20 or so and just offer people some free costume for their favorite or most successful hero so abusive players that are banned actually lose something and will not simply create a new account. Right now it will be Team Fortress 2 all over. The influx of abusive players was incredible when the game went free to play as well.

    Oh, and everyone who is playing DOTA of you: Please do report abusive players.

    Edit: It would be really great if we could set up some kind of bit-tech meet and greet where DOTA old-timers show the ropes to the new players such as me. :D
  9. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    I would love that. If I had someone looking over my shoulder, so to speak, and guiding me on what I should or shouldn't do, I'm sure I'd enjoy it a lot more than the crap that normally goes on.
  10. DLDeadbolt

    DLDeadbolt Space Cadet

    15 Sep 2010
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    @Baz I'd say its fairly obvious...
    Right under the Find Match tab is the Coop Vs bots tab
  11. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    The worst game community I ever experienced was Mech Assault on the Xbox.

    It should have been called Verbal Assault.
  12. mynamesranonymous

    mynamesranonymous What's a Dremel?

    16 Oct 2012
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    I'm fairly excited about this game's release. Some of my friends are good with DotA 1 but I'm still a pre-nOOb. I'm currently watching every guide and Purge game videos I can get.I can take a brutal verbal punishment ,come at me bro but I want to be prepared and will probably play bots and LAN for the first 6 months or so.
  13. modfx

    modfx Loft Gremlin

    11 Feb 2010
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    Really want to try this but can't stop playing League of Legends. I think I have a problem:worried:
  14. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    A comment on abusive players: don't be afraid to report. Valve have taken action against people I've reported multiple times, mainly voice and text abuse. Get any team mates or even enemy players you can to report with you, it'll boost the chances of something happening. Nothing's more satisfying than launching the game the next day and seeing a notice that the player who really ruined your game last night has been punished.

    If you're ever looking to start a game and see me on Steam send a message! I'd be glad to play either matchmaking or bots and offer whatever advice comes up.
  15. Bogomip

    Bogomip ... Yo Momma

    15 Jun 2002
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    DotA 2 is fantastic - the problem is the people. You sound like you had a good few games, ive had many games where people are absolutely horrible! Its mostly the losing games people get wound up, but some games we win and people are still dicks.

    When the mentors programme is up and running and its made alot more noob friendly it will be a totally winning game.

    edit: kinghaves comment above is also one of the problems - people blame "the russians" for everything. Pretty offensive comments usually follow people speaking in russian, with crys of "omg why dont you speak english" etc.
  16. d_stilgar

    d_stilgar Old School Modder

    11 Feb 2010
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    I've been hesitant to play. First, I have to stay the whole time and I have a kid now, so that's not really an option. Second, I'm pretty bad. The learning curve is so high and I know that I don't contribute to my team. I can't lane push properly so I don't level well or gain gold. I'm too unfamiliar with the other classes, so I don't know if I should engage or run whenever I see an opponent.

    Valve has always touted itself as being able to teach players how to do something in game without overbearing or boring instructions, then testing the new knowledge, then letting them loose with it. I don't know how they are going to be able to do that with DotA. I've watched videos on classes and how to lane push. I've watched many games, but I'm having a really hard time playing without feeling bad for my team.

    Still, people were helpful and friendly and told me how to play very politely.

    Also, I've heard the genre called Action RTS, which I like better, and is also recognized by wikipedia.
  17. Whindog

    Whindog What's a Dremel?

    16 Sep 2010
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    When i got a beta key i played every hero once. This gave me a feeling for what they can do, then i watched prop replays to figure out laneing and builds.

    The learning curve is huge but well worth it.

    You can learn all the info about it and still be bad. You gotta learn how to itemise and play vs teh other heros picked, its not a stock standard thing.

    YOu get better by playing the game. Play each hero once and you will learn the heros.

    Items are harder to figure out, and then how to use activeated items effectivlly is another story all together.

    Great game but i do feel no tutorial or guide to basic functions like buying items and useing courier sets it back. I assume it will be in there b4 it goes f2p full release tho.
  18. wafflesomd

    wafflesomd What's a Dremel?

    22 Oct 2005
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    Ditch that game and head to Dota 2 man. League is like dota if they held your hand through everything and removed half the features of the game. A lot of the changes riot has been making to League come straight from dota, things that should have been in the game in the first place.

    Also all the heroes are free all the time and theres a limit of one of each hero per match. No more laning against yourself.

    Would you do this in any other game? You can mute anyone.

    Community is fine, just get some friends to play with to start premades.
    Last edited: 18 Oct 2012
  19. wiggles

    wiggles Minimodder

    9 Jun 2010
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    1) If you are playing with humans before playing vs bots in coops you are lowering your chance of enjoyment, and your team's.

    2)My main gripe with this game is that most games are effectively over by 30 mins and the game will still go on for another 20-30 mins
  20. wafflesomd

    wafflesomd What's a Dremel?

    22 Oct 2005
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    That goes away when you start getting into higher level games where both teams are competent. I think league is pretty bad about this compared to others. In dota, its common for a 30-10 match to turn around if the team play smart.

    They have stated that there will be a tutorial on release. It really needs one.
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