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LOL Birthday fun and such

Discussion in 'General' started by Malvolio, 8 Nov 2008.

  1. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Alright, so my b-day is tomorrow (though it may very well be "today" by the time most of you will read this, I'm sure), and as always I know my family/friends will forget about it (or just not care), so I need something to do on this arbitrary celebratory day.

    What I usually do on my b-day (because I always have to work it) is wait until the end of the day, and just "happen" to mention it to all of my co-workers, one at a time, making them feel bad/sorry for not knowing, and only finding out at the very last second of the work-day. But that generally ends up being kind of depressing (which may not be suitable as I've been rather depressed since dumping my GF about two months ago, and moving to a different part of the city, living with sister, throwing most of my stuff away due to certain circumstances stemming from the breakup).

    As such, I've no idea what to do for fun/laughs. Hate bars/pubs/clubs/parties and the such, and honestly don't really have any social friends that I could "hang" with.

    Cutting right to the chase, my question: what is something fun to do by yourself on your birthday that doesn't involve copious amounts of alcohol?
    cpemma likes this.
  2. DaveVader

    DaveVader Fast Action Response Team

    10 Aug 2007
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    I suppose it's different for everyone, what do you enjoy doing that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside?! Whatever it is, do that all night, or go out and treat yourself to something, you don't have to spend loads of money. The possibilities are endless.

    Happy birthday mate.
  3. Smilodon

    Smilodon The Antagonist

    25 Mar 2003
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    Get some snacks and a bunch of movies. Watch movies to you fall asleep.
  4. <A88>

    <A88> Trust the Computer

    10 Jan 2004
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    It was my mate's birthday yesterday (and mine today) so we had a cheese and wine party with a few friends. I'm not doing much today as we got all the funs out of the way last night, although I will be going to see the Reading game in a sec in the press box. Have a good one though :thumb:
  5. RinSewand

    RinSewand What's a Dremel?

    11 Sep 2006
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    All my friends managed to be busy for my 21st (not sure how that happened tbh...) so i went out for a meal with my mum and sister which was really nice, n then in the evening went to the local park and took some photographs. Find something that gives you pleasure, and do that. My 21st wasn't what I'd planned, but it's still a nice memory.

    Also - people do forget things, family have no excuse, but co-workers do need reminding, perhaps mention it to them at the start of the day and ask if a group wants to go to the cinemas or something later in the week for it?

  6. freedom810

    freedom810 Minimodder

    3 Dec 2007
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    I'd have a gaming fest, pick your favrite games and just play through them all night until you feel you cant carry on. You could also put some movies in there!
    That would be my perfect birthday actually....
  7. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Movies (or games), beer, and a sicky for work the next day, should that be required.
  8. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Least I'm honest...
  9. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    Yeah, I suppose that's an option.

    Can't offer much advice though, I'm the same way really - I don't drink, don't do the clubbing/partying thing and don't really know anyone in the area that I'd hang out with since I had to move down here.

    Take Mankz's approach and have a **** :p
  10. Angleus

    Angleus What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2007
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    I really think you should just tell you co-workers as early as possible in the day, everyone will feel better from it
  11. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    @RinSewand: invite co-workers out for a movie or drinking? Nah, would ruin the working relationship in my opinion. Keep it sanitary, and professional. Plus they're all boring, and think that the only way one can celebrate anything is with alcohol.

    Almost went the entire way through the work-day without letting on that it was my day of birth-celebration, but then my father phoned to say that he bought a new cat, and tagged on "oh, and have a happy birthday or something" just before hanging up. This absolutely amazed me, as it's the first time since my mother and him broke up that he's decided to call me on this day (so, give or take 20-odd years). After which, I was so shocked that I mentioned it, and everybody was really surprised, and sympathetic, right up until another employee walked up and started talking about a fish. After that it was just sort of forgotten. Oh well, not like I was expecting anything anyway!

    Thinking I'm just going to order a pizza and play world tour with the volume cranked to max all night long (have the house to myself after-all, might as well use it).

    And spec, heroin sounds like fun, but I'm more of a methamphetamine type of guy ;)
  12. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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  13. Gremlin

    Gremlin What's a Dremel?

    31 Aug 2008
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    hahaha its only a laugh after you get through the torture of the first few pics

    but i agree read the comments and it will have you in tears laughing!

    btw happy birthday mate, im anti birthday myself i spent my 18th all those years ago in bed sleeping all day and its become a tradition for me, sleep all day and tell the world to **** off ;)
  14. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    Holy **** she's uglyyyy.
  15. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    That girl is really copping it hard, she really needs to learn how to put make up on to work with her eyes and also needs to learn how to smile, which would make alot of difference. I bet a good glamour photography studio would make her look hot, just as is the case with most people.
  16. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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  17. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    OH MY GOD she is ugly...

    Well to be fair, only her face is ugly. But its so ugly, it made me spit my coffee onto the keyboard... damn you mvagusta...

    Is there a way we could cut her head off and replace it with someone a bit sexier... someone freakier... a Belgian perhaps.

    Let the relixing commence!
  18. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Guys! Be a bit kinder. That is my mum you're talking about :(
  19. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Happy birthday, I may be late on this one, but I always get a kick out of saying it's my birthday to one person, and when they are like "OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and everyone hears, they all rush to me and say "I didn't know, HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and "Why didn't you tell us"... Usually spend the day with the family, mom cooks my favourite dinner, dad comes home from work on his lunch break late at night to have cake with the family, then end up just hanging out with my family, playing video games with my brothers, talking to friends online, and deleting pointless e-mails from facebook saying so-and-so has written on your wall, because you already know what they are saying...

    Do something that makes you happy, do something you regularly do when your bored, say watch a movie, but maybe throw in some junk food / snacks to make it tastier... Kick back, relax, and just enjoy yourself, forget about all your worries for a few hours, and just take it easy.

    As for that link mvagusta, woulda been better if you never shared.
    Malfoleo, I like how you fixed someone elses comment, got a chuckle out of it.

    She should definitely consider a paper bag, and that integra doesn't look very special to me, though I wonder what's under the hood.
  20. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Happy (belated) birthday.
    In the last couple of years (since i turned 21 once upon...), i've been keeping to myself on bdays... i normally find one (maybe 2) people to "hang" with (that would then include my brother, whom i stay with), go have dinner, talk **** in the evening, and generally do what i like how i like it... But then, i've been known to be able to sit there by myself doing absolutely nothing and being content with it.
    Last year on my birthday, i ordered myself some paintball gear, which arrived on my birthday, so i went out for lunch to pick the stuff up and played a game or two with the field owner... hey...new gear needs to be tested.
    Came back late for a meeting, told them "sorry - it's my birthday, and i had lunch plans..." - cue them forgiving my belated arrival and feeling bad about not knowing...
    Then i dodged home early, got my (still feeling bad) colleagues to cover for me...

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